First, the Jewish nation rejected their God and King, then they scattered from Jerusalem those who were faithful, and then they sought counsel from false teachers, prophets, and even a false messiah. This ended with a conflict with Rome. They thought God would save them, but He did not, and they lost, Rome took the city, destroyed the temple, and now they were dispelled from the land and scattered too. Rome named the land after their enemies, the Philistines, and the temple mount has been lost to Judaism ever since. Jesus had prophesied this when he said: «O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down” (Mat 23:37-39 & 24:1-2).
Here we learn of several turns of events. One was that Jesus would have:
1. Gathered them
2. Protected them
IF they had received him
This takes us back to many Old Testament scriptures, saying God would gather and save them if they turned to him. But Jesus says this plan became impossible because they would let him do it the right way.
He then tells them that the city will once again, with its temple, be destroyed.
Here we learn the outcome prophesied in the Book of Deuteronomy, the blessing and the curse. If they received God’s counsel, they would remain in the land and be protected, if they went their ways, they would be scattered from the land.
The first time they were scattered from the land, they were given the promise of a return and a new time of probation. A second chance.
Not all of Israel received this second chance, only a remnant. The reason God gave the remnant a second chance and not all the tribes was because only the remnant was repentant and showed an implication that they would listen to God this time around. And they made an honest attempt.
But from the vision given to Daniel, although they were allowed to rebuild the temple and the city, they would remain in part under pagan rule. And for 70 prophetic weeks, which is 490 years, this probation would last, until Christ the Messiah would come who would lead them to salvation.
But when Christ came, he had no immediate inclination to free them from Roman suppression, and instead, he told them they needed to convert their hearts and receive His sacrifice for them first.
This was not wanted, and they ended up failing the conditions for going from a suppressed nation to a free nation. Jesus did not flatter them, he explained how they were interpreting God and His law wrong and how to do it right. He was «Shiloh» that was prophesied: «The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” (Gen 49:10) The word for gather here is placed in the setting of obeying, it is a gathering in obedience.
Moses warned them against rejecting Him: «I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.” (Deu 18:18-19)
When Adam and Eve received the promise of a deliverer, they were happy and would probably have been shocked to find out that the long—desired savior would be rejected by their descendants.
Jesus said: «He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.” (Luk 11:23)
For many years, the scattered Jews who rejected Christ were mistreated by the lands they were in. Still, they managed to do their part in scattering the truth from God’s faithful. By claiming God’s culture and law were theirs and that Christians had no part in it. They have kept this view to this very day.
The land then called Palestine was taken over by first the Byzantine Empire, then various Islamic nations, then the Crusaders and the Christians, and then back to Islam. The Ottoman Empire rebuilt the walls around Jerusalem, the same that can be seen today. A minority of Jews lived in the land under the different groups who had control over it, but they never resumed their former power or were able to establish a Jewish rule that could stand.
Christians themselves had become apostates and had made all the mistakes ancient Israel did in their time. Just like the Jews had persecuted and killed the prophets sent to them, Christians had done the same to their Christian brethren. Just like Israel had received a time of probation to reform, the Christians had started their reform as well. Typically, it stagnated, and only remnants continued the reform back to the faith taught by Christ and the disciples.
The Jews had often not been treated well in the countries they were scattered in. In many Christian countries, they were even denied buying land and getting the same rights as everyone else. It is a known fact, established by history, that they were not treated well.
Still, they did not repent or receive Christ, and the bad treatment they got from Christians did not really help the matter. Christianity was so apostate itself that it was challenging to see the Jewish roots in it anymore, and the pagan practices would scare any Jew with respect for his belief.
The Jews and the Christians had in their own way sabotaged their salvation.
The Jews rejected Christ and scattered the believing Jews from the land and themselves. The result was that Christianity became paganized which caused the Jews to view what they caused to happen, as evidence that Christ was an antichrist.
The Christians sabotaged their hope of salvation by persecuting the ones who could help them find back to the foundation of Christianity. For the most part, they ruined it for each other. Roman Catholicism also made some unchristian crusades, which pressured Jews to either convert or be severely punished. All this pushed them even further away.
The Jews, who did not believe they were cut off from the Temple Mount because of their rejection of Christ and the scattering of God’s faithful, would continue to desire Jerusalem and the Mount as their salvation. God used Islam to stop them from getting their way.
There was only one way left. The Christians had to help the Jews go against Christ.
