The angels in the chamber guarding the Ark of The Covenant told Ron Wyatt that the tables of stone would be shown to the world after a national Sunday law is legislated. Why does God choose this time and why would He be against a national Sunday law?

Sunday are for many people a day to the glory of God and Christ resurrection. That God may be strongly against a law like this seem therefore strange and to not make any sense. It might even seem not Christ-like.
The only ones who have warned against such a coming law are the Seventh Day Adventist church, who have claimed the enforcement of a Sunday law is what the book of Revelation call “the Mark of the Beast”. To most Christians, the mark of the beast is a computer chip or something related.
God choosing a man, who believes the national Sunday law is the Mark of the Beast, to find the Ark and prepare the world for it to be shown, have some puzzled. Ron also told that the angels protecting the Ark confirmed this to be the last end time conflict that will cause God to show the ten commandments, and this has also caused many to take offense.
Part of the reasons the meaning is not understood and seem so far out there is because of all the false ideas that have been introduced to evangelical churches for a long time.
The idea that God’s law is no longer valid after the cross.
Spite Christ saying nothing would be done away with, that He came to represent God’s law and teaching and not His own law and teaching, and that all the apostles say that obedience to God is still a thing, many Christians reject the validity of God’s law based on the writings of Paul alone (Matt.5,17-19; Joh_5:43; Joh 8:28, John 5:30; John 7:16, Joh_15:10; Mar_10:19; Act_5:32; Mat_28:20).
Peter in one of his letters urges people to not misunderstand Paul. He warns: “And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.» (2Pe 3:15-16)
That’s right, Paul is the only writer in the Bible that the Bible itself warns us against misunderstanding. Misunderstand this one Biblical writer and we might be lead into destruction. That also means that churches, pastors and priests that misguide their congregations in regards to the writings of Paul can end up leading their congregations to destruction. That is very serious. And, according to Peter, this misinterpretation has been going on from his time. Peter explained that it was the “unlearned”, who was the new heathen believers, that didn’t have knowledge in the Scripture and the law.
Christian people all over the world continue to speak against God’s law as it were evil with what they think is support from Paul. Paul has become to them the new lawgiver, the one who has started a new religious direction free from the practices even Jesus followed.
Paul himself said who was behind the future movement that was to twist all his words: “For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them» (Act 20:29-30).
But as you might say, most people agree that God’s moral law is still valid. That’s right, they only claim it’s done away with if you mentioned the fourth commandment, the Sabbath. Evangelicals and even Catholics will accept ‘God’s law’ if they can be free to disregard the Sabbath for the sake of their own church ordained sabbath. Basically, the Sabbath is the conflict-area of the law. The one command in the ten commandments they have an issue with.
Some think God only abolished the fourth commandment. It’s logic to say that Christ, on the cross, didn’t abolish the law against stealing, witnessing falsely, worshipping other gods or even killing. Their problem is the Seventh-day Sabbath. Not a Sabbath, as they eagerly want to protect Sunday as a sabbath seeing the need for having a day set aside for worship and rest, just not the Biblical Sabbath. The movements wanting to legalize Sunday-sabbath, by their actions and arguments, they show that they agree with the need of the fourth commandment. They understand the point of it, they even want it as law just like God placed it in His law. Their action speaks against the idea that God would regard a sabbath as no longer important along with the other commandments. Yet they refuse to keep the commandment and sabbath God ordained. They will only keep the one the church ordained. The logic against God’s fourth commandment sabbath is therefore strange, to say the least. So why is a sabbath important, but not the Sabbath of the Bible?
To many Christians, the biblical Sabbath represents legalism, the old covenant, and many even seem to think we hurt Christ if we observe this commandment. Preachers have over and over again imprinted this message to their followers, that the Sabbath commandment is competition to being saved by faith. That we reject salvation through faith, and reject Christ, by keeping it. The result is that many feel they betray Christ if they try to keep the Biblical Sabbath over the Sunday-sabbath ordained by the church. They picture Christ turning their back on them in disappointment. That breaking the fourth commandment even makes Jesus happy. The biblical Sabbath and Jesus have become enemies. Where did they get this strange idea and thoughts? That the law made flesh, yes the sabbath made flesh, is against Himself? The idea that we reject faith by keeping the biblical sabbath comes from preachers who are using the writings of Paul as support. That is how they interpret him, they think he supports this view.
