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Gog and Magog Part 4


Magog – The provoker in the end times

See all the parts to find out who Gog and Magog is:
Part 1: Why is God targeting the sons of Japhet?
Part 2:Human development after the flood – and its relevance today.
Part 3: When The World Was DividedIdentifying Magog!
Part 4: Magog – The provoker in the end times
Extra: Explaining haplogroups

Why has God waited to judge Magog?
The descendants of Japhet received in large part the gospel and became claimed followers of Christ. It is also from the lands of Japhet missionaries sent all over the world: “And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles” (Isa.66:19) Upon receiving the gospel they also God’s special attention. Unfortunately, where the truth prospers, the counterfeiters will feed off that. Within Japhet we therefore see God’s people and those who falsly claim to be God’s people. This was the case with the other powers represented in the statute in Daniel chapter 2. Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece, and Rome, and divided Rome, all had God’s people scattered among them. Christ gives a parable where He shows that He will not judge the area where there are both “wheat” and “tares” until the end. “But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them” (Mat 13:29). While apostate Christians have persecuted faithful Christians in Europe, it has also been the place the gospel spread after Jerusalem. This means that these lands will receive the hardest judgment because their light and opportunity have been the greatest.
First, the Catholic church falsely claimed the right to be Christ’s voice on earth, and then as protestants distanced themselves from her, they too started persecuting each other.
In Revelation 12 we see the Roman beast persecuting the woman “the true church”, but God also makes way for a new land where God’s people could practice their faith and spread the gospel in peace: “And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” Rev 12:15-16
America became an escape for Christian pilgrims and for a long time, the country fought for everyone’s right to practice their faith in peace. This made America the perfect place for God’s people to share the gospel with the world.

America – Japhets “enlarged” lands?

Noah prophesied: “God shall enlarge Japheth…” (Gen.9:27). When all lands appeared to be settled, Europeans moved to land in large part empty, the American continent. Although native Americans have not always been treated right, it should be noted that it appears God sent the Europeans (tribes of Japhet) to the land. Europe was about to become severely overpopulated. Population growth rocketed especially between 1700 and 1900.

King of Kings moved part of Japhet to their distant brethren in America right when the population would exponentially increase.

God moving part of Europe’s population to America seems to have reduced the dangers overpopulation could have done to Europe. America was severely underpopulated for its size at the time. When looking into the genetic paternal haplogroups, the European R gene once had a common forefather with the Q gene which most native Americans had and have.
In the book of Revelation 12, we see “the earth” rescuing the “woman/Church” from the persecution on the old Roman territory. The largely populated Europe and Near East are compared to a sea: “And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues” (Rev 17:15). The beast with the ten horns, as we have identified as the tribes of Japhet come up out of the sea: “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy” (Rev 13:1). 
The second beast in Revelation does not come out of the sea but “the earth”, the same place that once helped the woman/church. The enlarged (?) area of the tribes of Japhet: “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him” (Rev 13:11-12)
These two beasts are both the powers of Magog, Meshech, and Tubal situated on each end of the Atlantic Ocean, with a common goal and pursuit. The last end up behaving as the first. For a long time, the Roman beast with the ten European tribes was the strongest, first pagan than papal. Then, Revelation tells us that the new land will become strongest in the end, but it ends up behaving like the first beast.
How did the first beast in Revelation 13 behave? It claimed to represent God’s voice on earth and created alliances to help it with its goal of being the spiritual and physical superpower of the world. The consequence was that those God had chosen were persecuted and silenced. If all preach Christ why does it matter? Satan has presented a false gospel to the world, and the result of this false gospel is that millions will be lost thinking they are saved. The new gospel has taken the cross away from Christ the high priest and away from His Sanctuary. Once the cross is removed from the law, there is no atonement. Once the priest is removed from the temple, there is no mediator. This is the crime of Catholics, protestants, and evangelicals. They “steal” God’s truth, God’s treasures, and “God’s name” and blend them with the unholy religious ideas of man.
When Christ came to His own, they did not receive Him, they did not even like Him. (John.1) They did not recognize their Lord because they had misrepresented and misunderstood who God was. Still, they made themselves God’s messengers. The truth was not evident until the false representation of God met Christ Himself. They sang about the Shekinah glory, they praised God’s deliverance and his law, yet strongly disliked the true manifestation of all three.
In the same way, many Christian groups have high thoughts of their calling today as well. Had they met the real Christ they would have rejected Him just like the Jewish leaders did. Heaven knows this by how Christ’s true representatives are treated by them. If they reject Christ’s messengers they prove that they also would have rejected Christ if they met Him.

This is why false Christianity is a big deal. When the Jews represented God falsely and persecuted the real representation, their probation was over. The same goes with the Christian churches and nations. When they think and say they represent God to the world, God’s judgment will come as a surprise to them. For God knows those professing to represent Him would have killed Christ again if he had come among them. For He is not the Christ they wanted and had imagined.


Magog cannot be just designed for Moscow as many evangelicals eagerly do, and claiming the war of Gog and Magog is a war between Russia and modern Israel. Although Western Russia does have descendants from Magog, it is not enough to be called Magog alone. Genetics show Western Russia has mostly the same genetics as Eastern Europe. Either Western Russia together with Europe is Magog, or they are not at all. For they come from the same forefathers. They can not be Magog alone. Jews in Israel also carry Magog genes after being dispersed in Europe. This does not make them Magog either. Evangelists have long considered Russia the enemy because of communism. However, the cradle of the spread of communism, modern atheism, and socialism was Western Europe. USA, Europe, and Russia in a cold war have scared the world for a long time.

Is Magog in Armageddon?

There are two great conflicts involving Jerusalem in our day or future. One is the Armageddon and the other is the Gog and Magog conflict. This makes many think the two events are the same event.

This leads us to inspect the different times of the two conflicts, and as we will see, it is not the same event, although it appears to be the same aggressors.

Armageddon is mentioned in Revelation, during the sixth plague. This is the time when “the kings of the east” are mentioned. The kings of the east were mostly in the Bible always the tribes of Shem. Notice, however, that the kings of the east are not the instigators and aggressors in the Gog and Magog war. They are only mentioned as “kings of the east” in Armageddon. The instigators in the Armageddon conflict are the “dragon, beast, and false prophet”.

Let us examine the verses: “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon” (Rev 16:12-16). 