The help ended up coming from Rome, who was fighting against the protestants. Papal Rome had long-desired Jerusalem themselves, but God had kept them away too, allowing the Muslims to stand as a guard against them.
Most protestants agreed at one point that the institution of the papacy was the Antichrist and the Jesuit diversion of that understanding accomplished two things. The first was to make way for protestants to stop going against the Papacy, and the other was to help Jews return to Palestine. The latter happened by dividing the 70-week prophecy and claiming the “last week” belonged to the end times.
Some Jews have always wanted the land back, but a large party believed the Messiah had to come first and gather them.
Napoleon was part of the French Revolution, the first European State to denounce the existence of God and become atheistic. It is therefore a wonder to many that he tried to give Jerusalem back to the Jews. He had also been helping Jews in France by giving them rights there that they had long been deprived of. This was absolutely right of him. I don’t believe God approves of the discrimination and ill-treatment Jews had received in Europe. However, when Napoleon plotted to give the Jews Jerusalem, he conflicted with God. One of his proclamations read:
“Bonaparte has published a proclamation in which he invites all the Jews of Asia and Africa to gather under his flag in order to re-establish the ancient Jerusalem. He has already given arms to a great number, and their battalions threaten Aleppo.” ( Weider, Ben (1997). “Napoléon et les Juifs” (PDF). Congrès de la Société Internationale Napoléonienne, Alexandrie, Italie; 21-26 Juin 1997 (in French). Napoleonic Society. Retrieved 23 January 2011. Bonaparte, Commandant en chef des Armées de la République Française en Afrique et en Asie, aux héritiers légitimes de la Palestine)
Napoleon had no respect for the conditions God presented in the law for them to have the land, or for a God at all. When the French troops were in Palestine, and besieging the city of Acre, Napoleon had already prepared a Proclamation making Palestine an independent Jewish state. He felt confident that he could occupy Acre and in the following days he would enter Jerusalem and from Jerusalem, he would issue his proclamation: «The young army with which Providence has sent me hither, let by justice and accompanied by victory, has made Jerusalem my headquarters and will, within a few days, transfer them to Damascus, a proximity which is no longer terrifying to David’s city. Rightful heirs of Palestine! The great nation which does not trade in men and countries as did those which sold your ancestors unto all people (Joel,4,6) herewith calls on you not indeed to conquer your patrimony; nay, only to take over that which has been conquered and, with that nation’s warranty and support, to remain master of it to maintain it against all comers. Arise! Show that the former overwhelming might of your oppressors has but repressed the courage of the descendants of those heroes who alliance of brothers would have done honor even to Sparta and Rome (Maccabees 12, 15) but that the two thousand years of treatment as slaves have not succeeded in stifling it. Hasten!, Now is the moment, which may not return for thousands of years, to claim the restoration of civic rights among the 262 The Mount Of Assembly population of the universe which had been shamefully withheld from you for thousands of years, your political existence as a nation among the nations, and the unlimited natural right to worship Jehovah in accordance with your faith, publicly and most probably forever (Joel 4,20).» (Letter to the Jewish Nation from the French Commander-in-Chief Buonaparte (translated from the Original, 1799) General Headquarters, Jerusalem 1st Floreal, April 20th, 1799, in the year of 7 of the French Republic)
However, Napoleon never got to take Jerusalem and make his premade proclamation for the Jews. The Ottoman Empire came with great fury and drove them away, being fully victorious and strengthening their hold on Jerusalem and the temple mount.
Islam won once again, as they had in the past. The plan to reinstate the Jews in Jerusalem failed. Meanwhile, stronger and stronger evangelicals and protestants felt the importance of a Jewish state for Christ’s return.
The mid-1800s saw several Protestants fighting for the return of Jews. Samuel Roffey Maitland, Edward Irving, and John Nelson Darby as mentioned in a previous chapter (Daniel 9 prophecy). The British Literalists fought on and started influencing the British, which resulted in their consulate being built in Jerusalem in 1838.
The great Zionist movements within the Jewish communities in Central and Eastern Europe started. Zionism was not just a religious idea, but also a political and cultural one. No matter what kind of Judaism you practiced, it claimed to have the solution with the taking of Palestine. This resulted in Jewish migration to the Ottoman territory. Between 1897 and the establishment of the state of Israel, the Zionist movements tried everything they could to get the land back.