The strange thing then is that Paul himself both taught Jews and heathens on the Sabbath and not one single place does he speak against the Sabbath commandment. Peter explained: “they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.” What is to be unlearned? In worldly wisdom? Paul says: “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.” Jesus says there is no spiritual truth found in worldly wisdom: “the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive” (1.Cor.3,19; Joh.14,17) The unlearned Peter talks of is those unlearned in the law of God and of the prophets. They don’t know the difference between the ritual laws and the moral laws, they don’t understand the meaning of the laws. The prophet, even to the last one, warned that whosoever came and didn’t speak in harmony with the law was a deceiver and not sent by God (Mal_2:7). If Jesus abolished the law, if Paul really meant God’s moral law and Sabbath was done away with, then they were both what the law and the prophets warned against as deceivers. And because of this teaching by so many Christians, Jews view Christianity as a deception just like they have been taught by their prophets. What they don’t know is that this teaching against God’s law doesn’t come from the words of Christ, but by twisting the words of Paul.
Some say the Sabbath was only meant for the Jews. John the Baptist said God could create Jews from stones, Jesus said we are a descendant of whom we obey, and Paul said that the real Jew is he who has the law in his heart (Matt 3:9, Joh 8:39, Rom 2:28-29). Paul also said: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye
Not just Christians have separated the fourth-commandment sabbath from Christians, but Jews have as well. They claim only Jews should keep the biblical Sabbath. If you are pagan and a convert to Judaism you have to keep the Sabbath. But if you believe in Jesus, you are not allowed. Even they confess it’s not about if you have a heathen background, it’s about you accepting Judaism without Christ. Keep Christ and you don’t get to keep Sabbath. So many Christians and Jews alike claim the Sabbath and Christ does not belong together. An absurd view for a true Bible believer who believes Christ was the law manifested, meaning He was also the sabbath manifested. Jesus is the Sabbath made flesh (Joh 1:14)
So why are people so determined to attack the Sabbath and separate it from Christ? What is going on?
The resistance against the ten commandments is mostly directed at one single commandment, the Sabbath commandment. The Christians have made their own Sabbath commandment in honor of Christ, the Sunday, in its place. The biblical Sabbath is often used as a shopping day, everything that the command forbids. It’s used as a preparation day for the Sunday-sabbath. Even a cleaning day. God’s Sabbath commandment has become the servant of the Sunday-sabbath law. But shouldn’t God just be satisfied that man keep one day as Sabbath? So they didn’t pick the day He sanctified at creation and wrote with His own finger on the tables of stone, the one Christ Himself sanctified when He was here on earth, shouldn’t God just accept that His people on earth just thought another day would be more fit? Does it really matter? Can’t God just agree to change it to the Sabbath man have ordained instead? Why pick a fight with His followers on earth over a sabbath day? Why does God say: “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips (Psa_89:34 ) ?” Why does Jesus claim not “one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law”? Isn’t God being a bit difficult, can’t He meet mankind in the middle?
We who live here on earth, why can’t we have a say in what the Sabbath should be, wasn’t the Sabbath made for our sake?
But the question can be reversed. Why, when we see the need of a sabbath, can’t we just pick the one God ordained, the one God sanctified. The one God says is a sign of His relationship with us? Why can’t we just let Him have His Sabbath? Why do we feel the need to change God’s law, transfer the holiness from one day to another if God is not glorified by it? Is not God perfect? Is not His law perfect? Is the law only perfect if man’s hand get to write the fourth commandment with their own finger? Do we not trust God knows what is best? The bottom line is this, if we can change or abolish one single of God’s commandments, we place ourselves above God. That is right, the act is to elevate ourselves above the lawgiver. The one who makes and maintain the law is the one in authority. If we can dismiss or change a law we ultimately have placed ourselves above God in authority. The angel speaking to the prophet Daniel confirms this: “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws” (Dan.7,25) Now this was the devil’s agenda from the very beginning: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north” (Isa 14:12-13)
God’s throne consisted of His law, the law is the foundation of His throne. And in that law is the Sabbath commandment, part of the foundation of God’s throne and authority. Lucifer convinced Eve that she could eat from the tree God forbade and become her own god. He was a liar. Today he tells this lie with the help of Christian preachers, that God doesn’t mind if you set His command to the side for the sake of your own. But anyone who does is rocking the foundation of God’s throne on heaven and on earth. The change of the Sabbath is considered a rebellion against God’s throne in the courts of heaven. A rebellion against the law-giver, the supreme judge, the life-giver, the creator Himself. The Father that Christ sought to do the will of. Lucifer has given his traits to Jesus Christ and made Him a rebel against God’s law in the sense that He has convinced Christians that Jesus abolished God’s law. That because of Christ merits, you are free to break God’s laws or change them or even make your own. You have become your own god, your own lawgiver. This is the gospel of lawlessness that Paul and everyone warned against.
This is part of why the Sabbath-Sunday question has become the core of the conflict.