The US and Europe are the leading voices uniting the world under the idea that it will bring peace and safety to everyone. But are they really?

The US and Europe are the leading voices uniting the world under the idea that it will bring peace and safety to everyone. But are they really doing that, or just offering the illusion of it?

In the Bible the destruction of Jerusalem the first time is a type of the destruction of the world in the end time. In the years leading on to the events, the people were confronted by two conflicting messages. One was from the leaders and priests preaching “safety and peace”. They claimed Babylon would not take Jerusalem, that they were God’s people, and that God would save them. This appeared like a god-fearing message showing faith. But they were not telling the truth.
“They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jer 6:14)
The other voice was Jeremiah, warning them that the end was coming whether they were ready or not, and so they needed to prepare:
“Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, the prophets say unto them, Ye shall not see the sword, neither shall ye have famine; but I will give you assured peace in this place. Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.” (Jer.14:13-14)
In the days prior to Christ’s second coming we will see the same deception. The false Christian movements will claim God is with them when He is not.
The dragon, beast, and false prophet use their “mouth” which is speech, propaganda, and legislation, to get the “kings of the earth and the whole world” together in their objective, which is a war against God. Meaning, they are defying God’s rule and decisions. The Bible even says what the words of propaganda used to defend their legislations are. In both 1 Thessalonians and Revelation 16 we see the same event is described with similar keywords. Christ coming as a thief and a group of deceivers uttering propaganda only here we know what they say: “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief” (1Th 5:2-4). 


Both the Pope, the USA, and Europe have long been doing “peace work” and “peace propaganda” and convincing the world that their solution, their wars, and their religion, are the only thing to keep the world from falling apart. They use “peace” and “freedom” as an excuse while engaging in war and conflict. This peace is an illusion and will not save the world from the end, instead, it will ensure people’s eternal damnation. The West has been feeding the world with immorality, satanic culture, trafficking, and unfair trade while at the same time claiming to be the voice of either reason or the voice of God.

As a result of the gathering seen in Revelation 16, an angel is sent to “plague” this gathering, and make way for the kings of the east. Placing them in the way of their plans for the Middle East. Or the war could be imminent and God has held the kings of the east back for as long as He could.

Now as we can see from the larger setting, the plagues in Revelation 16 are plagues especially directed at the beast and its followers. Meaning the kings of the East are present in this conflict by God’s design.

In the battle of Armageddon, the big problem is “the beasts”. The beast is the Pope and Europe, the dragon is pagan Rome, now pagan Europe, and the “false prophet” is apostate Protestantism, of which the United States is the leader (protestant nations in Europe have become atheist/new pagan/spiritualism). Again we see Japhet’s children in the beast, the false prophet, and even the dragon. The three represent each three great deceptions.

The plague of the king of the east is God’s plague upon them. Meaning the tribes of Shem, descendants of Ishmael, Assyrians, Arameans, Semites, ancient Israel now among the King of the east, and so on. Euphrates runs through southern Turkey (Kurdish, Semite), Syria (Assyria, Semite), and Iraq (mostly Semite). And then in Iran, we have both Semites in the south (Elam) and most likely Japhet (Medai) mixed with them. But Iran is not connected to the Euphrates, the river mentioned in the sixth plague.

The “bad guys” in Armageddon are similar to the “bad guys” of Gog and Magog, but the time of the Armageddon battle is right before Christ’s second coming, and His coming is in part to fight the “beast, dragon, and false prophet” and save Gods people from them as revealed in Revelation 19. They have waged war against God, and while they are held back by the kings of the east, Christ comes to “take care of them” himself:

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Rev 19:11-20) 

The main culprits of the Armageddon war are the ones leading the world into deception and defiance against God’s law. They, like Nimrod, are trying to control the world under one government while simultaneously claiming to be “saving the world”. They, like the Papacy, try to enforce a false gospel while discriminating and persecuting the true messengers of God. Many want God to be angry at China, or some other nations. To them, they are the biggest threat. However, although their crimes are great, God’s attention is first upon those who claim to speak on His behalf falsely.

The word Armageddon comes from the Hebrew Har-mo-ade’, and refers to Jerusalem and the mountain of gathering. The Mountain of Gathering again refers to God’s times and laws, as His law and throne were there and the gathering in Jerusalem took place at his feasts.
Naturally, the “beast”, “dragon” and “the false prophet” do not attempt to gather all kings and nations in Jerusalem. There would be no room or purpose.

What they most likely do instead, is make decisions regarding the area, which they get the nations to agree upon. Or it has a symbolic value and refers to the beast’s war against God’s times as mentioned before: “(And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws – Dan 7:25).
All the apostate religions are today represented in the old Jerusalem. Catholicism, Orthodox, protestant, evangelical, Jewish, and Muslim. Everyone thinks they are chosen and speak on God’s behalf and each group represents their people in Jerusalem.
In addition, the “beast, dragon, and false prophet” will gather a group called “them” there as well. “And they gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon” (Rev.16:16). 

Army of Magog? The map shows the NATO alliance between the children of Japhet in the west. They have one common army, one common goal and pursuit. USA and the Roman beast with its divisions stand together as the prophecy says but under the lead and strength of the USA.

What side is Modern Israel on?

Although explaining the battle’s core topic is better left for another time, it is important here to understand that modern Israel is in alliance with “the bad guys” of Armageddon, and not the plague (the kings of the east). This makes modern Israel subjected to the plague of the king of the east.

So what about Torgarmah? Togarmah is not just one tribe they, as all the other grandchildren of Noah, have become a multitude of tribes. The greatest strongest tradition is in Georgia and Armenia, which claim they are descendants of Togarmah. They claim Togarmah’s son was called “Caucas” and the name is the origin of the “Caucasus Mountains”. Just as the Bible said: “Togarmah of the north quarters”. Many of them of course spread into Russia, eastern Europe, and maybe also into Asia. The Caucasus region in the north and northwest is today orthodox territory. Christians once again, but mostly Orthodox Christians. How are they related to Jerusalem? The old Byzantine was the forefather of Orthodoxy.

Togarmah had its beginnings in the Caucasus Mountains and spread north from there. Togarmah was Gomer’s son.


Japhet’s children are both seen in the Armageddon War as well as the Gog and Magog War.

There is still, however, a great difference in time, a one-thousand-year difference between the two wars.