Theodor Herzl is recognized as the founder of this new movement. He was an Austro-Hungarian journalist, lawyer, and political activist. His view was that constant immigration would help establish the Jews in the land and help a possible takeover from the Arabs.
In 1895, he wrote a book called Der Judenstaat (The State of The Jews) which argued that Jewish people should leave Europe for Palestine. He further tried to make deals with the Ottomans and was very active on several fronts to try to make his desire happen. He helped plan the first Zionist Congress held in Switzerland to unite and open up diplomatic initiatives to get Palestine back to the Jews.
Much could be written about the growing number of Christians and Jews influencing the establishment of a Jewish state, and it resulted in many Jews immigrating to the land.
Conquering by numbers
In 1800, there were only 7,000 Jews, compared to 246,000 Muslims and 22,000 Christians. Over the years, an outnumbering technique was used to gain control over the land. (
Before 1882 there were no Jewish agricultural villages in Palestine. There were only about 24 000 Jews living in the land. The rest were Arabs (now called Palestinians) and Christians. As a result of Christian support and Jewish desire, numerous Eastern European Jews immigrated, and by 1904 the Jewish population had grown to 50,000. (The Beginnings of Modern Jewish Agriculture in Palestine: “Indigenous” versus “Imported” Ran Aaronsohn Agricultural History Vol. 69, No. 3 (Summer, 1995), pp. 438-453 (16 pages) Published By: Duke University Press
Baron Rothschild supported the Eastern European Jews in their establishment of several agricultural settlements, the purchase of land, and the cultivating of it. Some of these settlements were Metulla, Rosh Pina, Zichron Ya’acov, Mazkeret Batya, Rishon Lezion, and others. The family of Rothschild and their influence and wealth not only helped the colonization of Jewish groups to the land pre-world wars, but they also took a great part in the establishment of the State itself as well. (Agricultural Settlements in Palestine, 1882-1914, Yossi Katz, Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 50, No. 1/2 (Winter, 1988 – Spring, 1992), pp. 63-82 (20 pages) Published By: Indiana University Press, &
Sultan Abdülhamid II and the Zionists
The big problem for Jewish zionists was the Ottoman Empire and the Arabs. In 1871 the Ottomans declared 80 percent of Palestine state property. They constantly fought against Jewish immigration to the land and the establishment of a Jewish state. Abdülhamid II was one of the Ottoman’s last sultans and led out what is now called the Hamidian massacres directed at Armenians. He was there for extremely unpopular among the European nations. He was also unpopular in arab nations, as they desired independence from the Ottoman.
Theodor Herzl, the leader of the Zionist movement, saw an opportunity in this situation. He had hoped the sultan was desperate to gain support and restore his reputation. Theodor Herzl asked for an audience but was rejected, he then sent an offer to Abdülhamid II through his close friend, Polish Phillip Newlinsky, in May 1901. Here we will see how much money and influence the Jewish people had leading up to the world wars. Theodor Herzl offered to pay all of the Ottoman’s foreign debts and to help restore the sultan’s image in Europe in exchange for allowing Jewish settlements in Palestine. His answer most likely caused the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
His answer to Herzl was the following: “I won’t sell anything, not even an inch of this territory because this country does not belong to me but to all Ottomans. My people won these lands with their blood. We give what we have the way we got it in the first place.”
The Young Turks were a powerful mixed group of Turks including Albanians, Arabs, Armenians, Circassians, Greeks, Kurds, and Jews being members. They managed to dethrone Abdülhamid II and exiled him to Thessaloniki in a Jewish banker’s house there. The Young Turks allowed Jews to settle in Palestine, most likely in part because Jews helped the Young Turks seize power. On Sept. 22, 1913, Sultan Abdülhamid wrote in a letter to Shadhili Sheikh Abu’Shamat Mahmud: “I quit being caliph because of the oppression and threats by the Young Turks. This group insisted that I approve the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. I rejected this proposition. They finally offered 150 million British gold pieces. I rejected this as well and I told them: ‘I would never agree with you even if you offer not 150 million British gold but all the gold in the entire world. I served the Muslim community for more than 30 years. I did not let my forefathers down. Following my final response, they agreed on my dethronement and sent me to Thessaloniki. I pray to Allah, I did not accept to establish a new state on Palestinian lands on the Ottoman State and the Islamic community.” It is then said that Jewish groups set their eyes upon Britain and the result is seen in the Balfour Declaration. The greatest take on all this is if Sultan Abdülhamid spoke truthfully, the Jews had 150 million British gold to spend on their cause. And if he did not receive it, did someone else? Adolph Hitler and his party claim that some of the money went to England, however, there is no proof of any transactions. Still, we see a willingness to pay their way forward. The second worth noticing is Herzl showing they must have alliances in high places if they could promise to help restore the Sultan’s relations with Europe. (
World War 1
The Ottoman Empire, once grand and strong, causing the Byzantine Empire to fall, had over several years weakened greatly.