You see the Bible tells us God will only accept a repentant sinner, someone who agrees and confesses to having sinned. Who are sorry for having opposed God’s laws and by it sinned (1Jn.3:4). They are the ones who will take part in Christ atonement. The one who is still in opposition towards God and His laws will not have a part in the blood. The gospel that you will be saved by Christ sacrificed without acknowledging that the breaking of God’s law is sin, is a false and deceptive gospel.
Every sacrifice that was made had to be taken in front of the tabernacle and the throne with God’s law in order to be accepted as an atoning sacrifice (Leviticus chapters 1 to 4). This was because part of the sacrifice was to acknowledge the authority in God’s law. If the sacrifice was not brought before the law, it says the sacrifice will not save that person (Lev.17,1-9). Anyone asking for Christ atonement to be implemented to them who does not acknowledge the law, that doesn’t come before God’s throne containing the law repentant will have to bear their own sin. How great the deception that the devil has placed inside the churches. Millions think they have a part in the blood and worship God while still carrying their own sins. It’s the ultimate deception, a false sense of security.
Most Christians are in opposition to God’s law, they are not repentant. They refuse to acknowledge that they have sinned when broken the fourth commandment. Go try, tell an evangelical or protestant or even Catholic that they have sinned when breaking God’s original Sabbath, they will argue against. They agree all the other nine or eight is a sin, but they refuse that their breaking of the fourth, or having changed the fourth to Sunday, is a sin.
And so Christians might be in a huge dilemma. They might not get part in the atoning blood, because they refuse to acknowledge they have sinned against God.
Paul always added a confirmation that the law is valid to his speeches to make sure his meaning was not misunderstood: “But we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully” (1Ti_1:8)
“Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.” (Rom.7:12).
“Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law” (Rom.3,31)
“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (Rom 6:1-2)
So to many Paul seem to say two contradicting things. But this is only by the help of Satans workers who have twisted his words. Pauls teaching is extremely important for the believer if understood in the right context. Paul never spoke against God’s law, if he did he would have been in conflict with both the prophets and Jesus and therefore a deceiver we ought not to listen to. Paul was a preacher, a man, he didn’t have the mandate to change God’s law or declare it abolished. No man has been given that authority, and if he did he would have placed himself over God. Paul was addressing multiple problems the early church faced. We will look at three of them.
- The ritual laws continued in the Temple, could this still offer atonement? Should they take part? None of the moral laws, including the fourth commandment, was tied to sacrificial laws. In fact, Sabbath was instituted and made holy for the planet before there even was any sin (Gen.2,2-3). Sabbath wasn’t given as an atonement for sin. Paul was talking about the sacrificial laws that many clung to thinking it could bring them salvation, the sacrifice of animals. And although the action of sacrificing had been physical, it was now replaced with the faith in Christ sacrifice. In these instances, Paul never meant God’s moral law and the foundation of His throne was the problem. It was the sacrificial laws that were abolished by Christ sacrifice.
The moral law revealed what sin was. The sacrificial laws gave the remedy.
And so when Christ sacrificed Himself He gave the ultimate redemption. The law that was competing with Christ sacrifice was the sacrificial law, while the moral law was to lead people to Christ. - Paul also made the points that we cannot atone past sins by doing good deeds. Many people still think that way today. That if we outweigh the bad things we do with many good things, we have ourselves atoned for our bad deeds. Paul speaks greatly against such an idea. Every sin that we have committed is written in the books of heaven, and nothing we can do that is good, can
blot away what we did that was bad. If it could, God would have provided man with an excuse to sin. We cannot kill one man and save another life and think we havenulled out our transgression. Many Jews and heathens did think this way in the time of Paul and even up until our own time. We feel guilty over things we have done but feel better if we do something good. This is another false sense of security. Paul made the argument that this philosophy was a sham and that the only thing that could blot out our past transgressions, no matter how good we now had become, was the blood sacrifice, the blood of Christ.
This included the ten commandments. We could not wipe away our past transgressions to this law by now keeping it. The only thing that comes out of keeping it was that we didn’t add sins to that book. But it couldn’t wipe away what was already in there. Only the blood of Christ could. This was Pauls point and argument, not that the law was done away with because God felt us trying to do what is right and obey Him was a rejection of Christ. What a strange assumption by those twisting Pauls words. But many are taught to read the bible that way and they only see in the text what they have been told to read into it. - Another point Paul was making in his letter was that even if we wanted to stop sinning and keep God’s moral law, why did we still fail over and over again? Every time we failed we came “under the law” again.
Yes, those unlearned who have twisted Pauls words claim being under the law is the horrible act of obeying God’s commandments. But Paul is saying being under the law means to be condemned by it because WE HAVE TRANSGRESSED IT. That means you are under the law when you break it not when you keep it. The devil has been so clever in changing the meaning to the opposite of its meaning. We are free from the law when we have given our sins to Christ and He has taken them upon the cross for our sake. But if we go back to our sinful ways, we become under the law again.