Although Ezekiel seems to many to talk about a war with modern Israel as the victim, the book of Revelation reveals a completely different matter. It places the war mentioned in Ezekiel after a thousand years from Christ’s second coming.

“And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” (Rev 20:7-9)

A gap of a thousand years is shown. The battle of Gog and Magog is said to happen at a resurrection for the lost, a final judgment “But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.  …And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works” (Rev 20:5 & 12-13)

Revelation “reveals” what is somewhat hidden in the Old Testament regarding this war. This gathering is not nations living in one time period, but people raised up from the dead. The nations and people that are judged are from different timelines. Everyone will be judged, but the main focus is on those who have attacked God’s land in one way or another, and who have persecuted God’s people.

Painting from 1904 showing “the beast” cast in the lake of fire. A beast is a political system. It is a governmental institution that is destroyed so that it can not ever come back.

At Christ’s second coming we saw the beast and the false prophet cast into the lake of eternal fire. So where do the new enemies come from? If they are raised to be judged, their main crimes are already committed in the past, and so they are not “new powers”. The Gog and Magog war is just a final provocation and confrontation. They show they are willing to repeat their former sins. They are led to Jerusalem to be judged because they have come up against Jerusalem already before.
From the book of Daniel, we learn that a beast represents a religious and political system. The false prophet too, here, is a false religious system. It is these that are cast into the lake and will not, therefore, resurrect. The political and religious system is destroyed forever, this is what that means. You can not burn a governmental institution in “hell”, this shows it means God is destroying something so that it can not ever come back. At Christ’s second coming after Armageddon, we see a judgment of the religious institutions and governments. They lose all their power.
Notice that the third instigator mentioned in the Armageddon war is not cast in the lake of fire. About the dragon, it says: “And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season” (Rev 20:2-3)

This tells us two things. The dragon is credited to be Satan’s tool to deceive the world and those who would not follow God. Secondly, that he has “deceived people” and will once more.

Revelation 20:4 explains that God is letting humans saved from Earth take part in the judgment. They will be examining God’s judgment that will be executed at the end of the thousand years.

Some claim that the state of Israel is a Jewish empire that will last throughout these thousand years, however, this is a falsehood and a lie. When Christ comes everyone is either taken with Christ to heaven or left for dead. The earth is left desolate in wait for its destruction by fire. (Isa.24) Satan can not deceive anyone, because he is left alone without people to deceive.

After a thousand years, God’s people (saved from all nations and people) will return to earth.

We then see the lost resurrected to receive their final judgment. No one is destroyed before God’s people have had a chance to go through God’s judgments prior to this event, which is why there is a gap in time.
God is wise and intends to leave no room for doubt. The sentencing of the lost does not come immediately. He let the multitudes show that their character and pursuit are unchanged.

The beast, the dragon, and the false prophet were a political system people used in their war against God before the millennium. Once Christ came, they were instantly dead and their agencies destroyed. Now the great masses of people are resurrected to receive their final sentencing after having their cases reviewed by the inhabitants of the New Jerusalem.

The scene where God’s people are surrounded, which we see taking place, is not the Jerusalem we know today. Instead, Revelation reveals that God has made Jerusalem in heaven. “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (Rev 21:2) Gods people mentioned in the Gog and Magog battle are citizens and belong to a city constructed in heaven, not on earth. The new Jerusalem is therefore not an earthly construction by an earthly nation.

The devil has again people to manipulate and he “shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them” (Rev.20:8-9)
Again, the war of Gog and Magog is not directed to Jews or the modern state of Israel, but to a city that consists of followers of Jesus, unrelated to their genetic background.

God does not sentence them at once, He waits till they compass the camp of the saints, showing the whole universe, that if the lost are not sentenced, God’s people will die in this conflict. Making the final sentencing of the lost, an act of self-defense for the saved humans. They can not co-exist. Throughout human history, the nations and people rejecting Christ have suppressed and even killed God’s people. And they are still at it now raised from the dead. The two cannot exist on earth together. God is forced to choose, and He has to choose those who follow His universal standard and Him. The sentenced can not live and exist without Him and His preservation of nature, they would self instinct, and His people can not live with the others without going extinct, because they are hated. So there is no future for both groups, only one, the one who follows God.

Are only the children of Japhet resurrected? The reference to Gog and Magog unlike the use of “beast” and “false prophet” in Revelation 16 might point to the people rather than the religious system. The deceived and deceivers individually, the nations. It says they come from every corner of the earth, from east, west, north, and south.

Either Magog, one son of Japhet, populated the whole world, or they deceived and influenced the whole world, meaning the people to be judged have followed and taken part in their sins. Magog and the land of Gog has been a leader in the world. In the Bible, people are often called by the name of their leader whether they are related or not. God’s people are called by his name, the followers of the beast have his name. Those who repeat the sin and behavior of Babylon are called of Babylon. The use of the name Magog does not mean everyone is from Gog or Magog genetically.

In Ezekiel, it said: “Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him”.

If we remember the book of Jubilee, Tubal, and Meshech were in the area now known as the Latin-speaking areas. Yet God says Magog has been their leader. Here it is revealed further that Gog and Magog are referring to the leaders from Magog: “And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” Who deceived the Latin people and led them into religious deception? None other than the Pope.

Although the beast was cast into “the lake of fire” at Christ’s second coming, the resurrection at the Gog and Magog war will also represent the resurrection of the millions of the deceived along with their deceivers throughout time. And they do come from all over the world. The Catholic church spread to Asia, America, Africa as well as Europe. They are behind the persecution of God’s people for a long time. Claiming the rights that belong to them, are theirs. They will all rise and receive their sentencing as God promised his people (Rev.6:10-11).

Among those risen are all those who, while they were in majority or in leading positions, have attacked God’s people.

First God’s people were centered in the land of Judah and Israel. Before they were scattered, those who came up against Jerusalem, the nations, came up against God’s people. Most of these nations are actually from the tribes of Japhet.

Judgment day on all those who come up against Jerusalem and God’s people, and that kept God’s people scattered. The attention is especially on Japhets descendants. Turks could be both Semite and Japhet, likely a combination of the two.

Media, Greece, Rome, and European tribes. When God’s people were scattered and vulnerable, Papal Rome attacked them wherever they were. Rome was part of “Magog”. The Crusaders and Britain were all likely also from the tribes of Magog.