«In the war against France in 1798-1801, England and Russia assisted the sultan. In the war between Turkey and Egypt in 1838-1840, England, Russia, Austria, and Prussia intervened on behalf of Turkey. In the Crimean War in 1853-1856, England, France, and Sardinia supported the Turks. And in the late Russo-Turkish War, the great powers of Europe interfered to arrest the progress of Russia. And without the help received in all these instances, Turkey would probably have failed to maintain her position».
«August 1840, the sultan would voluntarily surrender his independence into the hands of the Christian powers, just as he had, three hundred and ninety-one years and fifteen days before, received it from the hands of the Christian emperor, Constantine XIII” (U.Smith, Daniel, and Revelation -book available here)
On May 19, 1916, representatives of Great Britain and France secretly reached an accord, known as the Sykes-Picot Agreement, by which most of the Arab lands under the rule of the Ottoman Empire were to be divided into British and French spheres of influence with the conclusion of World War I.
It had to go with the Ottoman as with everyone else relying on political help to survive. When the Ottomans were an ally of Germany during World War 1, the winning team decided to split Ottoman territory between themselves. The agreement allocated to Britain control of areas between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan, Jordan, and southern Iraq; France got control of southeastern Turkey, northern Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon; and Russia received Istanbul, the Turkish Straits, and Armenia.
Finally, Britain took control over Jerusalem. The end of the Ottomans led to the rise of the Turkish nation, which fought back to keep what is today known as the landmass of Turkey. After a while, France and England started withdrawing from all lands, giving Muslims control back over their areas as separate lands, except Palestine and Jerusalem. Which might expose the main objective.
The moment England declared war on the Ottoman in 1914, they started planning for the future of Palestine. Britain was very influenced by both Christian and Jewish Zionists. A Zionist member named Herbert Samuel addressed the War Cabinet that a trade could be made, where they would get the support of Jews if they were willing to favor the Zionist cause. The first known negotiations between the British and the Zionists were at a conference on February 7th, 1917. These lead up to the well-known Balfour Declaration. The British government wrote a letter to Lord Rothschild, the very wealthy Jewish banker, about their support for a Jewish state: “His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country”
A short time later, on December 11th, 1917, British General Edmund Allenby went to Jerusalem and took it from the Ottomans.
World War 2
Germany was very well aware of the agreements between Zionists and the British. Having lost World War 1, Germany was looking for a scapegoat, and the Jews became just that. In no other European countries had Jews had the opportunity to blossom financially and in strength as in Germany. It had been for a long time a good place for them, where they enjoyed liberties denied them elsewhere. As a result, the German Jewish population was bigger compared to other central and western European countries. The largest population was in Eastern Europe. The rights of Jews changed in the time leading up to the world wars. Hitler and his party claimed openly that the reason Germany had lost and was now suffering was because the Jews in Germany had supported and made an alliance with their enemies, west and east. It was claimed that this caused the German loss and their current miserable economic situation.

Jews were now viewed as traitors of the German state, and the hatred grew as the country was about to
enter another world war. The Jewish hatred was constantly growing, rumours, claims, and conspiracy theories flourished and they were under pressure. The situation climaxed when the Jews in 1933 launched an international boycott of trade to and from Germany, and a boycott of German products. The country, already trying to heal itself after the First World War, and economic depression was part of life, and the boycott was to many another betrayal and evidence of where their alliance was. It also affected the German citizens, and some claim it even caused many to starve. It was claimed many Jews were rich and already had control of much of the trade-in and out of Germany, and therefore the boycott was considered a proclamation of internal war. Joseph Goebbels launched a counter boycott of Jewish businesses in April of 1933 and from that time many Jewish establishments were vandalized and terrorized.

The German Jewish and Germans continued with the boycotts, and the propaganda against the Jewish treason, and finally, it developed into the Night of Broken Glass, intense Jewish persecution that started that led to the Holocaust.
Jews were still considered traitors of the German people, and Hitler convinced the people they should deport Jews from their neighborhoods and even their land. In reality, they were sent to concentration camps, many were murdered upon arrival.