Now, this should not be hard to understand. If the logic of many evangelicals is right then the moment we turn to Christ we are now free to continue and sin as much as we want. For those who are in Christ cannot be condemned?
So I turned to Christ today and witness falsely tomorrow I’m still free right? No, I have to again go to Christ with my sin to be free. Many evangelicals think Paul is saying the opposite of what he is actually saying. Paul says that once Christ has freed us from our sins, we cannot go back and continue sinning without again coming in conflict with the law aka ‘under the law’. The Jews were under the law because they would not accept Christ, they had no atonement, the law witnessed against them. The Jews were under the law because they were lawbreakers without atonement as the sacrificial system no longer could provide them with atonement.
Paul argues that if we stay in Christ, in His spirit, we can live as He lived. We can be free and not continue to end up ‘under the law’. But to many, the idea of gaining victory over sin in our lives seemed impossible. If you had an abusive husband who kept beating you and asking for forgiveness, would you not eventually claim he had to stop the abuse in order for you to stay?
Even earthly judges don’t acquit people of crimes because they felt their bodies forced them to sin? Can a father who has raped his child claim his flesh is weak and therefore he should continue the abuse? Of course not. We humans except that when we do bad things we have to stop. We except no cause of “weakness” or “bodily dysfunctions” as a right to continue to abuse others. God demands the same. He demands that we change. Jesus came as our example to take away any excuse we might think we have for sinning. There is no excuse or “free-card” to sin in the Bible. So how does the repentant sinner, after giving his sin to Christ, stop doing his evil deeds?
How do we gain victory over the sin in our lives? Paul said over and over again that we couldn’t continue sinning with God’s blessing even though Christ had paid the penalty for our past sins. We needed to turn from our ways. In fact, every single book in the Bible tells us that God wants us to turn from our ways, to stop sinning, to stop doing that which is wrong. Find one single book that doesn’t give that same message.
If this is impossible, for someone to go from being a lawbreaker to a law-keeper why do they all, including Jesus, ask it of us? Would God ask and demand the impossible? Am I not forced by my body weakness to witness falsely about my friend causing him to be fired? Paul discusses how to practically turn from our ways. By legalism or by crucifying ourselves and living by faith? This was an important topic for Paul who wanted to see a transformation inside the churches, he wanted to see a victorious people representing that which is good. Not a house full of Baal worshippers, fornicators, liars and such.
I think most people understand that we cannot conquer sin in our lives if we are focused on our failures if we think we can do it in our own strength or when we struggle with disbelief. Faith was the key to victory. Faith in God’s love for us, faith in what He did for us. By beholding Christ and His sacrifice we would be healed from temptations. But trying to conquer sin by our own strength or relying on our own righteousness, would only lead us to fall again and again. To not have confidence in self but in Christ. This was the key to success and to not end up under the law again.
While if we gain victory over our sins by faith, by staying in Christ, we would not be ’under the law’ because we would no longer be condemned by it.
The miracle Paul describes in referring to God’s promise to those who would enter into a covenant with him is: “I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people” (Heb.8,10)
And so these three topics were important to Paul and he addressed them over and over again in all his letter. 1) Could atonement still be obtained by the ritual services, 2) Can good deeds atone for our bad deeds, 3) and how could we avoid falling in sin and by it again coming under its curse after Christ had freed us from our debts?
These valuable and incredible teachings were twisted. The devil’s workers claimed and infiltrated the early church and they started believing that Paul was trying to say we no longer needed to keep God’s law, further than that, that keeping God’s law was a rejection of Christ. That even keeping God’s law was evil. Only the serpent in the tree could make breaking God’s law seem like a good thing that would bring blessings.
Only the sacrificial rituals and the acceptance of an earthly high priest were a rejection of Christ, who is our only atonement and high priest working in the only temple of God, the tabernacle in heaven (Heb.8 & Revelation). God’s moral law was not the problem. The problem is and always was us rebelling against God’s authority.
It’s our sins, our breaking of the law, that is bad. Not the law. The law is the definition of righteousness.
Peter had said that those who twisted Pauls words were unlearned. They twist it to their own destruction, they twist Pauls meaning to speak against obedience to God’s law. What happens when we receive wisdom from God? “Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart” (Psa 119:34). That is the difference from being unlearned to being learned, we go from disobedience to obedience.
The Bible tells us repeatedly that the law is good and righteous. It says Christ obeyed the law, that was His righteousness. And so if God’s law is flawed we are basically calling Christ righteousness flawed. Any attack we make on God’s law is an attack on Christ. Christ is the law manifested. If we say the law is the cause of evil, we really say Christ is the cause of evil. If we say being obedient to the law leads to perdition, we actually say obedience to Christ and His example leads to perdition.