Jerusalem was meant to belong to God’s faithful, to Christ’s followers who kept His law (not the papal and patriarchal orthodox who follow their own laws), and not to Jews who rejected Christ (reject God’s atonement). Nor do Muslims who reject Christ’s atonement and parts of His law. Yet God has let them protect the site from a new Jewish temple.

Every nation that has taken Jerusalem as their possession without being faithful to God has robbed God’s people of their land. Christ refused to create another kingdom here on earth while the rebellion was ongoing saying: “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence” (Joh.18:36)
Thus God’s people have no kingdom here on earth until the final judgement is over. When Christ will not have a kingdom in Jerusalem until the rebellion is dealt with, neither will He tolerate a false Messiah making a kingdom on earth in His name. Jerusalem is sought after for mostly two reasons. The enemy wants to either use it as a platform to speak on God’s behalf (to deceive) or to fight and humiliate God and His truth. Both are severe crimes.

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem” (Zec 12:9). 

Zecheriah is most likely referring to the Gog and Magog war, where all nations who have come up against Jerusalem and now do it once more, will be judged.
“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. 
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zec 12:2-3). 

Judgment against Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya

Along with all of Japhet’s tribs coming against God’s people throughout time, we see God saving judgment for some extra nations:

“Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet” (Eze 38:5)

I can only here make a suggestion from the Bible to explain the meaning.

  1. Ethiopia rarely went against God’s people alone, they usually assisted or worked with Egypt. One such example of Kushitte aggression was during the time of King Asa of Judah (2Ch 12:3). Around 911-870 a Cuhite general led the battle at Zephath. Although they did not take Jerusalem, they still battled against God’s people. They often helped Egypt’s aggression. During the reign of Rehoboam they helped the Egyptians loot God’s temple (2Ch 12:3) and speak judgment over the Kushittes on many occasions in the scripture, and it cannot be without reason: “Ye Ethiopians also, ye shall be slain by my sword” (Zep 2:12).  
  2. 2. Persia, as we know, attempted a genocide on God’s people, barely prevented by God through Queen Esther. Jews were not treated well most of the time, and we see in Daniel chapter 10, that even an archangel and Gabriel are fighting with the king of Persia to get him to do the right thing.

“Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come. But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince” (Dan.10:20-21)

Persians have also helped attack the land through different groups during the Arabic and Turkic invasions ACE.

3. The third mentioned is Libya, there is little in scripture showing them attacking either Jerusalem or God’s people in the past. It is worth noting that one of the califates taking Jerusalem after the Bible was written, reigned from ancient Libya. Although claiming descent from Fatima and Ali, their capital was in Raqqada, Mahidia, and Al-Monsuriya, all in the territory of ancient Libya. At this point in time the territory was inhabited by both Arabs and ancient Libyans.
The Fatimid Caliphate reigned between 909-973 CE and did come up against Jerusalem.
Going further back in time, to when Ezekiel recorded God’s word regarding them, Libya had the great coastal city of Carthage. The people also spread over to the Iberian Peninsula and the other great trading cities along the coast of the Mediterranean.

Map of the world in the time of, and according to Herodotus.

One of the greatest cruelty and attacks on God’s people in the past was not just by sieging Jerusalem or eying Jerusalem. In Joel, we see a judgment upon the slave trade involving God’s people:
“For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head; Because ye have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things: The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them far from their border” (Joe 3:1-5)

The ancient slave trade route was from the Phoenician (Canaanite) coastal cities in Sidon/Zidon. Among those doing the trade were the Greeks, and even the tribe of Dan. Although it is said here they were sold to the Greeks (the tribe of Japhet), the Bible tells us that the Greeks were the main instigator in buying and then displacing them and selling them to others. They were human traffickers.

“Tarshish was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of all kind of riches; with silver, iron, tin, and lead, they traded in thy fairs. Javan, Tubal, and Meshech, they were thy merchants: they traded the persons of men and vessels of brass in thy market …Dan also and Javan going to and fro occupied in thy fairs: bright iron, cassia, and calamus, were in thy market” (Eze 27:12-13 & 19). 

This refers to all the coastal cities around the Mediterranean, and that the trading of “persons of men” was part of. The prophecy of judgment could also refer to all human traffickers who did as the first traffickers. A crime punishable by death in God’s law (kidnapping and selling people).

In Ezekiel, God does not just speak against Gog and Magog, several chapters are devoted against the king and city of Tyre, one of the richest cities at that time because of trade and the human trafficking done at their harbors (Amos 1:9; Joel 4:6; Ezek 27:13).
One of these trade routes of human trafficking went through what was Libya’s coastal city Catrtheage and then Tarshish. The Libyans were also in the army of other nations coming against God’s people or Jerusalem.
It says: “The inhabitants of Zidon and Arvad were thy mariners: thy wise men, O Tyrus, that were in thee, were thy pilots. The ancients of Gebal and the wise men thereof were in thee thy calkers: all the ships of the sea with their mariners were in thee to occupy thy merchandise. Phut were in thine army, thy men of war: they hanged the shield and helmet in thee; they set forth thy comeliness” (Ezek.27:8-10) Phut is Libya, it is called both, and usually the bible says Phut, and then scholars translate it to Libya. Here we learn two things about this nation. They worked with the Zidons who did the trade routes and secondly, it says they joined their armies. They were also in the army with Egypt when they raided God’s temple (2Ch 12:3)

Further in Jeremiah we also see the Libyans join the armies of Egypt once again and are in union with both him and the Cushittes against God’s people. “Egypt riseth up like a flood, and his waters are moved like the rivers; and he saith, I will go up, and will cover the earth; I will destroy the city and the inhabitants thereof. Come up, ye horses; and rage, ye chariots; and let the mighty men come forth; the Ethiopians and the Libyans, that handle the shield; and the Lydians, that handle and bend the bow” (Jer 46:8-9)

God already destroyed the city of Tyre and even demanded that the dust of that city would not remain. Because it was the main center of human trafficking we can not do anything but cheer on God’s judgment upon that city and His future judgment upon their traders, the tribes of Japhet, and the ancient Lybians.

On the Great Judgement Day, all the bad guys attacking God’s people, whether God’s people were in the land or not at the time, will have to take their punishment in front of their victims at the Gog and Magog War. Traders and slaves will meet again.