The world had its battles and nations took each their sides in World War 2 and blood was spilled from east to west. The death toll of Jews rose to 6 million. Feeling unsafe in Europe after the war ended, the mass migration to what would become the State of Israel took off. Still, the Jewish farmers had already laid the groundwork for Jewish immigration, it was already planned and executed. The Jews did not get the land because of the Holocaust, but it helped convince the larger world they needed their state.
Although the Holocaust was terrible, and many Jews were innocent victims of the war, the death toll was great in many countries. Overall, 75 million people died during the war. It’s been estimated that about 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians died. The causes of death were genocide, massacres, mass bombings, disease, and starvation. In British India, as a result of the war and the distribution of food hindered, approximately 3 million Indians died. The Chinese and Russian death toll was severely high compared to other nations. Innocent Japanese civilians were killed by the USA to teach their government a lesson. Innocents were killed in large numbers right and left, all considered casualties of war. The biggest attention and still discussed repeatedly in media and films is the targeting of Jews and little attention is given to the rest of the victims. Jews were special in the sense that they were targeted because of their race and this stunned the world. For the Jews, it became an important defense to educate people about what happened and bring attention to the Jewish Holocaust to protect Jewish interests worldwide. However, in recent times and conflicts, the past is brought as an excuse for present behavior. Their trauma is repeated whenever they are questioned.

Basically during World War 2, many suffered, and many innocents were targeted, yet the death of Jews under Germany received the greatest attention. 69 million dead people and their families are forgotten. Everyone had to “pick themselves up” and keep moving forward. 34 million civilians were killed and their surviving relatives had to accept it and consider it the consequence and casualties of a war.
Zionists used the Holocaust as propaganda to further their agenda. Did they deserve Palestine after what they had been through? Most thought they did. Anyone with a heartfelt compassion. But few considered if this really was God’s will or not. Could the work have secured the Jews better treatment in the countries they were in instead?
The former Jewish return to the land of Judea after Babylon was quite different from that around the World Wars. The first time it was a peace agreement, and it was only a spiritual-minded remnant who returned. The Jews returning to Israel in the 19th century were communists, socialists, atheists as well as religious. Jews who converted to Christianity were not welcome. They had not changed their objective, their belief, and their resistance against Christ. Yet, Christians were made to believe their return was «a miracle from God». It was considered «a sign and a wonder». However, God allowing the killing of over six million Jews to make them return was hardly a divine method to «save» anyone. No Jews were massacred in Media-Persia for them to return. The first time there had been a time prophecy and God fulfilling that prophecy. After 70 years they were to return, and so it happened. This time there was no time prophecy. The miracle as many believed it to be was the result of bloodshed, religious superstition, Freemasonry, and theological ideas.
Jewish terror attacks between 1939 and 1947 preceding the State of Israel
Because of the great tension with the Islamic countries, Britain did not instantly give the Jews full control of Palestine. They were still trying to find a solution that would not bring them into a war with the Arab world. The Jews then decided to fight them off and pressure the land to be assigned to them.
This was done by terrorist acts towards the British. The two groups, Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Lohamei Herut Israel, also known as the Irgun and Lehi were behind the resistance.
Its beginning stemmed in large part from the growing conflicts between the Arabs and Jews living in the land and the claim that the British did not do their job to ensure safety.
Arabs had repeatedly targeted Jewish farming settlers and felt they were buying up their land with an economic advantage. To fight back, Jews saw the necessity of creating their own armed forces. In 1929, a great Arab riot ended up targeting and leaving over a hundred Jews dead and several hundred wounded. Almost as many Arabs died in the attack. The Jews insisted upon having a defense force, but the British claimed it would result in even more Arab violence, making the Jews feel forced to take matters into their own hands independently of British rule.
During the 1930s, there was a large increase in Jewish immigration. In 1933, 30,000 Jews immigrated and in 1934, 42,000 immigrated, and in 1935 the number rose to 62,000.
The Jewish population almost doubled between 1932 and 1936. Naturally, this led to tension with the Arab population. The Arabs wanted Palestine to be independent and were becoming more and more anti-Zionist. Another Arab rebellion emerged in April 1936 and several Jews were killed. Arab riots continued over several years, and they ended up in a guerilla war all over the country, making it hard for the Jews to live in peace.