So when the devil created a gospel saying part of the law is flawed or not for the new covenant, or that it needs to be changed or that it can be violated, he is fooling millions upon millions of Christians into a false sense of security. They are deceived and the risk is what Peter said: «unto their own destruction». According to Revelation, all the world will be judged according to God’s law. ( Rev.11,18-19; 15,5 & 8 ) To be found preaching against it, teaching against the observance of it, or to have changed parts of it, will be considered rebellion against the Creator at Christ second coming, and because there has been no repentance only defiance, Christ blood will not cover their sins. The sacrifice was not brought to the tabernacle, the blood will come upon themselves (Lev.17)
“The false prophet” mentioned in Revelation that works together with the beast and the devil himself is by many Christians today claimed to be Mohammed or Islam. The devil has given them a scapegoat. But it is themselves. They are the false prophet. In the Bible, a false prophet arises among God’s congregation and his message is always the same, that you have not sinned and that you need not turn from your ways. That God will protect you regardless, that Jerusalem will not fall.
The real prophet is always the one who tells them they have sinned, who tells them they have to stop sinning and turn to God or they will be lost. Go read through the bible chapter after chapter.
The Christian movement that says God will save you even though you have changed and abolished his law IS THE FALSE PROPHET. But some will say, but look at all the miracles in Christ name they performing? Isn’t it a sign they are telling the truth? “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Rev.19:20). “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.” (Rev.16,13) “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also are transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works” (2Co 11:14-15).
In the end time, Christians are their own worst enemy.
The Sunday Law
The Sunday law is in the middle of the conflict because it addresses the biggest attack those who claim to serve God has done towards God. One of the biggest crimes.
The Sabbath commandment is founded alone on the fact that God is the Creator and lawgiver. Meaning the only reason God could make the Sabbath commandment was because of His identity. When man changes this very commandment they are rebelling against God’s authority as Creator and law-maker. They are attacking the foundation of God’s throne, against His Kingship over the earth.
When other Biblical characters did this, replaced God’s command with their own while saying their own is to God’s glory, God has rejected them and their worship (1Sa_15:21-22; 1Ki 12:32-33 & 1Ki_16:19; Mat 7:22-23, Isa_1:15).
The devil knows this, that is why, not being able to keep people from being attracted to Christ, instead of turning people against the gospel, he twisted it so that mankind would think they were worshiping God while he knew God was rejecting their worship because it had rebellion in it.
God said He had created the earth and that the earth belonged to Him. And because of this, we should respect His Sabbath commandment. When the world joins together in Sunday-legislation God see this has a co-joined final rebellion against His authority. If the Creator doesn’t get to set the rules for His worship, but man set up a competing rule of worship that places man above the creator as a law-giver, He has to let people know the truth. That it’s all a lie. A lie they think is going to save them all.
Sunday is the sacrifice of Cain
Sunday-legislation is the sacrifice of Cain. It’s said to be done to God’s glory, but God has no pleasure in it. “Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. …But unto Cain and to his offering he had
The moment Sunday is legislated on a massive scale and God has revealed His law and enlightened mankind that only His law is valid worship of Him and that Sunday is an imposter-worship day, and mankind still choose their own rules of worship, they have received the Mark of the Beast.
The ’beast’ represents worldly authority, the authority of man, and the mark is our actions that are in favor of the worldly authority. Man chooses the laws of man above the laws of God. To follow the authority of human governments above God’s law and government.
So why do people think it’s a chip? This is a distraction. The book of Revelation is full of symbolic language explained in the Old Testament. The mark on the hand and head is explained in the books of Moses where these two places were where God’s people were to remember the importance of keeping the law of God. The
Jesus knew of the attack against the Sabbath that He was the protector of. When the disciples asked about the end of the world Jesus mixed the story of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD with the His second coming.
“But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day» (Mat 24:20)
Yes, Jesus was speaking about the importance of keeping the Sabbath holy even 40 years after His departure. By making this statement Jesus shows that nothing has changed in regards to His sabbath’s sacredness. It was still to be held in such great regard that even in a situation where they had to flee for their lives they should pray in advance that they don’t end up fleeing on the Sabbath and thus feel forced to break it. They were to pray to not end in a situation where they had to either save their lives and break the Sabbath, or keep it holy and maybe be caught by the enemy. Jesus was smart enough to mention this about Jerusalems destruction, placing His expectation for them to continue to keep the Sabbath holy long after the apostle meeting mentioned in the book of Acts and after Pauls letter to the churches. The time for this command comes after all of these letters. In case anyone would have misunderstood up until that point, Christ cleared it up by
By mixing the two events, the destruction of Jerusalem and Christ second coming, Jesus doesn’t just remind people to respect this commandment 40 years after His resurrection but He builds a bond from 70 AD to His second coming saying the Sabbath is still to be respected and is valid until He comes back. Jesus, once again, defends the Sabbath.