Armageddon and Gog and Magog’s differences and similarities. Summary



UN headquarters is in the US.

In the book of Daniel the fourth kingdom, greater than the former, was Rome. Rome was divided, that is Europe, and one of its horns was Papal Rome.

The dragon was pagan Rom giving its power to the papal beast, while the rest of the empire was divided. Both represent both the Papal church but also Europe (through the horns).

The false prophet is the apostate protestant movement never reforming back to God’s authority. Especially the evangelical and protestant churches of the USA who were given the opportunity to follow God’s authority in peace and prosperity and still chose to follow church ordinances and papal holy times over God. In Europe, the former protestant nations are now mostly atheist (in line with the dragon). Together they are all now a unified military power through different organs

UN headquarters in Europe.

like NATO, and in Europe, through the EU.

They are the instigators to the gathering of nations such as the UN and its subgroups having headquarters in both the US and Europe.

Celestial Sphere erected as a memorial to US president Woodrow Wilson for starting “The League of Nations” (That became the UN) Zodiac is inspired by Babylon and Assyria.


Right before Christ comes they are involved in a war against God’s standards, they are influenced by “demons” and the doctrines of demons” and Satan “the dragon”. He uses them to further his agenda against God’s place and time of gathering. Satan uses spiritualism to speak to Christians: “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works” (2Co 11:14-15)


  1. The Kings of the east are a plague to them and their plans.
  2. God’s people because they keep exposing them as lawbreakers and apostates.
  3. They are uniting the world under their lead, and all who oppose or rebel their standard will be regarded as enemies

Jesus will come in the middle of what they are doing to stop them Himself. The kings of the east will remain in conflict with them, slow them down, till He comes to save His people. Jesus second coming is also said to come from the east: “For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matt. 24:27)


When Christ comes, the first Judgement takes place. The religious system of the beast and the false prophet is destroyed. Everyone dies at the sight of Jesus: “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: Rev For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” (Rev 6:15-17)

The wheat and the tares are separated. Christ gathers His faithful, “everyone who is found written in the book of life” and the rest perish.



Gog and Magog are the same as before. They are the ones misled by the tribes of Japhet or who are from the multitude of Japhet, or from the land of “Gog” (Europe). God’s people are at this time not a purely Jewish state but have a Jewish king (Jesus).

Most likely the event described in Zechariah 12 refers to the Gog and Magog war after 1000 years.

“ The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah” In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.” (Zec 12:7-8)

Here we see the faithful Jews (who have received Christ) have prominence in the city. The fact that they will all be protected and saved is evidence that it is a righteous city, as God could not defend Jerusalem when they did not keep his law. Thus this is the saved group. Notice that it says those saved from Judah and the house of David are given an important role, as they brought the gospel to the world, but there are also inhabitants of this Jerusalem who are not “Judah” and not allowed to “magnify themselves against Judah”. One is the cradle of Christianity, the other the harvest. The real branches and the grafted branches together. This is speaking of Christ’s Israel. He is the lion of Judah. It is therefore not a genetic Jewish city of our day with pagan-christain, and Muslim inhabitants subdued under Jewish control like it is today. This is a righteous city, saved from all groups.

Final judgment

Zechariah then says: “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” (Zec 12:9)

Again this must refer to the Gog and Magog war after the thousand years as this is the only time all nations over several generations will come up against Jerusalem together.

As we now have seen, most of those nations came from or were in alliance with the children of Japhet. From the Medes to the Greeks, to the Romans, the Crusaders, the Ottomans, the English, and even the Ashkenazi Jewish groups who reject Christ. All have come up to fight against Jerusalem. None belong there, only some from each group who have turned to God. This final event which happens before paradise is restored is described several times in the Old Testament.

First, organized religions and organizations, governments, are destroyed at Christ’s second coming. Second time people will be judged one by one. Both times their aim is Jerusalem, but the first time they are stopped by Christ’s second coming. After a thousand years, they resume, along with the others throughout time, but this time God’s people are protected and not harmed by the event, and the people instead of winning the battle, receive their sentencing.

This will be God’s final and great triumph, for after this is over, there will be no more conquests or battles. It is the final battle.

The deceptions in both wars are similar. Both have the dragon as the main deceiver.

The last battle seems to focus especially on all those who have rejected God. Atheists, agnostics, evolutionists, eastern religions, communism, socialism, and all ideologies that are at war against God. The Greeks and Romans, the medo-Persians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, and the list goes on.
In addition, all those deceived by false Christianity, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism throughout time.

It is one grand confrontation battle unlike anyone ever seen before.

Modern Israel vs Future Jerusalem

Placing the people and events in the Old and New Testament upon the modern state of Israel is damaging to the truth for multiple reasons. False prophets say Magog is just Russia and that Torgarmah is just Turkey, and the kings of the east are God’s enemies. It fits into their narrative that Islam and Russia are the main aggressors in the end time when God points toward the West as a greater danger.

Most evangelicals are no longer understanding the beast or the conflict. Thus they become the “bad guys” while thinking the real bad guys are Islam because they are not warned that they and their nations are among those God is pointing to as the leader of the calamity and the deceptions on earth in the last days.

Islamic nations have caused a lot of issues, they are not saints either and have persecuted God’s people as well. But they are nothing compared to the great deception and influence that is coming from the children of Japhet upon the world. Nor do they claim to represent Christ’s kingdom or speak on Christ’s behalf.

Modern-day Israel is not God’s sanctified people. They can not be protected without Christ’s blood and Christ’s righteousness covering them. A covering they have rejected. They are not the Israel said to be saved, to dwell in safety, while God judges those coming up against it. They are instead part of the problem of the end time.

I can wish to be the king of Spain all I want, I can take the throne and the crown, kill the current king, and start ruling. This does not make me the legitimate ruler of Spain.

Jews may take the land, and claim to be God’s people despite their apostate state, but that does not magically turn their state into God’s Kingdom. God’s Israel and the new Jerusalem can not be conquered, or claimed, every citizen entering its gates is invited by the King of that city, who is Christ.

If Jews do not accept Christ, they can not enter the gates of the city. And this is the city God speaks of in the Old Testament that will be surrounded by the nasions, but protected.