From early on, it was clear that from the moment the British took Palestine, a war between Arabs and Jews would ensue until one of them got the power. For Jews, this meant the only way to win anything, was to greatly increase their population.
The Jews told the British at first that their groups were only to use force in self-defense.
In July 1937, The Royal Commission suggested parting the land into two different states between the Arabs and Jews, something they both refused. The Jews wanted more than 20% and the Arabs wanted a stop in migrations and Jews buying up the land. The Arab violence continued, or, their war to win the land. After 1937, the Jewish group Irgun decided to retaliate for the death of Jews. They did a counter-attack called “Black Sunday” which targeted Arabs.
The British did not permit Irguns operations and Irgun was even condemned by fellow Jews, motivating them to operate secretively.
Attacks between Arab and Jewish groups continued. Irgun also bombed an Arab market in Haifa. Irgun’s attitude is that to fight Arab terrorism, they should themselves use terrorism. This was the first time recorded that Irgun targeted random civilians. Irgun continued similar terror attacks, by exploding a bomb in the Arab market in Jerusalem. Then the Haifa marked again. Leaving many dead and wounded in all places. Jews conflicted with each other over this approach.
The British involvement in all the conflicts was limited because of their conflicts after World War 1 and the start of what led to World War 2. They might have leaned somewhat towards the Arab argument as they had long had dominion over these territories before the fall of the Ottoman and because of the risk it involved considering all the other Muslim nations surrounding Palestine. They saw a bigger and endless conflict if siding with the Jews, which is what happened at the formation of a Jewish state, which shows Britain’s arguments to not be entirely unfounded.
Numerous meetings were held to try to ease the conflict and find a solution. One such solution was to please the Arabs by limiting Jewish immigration to 10,000 per year and restricting their land purchase. The Arabs wanted a complete stop of migration and land, and so they did not agree to the agreement. It was evident since the mass immigration began that no Arab living could by birth rate compete if Jews were allowed to immigrate by the tens of thousands. Any conflict and competition for land is mostly dependent on having enough population, a battle the Arabs were about to lose completely in the aftermath of World War 2.
Jews were not happy with the British suggestion either and held large demonstrations against the Kingdom.
In a response letter, they wrote: “In the darkest hour of Jewish history that the British government proposes to deprive the Jews of their doubly cruel because it comes from the government of a great nation which has extended a helping hand to the Jews, and whose position must rest on foundations of moral authority and international good faith….The Jews will never accept the closing to them of the gates of Palestine nor let their national home be converted into a ghetto” (——-)
A campaign of civil disobedience toward Britain ensued. Irgun now began a series of attacks against the British as well as the Arabs. They targeted telephone boots, Arab markets, coffee houses, public transportation, villages, and crowded places. Leaving behind 40 dead Arabs and 98 wounded.
Irgun was now fighting for independence from Britain and forming a “Jewish sovereign State” and they considered themselves the military of that state. They claimed it was a God-given right for Jews to return to the land. In 1939, Irgun killed a British official, Ralph Cairns, the head of the police force’s criminal investigation department. This followed a raid and the taking of several Irguns leaders.
Very shortly after, England was at war with Germany, and the conflicts in then Palestine took a temporary turn. The Jews in the land sympathized with Britain in the war and therefore stopped the attacks. The terrorism began again against Britain’s rule in Palestine between 1944 and 1947.
In 1944, Irgun attacked four British police stations, and two days later they assassinated a senior British police officer of the Criminal Intelligence Department. Other terrors include the bombing of Locomotives, the killing of police, destroying 14 airplanes, and the bombing of the King David Hotel which at the time was the British headquarters. The attack at the hotel killed, in addition to the Brits, also Jews, and other nationalities. Another bomb attack was the British embassy in Rome. The attack continued on British officers and police, with gunfire, booby traps and bombs.
At one time, they kidnapped and hanged British sergeants. Placed a time bomb in a suitcase in Vienna, again targeting the British.
Another greater target was the killing of British policemen, Arab policemen, and an Arab couple by placing explosives in a barrel by the Haifa police headquarters.
In what is now called the Civil War between 1947 and 1948 the attacks continued.
Irgun men went into an Arab village, killing two women and two children, and seriously wounding 7 others. They were shooting guns, dynamiting houses, and throwing grenades.
Other attacks include the bombing of Noga cinema in Jaffa. Irgun threw a bomb from a taxi, killing both British officers and killing and wounding several Arab men.