,When Jesus spoke of the destruction of Jerusalem He said one thing was a sign to His people to flee: “When ye, therefore, shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place…”
This was Rome when they did the siege on Jerusalem. What defines something as holy?
God has declared that also His Sabbath is holy (Gen 2:3, Exo.20,11). Stepping on the Sabbath is also stepping on a holy place. The Bible teaches us that nothing can become holy unless the Holy One, God Himself, consecrate it. Holiness belongs to God alone and everything that is connected to Him. Nothing can be made holy or even unholy outside of God. Man cannot make anything holy by the Biblical standard of the term. “Holy days” and other such terms are therefore a claim of God’s consecration without the consecration. Man was not allowed to think they had the power to make anything holy by their own standard. The command was therefore important: “And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean” (Lev 10:10) The difference between the creation of God and the creation of man was what separated something as holy and unholy. But God’s people failed to understand this over the course of time, leading even to God rejecting Jerusalem: “Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them” (Eze_22:26).
Yes God says He is PROFANED among His people when they hide their eyes from His
The Sabbath is according to God holy. The Sunday-sabbath is not as it was never consecrated by God but by man. The problem with the Sunday-law is that it will ultimately lead to the stepping on God’s Sabbath, on God’s holy place. The warning Jesus gives when he mixes the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world is that it is a crime to step on God’s holy places and this is a sign to God’s people to withdraw and escape from whoever does this. When the beast and the false prophet steps on God’s Sabbath, elevating their own Sunday-sabbath in its place and wants to enforce it to everyone so that everyone will feel pressured for economical reasons to do so, they are stepping on holy ground. God is profaned among them.
So why was Christ seemingly violating the Sabbath according to the Pharisees? Didn’t Jesus show indifference and even annoyance to the Sabbath commandment? This is another twisting of the events. The devil tends to give things the opposite meaning to destroy the message in it. Jesus confronted the Jewish leaders several times on the Sabbath because He was the “Lord of the Sabbath” (Matt.12,8). The legislation of Sabbath was tied to God’s authority as creator, yet these teachers of men had mixed their own laws and regulations to the commandment. That is them trodding on holy ground. God had through Moses said that they would not rightly keep God’s law if they added or removed to it (Deut.12,32). A crime they had done. And so Jesus had to confront them and show who was the real authority of the Sabbath, only He could decide how it was to be observed as the observance of it was to worship Him. The Sabbath was made «holy» by God after creation. Man, when entering

The attempt to make national Sunday laws was a movement, first by Christians, later by even labor people, to “save the planet”. Either to save it from moral corruption and/or from climate change. Many Christians generally believe that God will have pleasure and bless the world if they force mankind to observe the Sunday-sabbath. So much so, they have for years tried to get the government to legislate it, and the Pope is an eager helper and contributor. He has for a long time claimed Christians in governmental positions need to try and get church legislations into the worldly governments. Imagen if the whole world would join together in keeping a day legislated by the church representing that the pope now is law-maker on earth in Christ stead? What an honor to the church, for the church, to have their changes to God’s law legislated. Their legislation and version of law over God’s law itself? What an accomplishment. Even if people do it for the climate or other reasons, the church gets what it wants. That the world abides by the rules that are the fundaments of the papal throne.
The climate change groups are agreeing, the pope is agreeing, that Sunday being the official sabbath of the world will save the planet. How can it not? Fewer emissions, more family time, unification in finding a solution to the world’s problems. How beautiful right?
The whole movement, no matter what background they have, fails to understand that God already set a sabbath day for planet Earth at creation. And by placing Sunday in its place as the earth-sabbath is rebellion against the One who Created and sustains the planet. It’s lawlessness, the uproar against the Creator, a takeover. The Creators own law and memorial of Him is by millions exchanged for the commandments of men, no matter how well-meaning it is. Sunday will not save planet earth. And because they do this legislation in God’s name, abusing God’s name for their cause, lying about God, God will bring out the original tables of stone with the truth on it. The tables will display His real sabbath. And that if we want to repent and end our rebellion, we need to put away the Sunday-command, end the forceful legislation and choose obedience to God’s Sabbath instead.
God will let them know that this Sunday-sabbath hysteria is not going to save the planet, not going to make Him restore anything, that He has no pleasure in it, that it’s not His will, that He is not glorified by these laws and that no one will be blessed for making it. He is not blind to the disadvantage given to, and the mocking, of those who will stay true to His law. Shall those obedient to the Creator loose rights and those who step on His holy things and people flourish? God won’t have it.