God’s Jerusalem is not a ruling of the UN or anyone else. It can not be purchased with gold or silver. And no one can enter just because they are related to Abraham “Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire” (Luk 3:8-9)

It’s not who we are born as genetically that gives residency like it is in modern Israel today. It is who is “born again” by the spirit. “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (Joh 3:3-6)

Or as Paul, from the tribe of Benjamin, said: “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God” (Rom 2:28-29). 

Jews and Magog

Jews have high honors in the New Jerusalem as we just saw. This is for the faithful though, not those who fight God’s atonement. For the Peters and the Pauls. For the Barabases and Stevens’ and all the heroes from then to now preaching God’s gospel unfalsified while honoring Gods laws. They shine like stars, metaphorically speaking. The apostle’s names are on the foundation of the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:14).
Then there is the other group who instead of accepting Christ as the lion and chief of Judah, has used all their energy to fight Him and His followers.

Placing Magog in Europe, Gog as the landmass of Europe, includes the Roman Empire. Here Jews have worked against Christ together with Rome. As they were scattered, even their seeds were mingled with the children of Japhet, with Scythians, the Germans, the Slavs, the Greeks, the Romans, the Iberians, and so on. And just like anyone else, they must rely on their hearts being in the right place. If Jews do not turn to God and quit their alliance with the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, they are among those who will be judged on the great judgment day. They will be among those surrounding the camp of the righteous, attacking the inhabitants of the new Jerusalem. They will be part of the Gog and Magog war, only the wrong side. Many Jews ignorantly read the Old Testament and think they naturally will be the ones on the inside, they trust their “flesh” will save them, and those who are not Jews by the flesh will be on the outside. This is not what the Bible teaches us.

The aggressors attacking God are attacking those who have “the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” not a specific race. (Rev.12:17; Rev.14:12) The enemies are not those attacking modern Israel, or Jews by the flesh, but those who attack God’s truth, law, and true gospel.

As long as we understand these two important points, it will be easier to understand who is who in the end conflict, genetics aside, and to know what side we should be on. Not trusting our flesh. Even if we are a Semite, does not mean we are not part of Japhet’s group. Genetics is not an issue either one way or another. What is the issue is who is telling the truth and who is lying. Who is deceived and who is not.

Satan has made Islam the scapegoat for Christians and Jews. Causing them to gather together against them, not realizing the apostate Christians themselves are the beast and the false prophet.

Satan has for a long time tried to confuse all the terms, situations, and people of the scripture. Now many do not understand who the beast is, who the false prophet is, who the real jew of God is, and who God’s people are. What Jerusalem is mentioned and when the events take place. He confuses everything so we are unaware when we are seduced to take sides with the enemy. Thinking the enemy is the hero, and the hero is the enemy.

Satan has made the Islamic countries a scapegoat, to take the attention off the West who he uses to control the world. Stirring up hatred and war, to make Muslims even more hated, so that Christians and Jews gather together against God.

It is nothing but a trick. Islam is not the beast of revelation. He is not the “666”. He is only what is holding them in part back from rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. Plans God will stop.

To this day, The Ark of the Covenant remains underground on the Muslim side of Jerusalem. It will not be given back to stand in a temple, or used as a weapon for the Jewish and evangelical plans for a Jewish earthly kingdom.

Gog and Magog Part 3


When The World Were Divided – Identifying Magog.

See all the parts to find out who Gog and Magog is:
Part 1: Why is God targeting the sons of Japhet?
Part 2:Human development after the flood – and its relevance today.
Part 3: When The World Was DividedIdentifying Magog!
Part 4: Magog – The provoker in the end times
Extra: Explaining haplogroups

Carbon dating has caused a lot of confusion because researchers have not taken into consideration how natural disasters and changes in climate and nature impact age.

To understand human migrations from the Biblical perspective, we need to disregard the messy approach of evolutionists, who have the wrong dates and events as their framework. They also place the area where all humans spread from the wrong places, like in the Asian steppes and Africa. They also place human development in phases, while humans have always lived in different phases simultaneously. 
In biblical reality, there was a flood. After this flood, volcanos started popping up all around the world, creating a particularly cold atmosphere in the north which evolutionists call the ice age but did not last for thousands of years as they claim. The ice age is fairly young and belongs to a time after the flood with a colder climate. Once the ice was settled, it stayed for some time. When it got warmer, the oceans rose somewhat, and cities that had been built around the coasts ended up underwater, as we can see in several places all over the world.

Doggerland, once connecting Europe.

One of the larger areas in the north submerged underwater is the recently discovered Doggerland, a landmass once connecting England with Northern Europe. A human-built wall is also found ten kilometers off the German northern coast in the Baltic Sea. Around the Mediterranean are ancient cities discovered underwater close to shore. For instance, the Persian Gulf was a dry-land river valley and sea level rose during the glacial meltdown. Because of cities drowning, it shows that the water levels rose sometime after Babel when people had already spread.

Before the glacier melted the Persian Gulf was a river landscape.

The point is, for many years, the tribes of Japhet did not go as far north as we are today while the glaciers were still intact. At first, after the flood, the north was what is today called Armenia, Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine, and so on.

In addition to telling us Japhet’s children settled in the north, it tells us Japhet’s sons went along the coast and to the islands as well. Japhet’s son Javan is strongly connected to what we now call Western Turkey, Northern Greece, and its islands.

The book of Jubilee claims that Noah divided the world into three parts, one for each of his three sons. Japhet went north and west. Shem East and Ham South. 
“10 And for Javan came forth the fourth portion every island and the islands which are towards the border of Lud. 11 And for Tubal there came forth the fifth portion in the midst of the tongue which approaches towards the border of the portion of Lud to the second tongue, to the region beyond the second tongue unto the third tongue. 12 And for Meshech came forth the sixth portion, all the region beyond the third tongue till it approaches the east of Gadir. 13 And for Tiras there came forth the seventh portion, four great islands in the midst of the sea, which reach to the portion of Ham [and the islands of Kamaturi came out by lot for the sons of Arpachshad as his inheritance]. 14 And thus the sons of Noah divided unto their sons in the presence of Noah their father, and he bound them all by an oath, imprecating a curse on every one that sought to seize the portion which had not fallen to him by his lot. 15 And they all said, ‘So be it; so be it ‘ for themselves and their sons forever throughout their generations till the day of judgment, on which YAHWEH ALMIGHTY shall judge them with a sword and with fire for all the unclean wickedness of their errors, wherewith they have filled the earth with transgression and uncleanness and fornication and sin.”