Methods included opening fire and shooting Arab people sitting at a café and repeated bomb attacks.
If you think all this sounds familiar, it is all the same methods Palestinians later terrorized the state of Israel with. Few, however, are aware these same methods were used by Jews to get the Brits to give them full control of the land.
The attacks from the Jews were often random. In one instance, seven Arabs selling cows were killed. People shopping for food, killed. 20 Britons were killed in a club bombing.
Around 120 Arabs were killed and massacred during a battle at the village of Deir Yassin near Jerusalem. The attacks also continued toward British soldiers.
Igun performed Operation Hametz where they captured several villages around Jaffe.
The Brits were now tired of handling the “Palestine” situation and asked the newly formed United Nations to help in the conflict.
The UN was formed 25th of April 1945. The founding members were from over 50 countries. The formation of the State of Israel was never a peaceful miracle.
America’s contribution to the establishment of the modern state of Israel
Although Franklin D. Roosevelt assured the Arabs in 1945 that the US would not intervene without consulting both Arabs and Jews, it soon became clear that America was biased.
Shortly after Truman became president, he showed interest in the Palestinian issue and started negotiations with a British committee to discuss its future. In May 1946, he approved of further immigration of Jews to then Palestine and, in October, publicly showed his support for the establishment of a Jewish state. In 1947 UN suggested dividing the land between a Jewish and an Arab state, called the Partition Resolution. This was to go into effect in May 1948, taking the land off British hands, and the State of Israel was born. The US was hesitant at first, they needed the trade with Arab nations to remain and to make the change as painless as possible, yet recognized the state of Israel the same year.
The Arab nations had warned of a war, which they followed up on. After the declaration, five Arab countries attacked, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, however, Israel won. A war they would have never won if it had not been for the massive immigration and financial support over the past 20 years.
After the war, Israel controlled not only what was given to them by the UN but 60% of what had been proposed to the Arabs. Over the years and the following conflicts with Arabs, soon also called Palestinians, Jews were able to take more and more land through the conflict and settlements and immigration. Fast becoming the strongest in the Middle East and stronger than the neighboring Arab countries.
A newly founded state fighting off five established countries has been considered an intervention of God by Christians and the Jews, and a miracle showing God is blessing the state. But where did the money come from? It’s obvious that the money needed to win this battle, and the later battles, involved financial and military help.
James Rothschild informed Israel’s first prime minister David Ben-Gurion the desire to fund with 6 million pounds the building of Knesset, Israel’s legislative building. A building that was completed in 1966.
Perhaps as another rejection of Christ, the proclaimed cornerstone they rejected, a ceremony was held when the cornerstone for the Knesset building was laid where then-President Itzhak Ben Zvi, Premier David Ben Gurion, and members of the Rothschild family from England and France partook in a special ceremony. During a speech later that day, Ben-Gurion spoke warmly of the father of James, Rothschild nicknamed “Hanadiv Hayeduah” or “The noble donator” revealing the support from rich Jewish bankers to the formation of the Jewish state. It is revealed that in 1924 he established the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA), which acquired more than 125,000 acres of land and set up business ventures. (
During his speech at the gala dinner, Ben-Gurion recognized the elder Rothschild’s support of the Jewish agricultural community as a foundation that helped bring the State of Israel to life.
His son, paying for the construction of the Knesset, show also their involvement in Freemasonry, whose symbols are placed in several places on and around the Knesset building.
The Israeli flag, coincidentally, has two elements from the Rothschild family crest, the blue-white stripes and the star.
Later we know for sure, that the biggest financial support for Israel’s military equipment and supremacy comes from the United States of America. From 1951 to 2022 US aid to Israel totaled 317.9 Billion dollars. Any newly established state, with such an aid, will rise. In addition, money has come from extremely wealthy Jews and millions from Christians thinking they do God’s service.
All of this should be considered before claiming modern Israel’s success is a miracle from God. The fact is that the establishment of the state of Israel came about after a series of terror attacks targeting both officials and civil. Was God behind these terror attacks? Behind the Holocaust? Behind Rothschilds wealth? Of course not.
The book of Habakkuk says: “Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil! Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and hast sinned against thy soul. For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it. Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity! Behold, is it not of the LORD of hosts that the people shall labour in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity? For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!” (2:9-15)
Still, many choose to ignore this because when ancient Israel conquered the land, God went with them to war and helped them take the territory by bloodshed. So, is there a difference? Why does God say He stands for one thing and then does another at another time?