The only one who is glorified by these laws is the Papacy. The Papacy was originally the church that first legislated Sunday in place of God’s Sabbath. It was their idea, they placed themselves in God’s seat and claimed the right to change God’s law as if it needed changing. And by making a national and even global Sunday legislation it’s really just honoring man and priests as lawmakers and not God. Not only that but the Papacy that stepped on God’s holy Sabbath and made their own sabbath bears all the same titles and rule from the same city as did the “abomination of desolation” that Jesus spoke of when he compared the destruction of Jerusalem with the end of the world (Matt.24,15). A power from the same city bearing the same titles. Strange coincidence? That the governmental institution that claimed the right to change God’s law, a change the whole world follows, just happens to have inherited the titles of the Caesars that was behind the destruction of God’s temple? (Rev.13,8) That just happens to have been given their seat and authority from the same power? (Rev.13,4) Jesus links the destruction of Jerusalem with the end time, and the enemy has not changed the city of reign, they are still standing on holy places. They are still robbing God’s temple. They are still sitting like God in His temple claiming to sit in His place, to speak on His behalf, to judge on His behalf, to change His laws on His behalf (2Th 2:4). They claim to sit in God’s place here on earth. Like Babylon, they have taken the cups from the temple of God and filled them up with lies and lawlessness (Dan 5:3-4; Rev 17:2)
Legislate Sunday as Sabbath to save the planet? What a huge lie. The only one who can save the planet is God. Showing the ten commandments with the real Sabbath will show the world that there is only one law we will be judged by, that determine the destiny of the planet, and that is God’s law.

The pope was given as a gift the titles from the Caesars but he stole the titles of Christ and added them to himself. He was now the claimed high priest of the church. The Pope also did the same with the Sabbath. All the blessings the Bible gives for keeping God’s Sabbath, the pope claim is transferred to keeping Sunday. He steals God’s arguments and blessings He states for those who keep His Sabbath and say people will have all of this if they keep Sunday instead. In the Pope’s Laudato Si – Climate Change Encyclical, he claims about the Sunday Sabbath that it: “heals our relationships with God, with ourselves, with others and with the world. …it also proclaims Man’s eternal rest in God …The law of weekly rest forbade work on the seventh day”. All stolen from God’s claims for His Sabbath. He is the ultimate man of sin, claiming to speak on God’s behalf while leading you to disobedience to God.
And so the papacy claims Christ titles and he claims the blessings in the Bible given to the Sabbath-keeper will be given them if they keep Sunday instead.
It’s a lie, a great deception. A robbery of God. The pope is a thief. He steals what is not his, he claims authority that is not his. And he will be judged.
The Bible clearly claims… that no priest that rejects God’s law or the authority of the law is His appointed priest. And any such priest will be judged. “that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. And there shall be, like people, like priest: and I will punish them for their ways, and reward them their doings.» (Hos.4,6 & 9) “For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts. But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law…” (Mal.2,7-8)
Jesus said the same thing.
The National Sunday laws are a thing to God because it
Creating mass worship on a Sunday-sabbath is the ultimate deception. Satan gets the world to join together in partnership against God’s Sabbath and authority all while thinking they are pleasing God while doing it. If you think you are worshipping and pleasing God you will not seek repentance.
The devil’s sin is really great, but so are those of all the priests and pastors that have helped him in presenting a gospel that says you are free to change or even break God’s laws.
The last conflict is about authority. Satan has used Sunday as sabbath as an attack against God and to fool millions of believers, and he has done so successfully for hundreds of years. But the deception has always been limited, in the end, the whole world will follow his lead.
There have been many Sunday laws up through the ages. Sunday laws are not The Mark of The Beast mentioned in Revelation until a certain point in time. Why? Because it’s a mark of authority. Only when God has presented the truth and the real law and the real Sabbath, and the world is enlightened about the two authorities and chose by their actions to obey one authority over the other, they have taken “the mark”. Satan will then as a last desperate attempt show himself as Jesus coming to say that He wants the world to keep Sunday as Sabbath and that He has really changed it. He shines with kindness, he heals and does good deeds. Will they follow a manifestation of Jesus claiming it right to break God’s law over the Bible? He will deceive multitudes. In Christ warning to the people leaving in the end times, he didn’t just warn against the enemy standing on holy ground, to pray they don’t end up breaking the Sabbath, but he also warned: “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many” (Matt.24,4-5). Jesus had to endure a similar temptation when the devil came to him in the wilderness claiming to be an angel of light sent from God with a message. Christ rejected the manifestation and used the word of God, the Bible, to expose him. (Mat.4,4) Are you able to put God’s word and His law first and reject a manifestation that appears to be Christ Himself telling you to break God’s law? The devils first cover was a serpent, his last cover is as Christ. Christ second coming is described with characteristics in Scripture that all has to be fulfilled in order for it to be the real Jesus.
This is the events tied to the real coming of Jesus.