A rough sketch of how the land was divided between the grandchildren of Noah according to the book of Jubilee. Canaan was given what we today call North-western Africa, but refused and took the land appointed to Shems instead.

According to the book of Jubilee, Japhet’s sons ended up covering most of what we today know as Europe, Russia, and the Caucasus. From here they spread further north, east, and west. It should therefore not come as a surprise that all European languages are from the same proto-indo European language stem tree (except Turkish). That includes Latin, Armenian, Slavic, Russian, Germanic, Greek and even Iranian. Among the first in southern and western Europe were the Greeks, the Gallics, the Celts, and the Italic peoples. All of those languages come from the proto-indo European language. Then much later germanic tribes dominated in central Europe. The population of Europe happened over several immigration pulls, mostly due to war, displacement, and resources, everyone being pushed further into their lands.

Medai and Canaan did not want their lands.
The Book of Jubilee also claims that Medai came to his land and returned east. He did not like it and begged to be given a portion from Shem and a portion from Ham. Medai was at that time married to the sister of Arpachsad. It says: “And Japheth and his sons went towards the sea and dwelt in the land of their portion, and Madai saw the land of the sea and it did not please him, and he begged a (portion) from Ham and Asshur and Arpachshad, his wife’s brother, and he dwelt in the land of Media, near to his wife’s brother until this day. 36 And he called his dwelling-place, and the dwelling-place of his sons, Media, after the name of their father Madai” (Jubilees 10)
The book of Jubilee tells us Medai with a following explored the land already right after Babel, being the first in his land. How long he tarried there and if some were left behind is not known. It seems clear though that Medai came to the area while it was still very cold and the glaciers of Northern Europe were still intact. Irish traditions about a flood might give us another answer to why he begged to stay in the East with his cousins.

The land at the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean therefore was rejected by Medai and left largely to his siblings tribes. And we will investigate who went there as it is of great importance when understanding the Gog and Magog War. Traditions might confirm that it was not Medai who came and stayed.

Illustration: Medai rejected his portion in Europe and settled among Shem and Ham in what is today called Northern Iran. This might also explain why there is an Indo-European language there. He appears to also have received a portion from Ham around modern-day Chad.

It is not impossible that God has left us clues to understand the main spreading of what we today call “haplogroups” which points to mutual forefathers (and mothers). But evolutionists do with genetic mutations as they do with carbon dating. They are not considering changes when it comes to mutation rates.

Genetic paternal haplogroup trees

The longest line is by evolutionists thought to be older and therefore the forefathers of the rest, creating the “out of Africa” theory. The long line does not mean parent, but faster mutations compared to the others. Several factors are at play when it comes to mutation rates. Noah and his sons were the same paternal “haplogroup” with the most information intact and all mutations are from the same common gene, making distinguishing between the three difficult unless we use historical records and the Bible.

The first generations after Flood/Babel are those who gave us the different paternal and mitochondrial ancestry and their mutations which again can help us see who is genetically from which of Noah’s sons. The first brothers had the same genes as Noah of course and likely also their children. Living for hundreds of years, their children could also get different mutations even though they come from the same father. Because all the children of Noah’s sons had a similar Y-DNA, it also means that a son coming from one of the brothers may resemble a mutation coming from another brother. Two sons born a hundred years apart from the same father may have a larger difference in mutation. When the newest research shows mutations can happen faster in one place compared to other places, it also creates questions if the haplogroups first considered oldest, really are older. This will also, as in the study on Iceland, impact how closely related they appear. Noah and his sons can not be seen on haplogroup charts at all, as they all had the same haplogroup. The mutations are from their descendants, not them. Early haplogroups closer might be “cousins” not “brothers”, and some who appear further down the line might be brothers and not “cousins”. These considerations are often not taken when evolutionists and even some creationists investigate genetic haplogroups.

The book of Jasher and the book of Jubilee – who tells the truth if any?

The two books talk about what son of Noah went where. However, they, suspiciously, disagree on where Magog went. As we first mentioned, Satan has a motive behind confusing this topic. And so we have to ask ourselves, which one of these books tells the truth about Magog? And does ancient historical record confirm one above the other?

One book seems to agree with the false prophecies regarding Modern Israel and points toward Russia (The Book of Jasher) as Magog. The other points to the Christian nations as descendants of Magog (The Book Of Jubilee).

The book of Jasher is quoted in scripture. Both the book of Joshua and the book of Samuel give a reference to the book of Jasher. This might seem to prove its authenticity. However, the book of Jasher was lost and was not quoted by anyone in the Bible since or after. It did not resurface again until the 16-17th centuries. The book had been lost for around 2500 years and no one can tell for sure how it was found or why it suddenly resurfaced. Was it the authentic book that was found or did someone take advantage that the bible mentioned such a book and presented a false version to push an agenda?

In contrast to the Book of Jasher, the Book of Jubilee was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls and confirmed as an authentic document with deep roots. It can be questioned if the book is inspired or not, however, a historical record does not necessarily have to have a divine authorship to be truthful regarding history. The Jewish historian Josephus rejected Christ, yet did to the best of his ability record history, even mentioning Jesus. The book of Jasher was never found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The pre-first-century Jews who carefully preserved all Jewish books did not have it. It is not referred to by early Christians, in any early Christian groups, or among any ancient Jewish collections. Its reappearance is shrouded in mystery. The Book of Jasher appeared in the middle of the Reformation movement, and the Jesuit counter-reformation era. There is no way currently to affirm the authenticity of the book of Jasher now in circulation.

The case of the book of Jubilee is quite different. It was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls and among pre-first-century Jews. It was continuously quoted from after the time of Samuel, during the apostolic age, was among manuscripts preserved by early Christian groups, and so on.

Having to choose which one to trust, the Book of Jubilee is winning on all accounts. The book Jasher gives a similar explanation to Magog and Gomer as the book of Jubilee, but switches their places, placing Gomer in Western Europe and Magog in what is today known as Russia. While Jubilee places Gomer in what is today Russia and Magog in Europe.

As you can see, the change is vital when studying the Gog and Magog War. It will change the meaning of the war and what the sins of Magog are.

This change also helped the “false prophecies” pointing to Russia as the main enemy in the end times. Not just by anyone, by the same as Jubilee claims is the real Magog.