- Everyone will see it: “For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.” (Luk.17,24)
- Jesus will come on a cloud with angels wearing a crown and a sickle: “And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle” ( Rev 14:14).
- We will come to Him, not Him to us: “Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up in the clouds together with them to meet the Lord in the air; and so we will be with the Lord forever. “ (1.Thess.4,16-17)
- The dead will rise when He comes: “For the Lord Himself, with a cry of command, with the archangel’s call and with the sound of God’s trumpet, will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first” (1.Thess.4,16-17); John 5:28-29)
- He comes at an unexpected hour (no time prophecy fulfillment) Matt.24,42-44)
- He comes in glory with ALL the holy angels, meaning probably thousands upon thousands of angels. “When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory” (Mat 25:31)
Do not be fooled by someone claiming to be Jesus who says you can freely break the fundament of His throne. If a house is in conflict with itself it cannot remain to stand, Christ once said. If Jesus is in conflict with His own law, His Fathers law, the house will not remain standing.
Why the angel said what he said to Ron Wyatt:
This the reason behind the angel telling Ron that the tables of stone will be shown after the National Sunday laws. This is why God is going to choose this point in time to show them.
The world is in a mess, human and animal life is in danger. The call it the sixth mass extinction, but in reality, it’s the second and the last. The earth is, however, struggling.
He wants to address the world with the only solution, to turn back to Him as lawgiver and savior. But if man continues to rebel and make their own laws in place of His, He will judge the world instead of saving it.
God will give His blessings if His Sabbath is respected. It was on His sabbath the priests placed fresh bread on the table of shewbread in the tabernacle. Christ is in the tabernacle in heaven doing priestly service (Lev 24:8). In the Bible, bread symbolizes His word and Christ Himself (Joh.6,35, Matt.4,4). He renews knowledge of Himself and His word to His people on His elected holy day. That is why “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass…» was given as a blessing to the church on, that is right, the sabbath day: «I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day,» (Rev.1, 1 & 10)
Some claim this is speaking of Sunday, another great lie. In the Bible there is only one day that is called «the Lord’s day» and that is the Sabbath. The book of revelation takes us through the sanctuary in heaven and Christ priestly service, the word is given in the sabbath day like the law said it would.
God sanctifies His people on the sabbath day. (Esek.20,12)
The book of Revelation was given to God’s people who respected His Sabbath day (Rev.1,1; 12,17, 14,12).
Today the book of revelation is interpreted by people who reject God’s law and Sabbath, the result is that false interpretation about the end time events is circulating all over the churches and the web.
God spirit of truth, if you want to know the truth, is given to those who respect God’s law and follow Christ: «If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will
If you want to know the real truth, expose the devil’s deception, the false prophets, God will reveal it to you as soon as you stop the rebellion against His law and Sabbath. And the truth will set you free from the devils lies and the false gospel and give you peace in Him.
Do not take any part in the legislation of the Sunday-sabbath, don’t vote for its legislators or work with them in any other ways regarding religious laws. Do not take part in the battle against God’s authority.
Choose therefore today, who your king and God is.
You have hit upon a very hot topic regarding the Spurious Sabbath (Sunday)
You say “Do not take any part in the legislation of the Sunday-sabbath don’t vote for its legislators or work with them in any other ways regarding religious laws.”
I would add that we should also oppose them to the fullest of our ability. Such as writing to “Letters to the Editor” of Newspapers, and putting in paid advertisements.
Over 1500 people, in a 3 month period alone, were charged with disobeying Sunday Laws, and, largely because of this, Sunday Laws were abolished in California. (Google- “Sunday Laws spiritual frontiers California University”)
Here in Australia the “Age”, a secular newspaper reported as follows on men being arrested and ordered to be put in the :STOCKS” for working on Sunday and showing this “Spurious Sabbath” no recognition.
MONDAY afternoon, May 7, in the year
of our Lord 1894, there flashed over the
telegraph wires of the Australian colonies
the following piece of intelligence : —
SYDNEY, Monday.
At the Parramatta police court to-day, Wm. and
Henry Firth, Seventh-day Adventists, of Kellyville,
were charged with exercising their worldly
labours on the Sabbath day. The defendants
pleaded justification, owing to their religious
convictions. They were fined under Statute 29
of the reign of Charles II., and were ordered to
forfeit the sum of 5s., levy and distress; in
default, to be set publicly in the stocks for two
hours. — Melbourne. Age, May 8, 1894.
In more recent years here in the State of Victoria, Australia we did not sit idly by, but fought Sunday Laws and won. There was very fierce opposition from the “Christian Churches” and Trade Unions. In one instance full page advertisements supporting Sunday Laws ran for a week at over $20,000 per day in the “Age newspaper. Uncledon.