The book of Jubilee does not just place Magog in Europe, it also places the other two “bad guys” Meshech and Tubal in what is now the Latin-speaking part of Europe. The three descendants of Japhet God are especially upset with also is the Roman beast and its northern divisions (horns). And because it is “the horns” that reign in the end times, Magog is in these horns. Not only in Europe but the USA, where these tribes moved to. Leaving us with the USA and Europe as the Biblical Magog. But first, we need to see if Magog really took over Medais territory in Europe.

Are the horns on the beast Magog?

Immigration and displacement – is Magog still Magog?

Evolutionists claim Europe was inhabited over several eras by many different groups. However using the Bible, we know this happened over a short period and that people populated the area first small in number more isolated, then great in number in several immigration pulls. The many European tribes are all related as genealogy shows us, languages show us, they are just different branches. First, they interbreed somewhat at Babel, then they became isolated branches, and then they interbred again with their “neighbors”. All speak the Indo-European languages (except Hungarian, and Finnish), with similar haplogroups showing common forefathers. It seems that Magog took the land intended for Medai and spread northward and westward into Europe. History shows us that the people who immigrated to Western Europe came from the territory of Magog, who first started in the area we now know as Ukraine.

Evolutionists track immigration to the European continent. The first most likely shows Meseach, Magog, and Tubal traveling each their way. The third is a large part of Magog who first settled north of the Black Sea heading west. There might also be traces of Medai found among the first settlers in Europe.

Where do historical traditions say they come from?

Artifact from sunken Doggerland connecting north-west Europe with England and Ireland. The sinking of the land and coastal settlements might have scared people to leave the land. Was it Medai who looked at the flood as a bad omen?

A Celtic historical record called Lebor Gabala Erenn, a book of invasions of Ireland is claimed to be legends and written traditional oral history from prehistoric times. It tells us the following regarding some of the first people to come to Ireland: “Cesair (Cessair), a granddaughter of Noah, together with her father, Bíth, and her followers, are the first to reach Ireland but perish in the flood* shortly after. The next invasion was led by Partholon (possibly Greek), a descendant of the biblical Magog, son of Japhet. After overcoming the Fomor (Fomorii), a race of supernatural beings, Partholon’s tribe assumed control of the country for three centuries, until consumed by plague. Thirty years later, Nemed, another descendant of Magog arrived in Ireland. Allegedly from Scythia, a tribe to the North of Greece, he and his Nemedian tribe deforested many plains in Ireland and (like Partholon) defeated the Fomor in battle” 
The Flood here is likely to mean when the water levels rose covering Doggerland and other parts of coastal Northern Europe and not the flood in Noah’s days. The two occasions might be mixed.
The settlement is claimed to first be inhabited by Noah’s granddaughter who went there with her father “Bith”. B was in these ancient languages pronounced V, meaning “Vith” tied to Noah’s son (J)aphet. If true Japhet came to look at the land appointed to his descendants. His daughter died in the flood, but some had to have survived as descendants of Magog fought with them later. “Supernatural beings” might mean they were larger in size and strength. Who was Japhets daughter’s husband we do not know, not even if she was the daughter. As long as she was a female descendant she could have been called a daughter of Japhet. Either she was widowed, or she had a husband from another tribe.

Japhet need not have died in the flood, only escorted family there. This appears to be a sister of Magog and Medai. (The women in the beginning also lived several hundred years).
We might want to revisit the story from Jubilee where Medai traveled to Western Europe and then came back “begging” for a land in the East. This might indicate something scared him off his own land. The flood there could have been that scare, a flood according to the Lebor Gabala Erenn killed at least one tribe, and then Magog was the next tribe to arrive.
Magog traveling all the way to Ireland twice means they either went through the areas Medai was given but rejected or through their own given land north by the Baltic Sea and from there to Ireland (The book of Jubilee said Magog got the land all the way to the baltic sea). This shows that the descendants of Magog came to north-western Europe early on. It also shows that Magog’s descendants reached and inhabited Ireland over several pulls. We know who went to Ireland also went to the territory now called Britain first, as genetics also confirm. and the northern Germanic lands before that.

Irish genealogy tells us that Magog did not stay in Eastern Europe but continued to spread westward all the way to Ireland, covering most of Europe.

Another detail from the legends recorded in this book says that other descendants of Magog lived with the Scythians or were part of the Scythians. Historical records show that the Scythians also later spread inward toward western Europe. The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus says the Scythians were descendants and therefore one of the tribes of Magog. The history of Scythians shows they moved from the north of the Black Sea (Ukraine today) into Europe west and east, even to Britain.

When genealogists research Europe we see three big haplogroups in which most of the descendants are linked.
Other Irish sources like Auraicept na n-Éces, claimed to be as old as the 7th century also claim that Ireland was settled by the sons of Magog. The founder Baath mac Magog (Boath) as well as , Jobhath, and Fathochta is said to be three sons of Magog who came to Ireland. Some try to switch it and claim he is from Gomer and even Javan, showing just what a spiritual battle this is. But there are more legends and stories that confirm Magogs presence in Western Europe. The Irish legends also claim the following of Magog’s descendants Fenius Farsaid, Partholón, Nemed, the Fir Bolg, the Tuatha de Danann, and the Milesians are among Magog’s descendants. Of those surviving disasters after Nemed they split up and are said to have “one group flees “into the north of the world”, one group flees to Britain, and another group flees to Greece”.

Scotland is also by several historians claimed to be a descendant of the Scythians:
“Scot (is) the same as Scythian in etymology; the root of both is Sct. The Greeks had no c, and would change t into th making the root skth, and by adding a phonetic vowel we get Skuthai (Scythians), and Skodiai (Skoths)” (Brewer E.C., enl. ed., 1894. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, p. 1112) Brewer further explains that both the welsh and the Saxons each changed letters leaving us with the word “Scots” (ibid).
Remember many modern historians follow the evolution-theory timeline. We know that the Scythians came later into Europe, but from the Bible, we are told the first scattering of Magog into their lands happened after Babel. We will look at why.

God may give a hint that Magog doesn’t just stay in the inland territory of Europe, but rather takes over also the coastal areas: “And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they

Irish chronicles say they are descendants of Magog sons.

shall know that I am the LORD” (Eze 39:6) The most likely reason God is angry with those “in the isles” is its relation to trade. Even Revelation chapter 18 is mostly a judgment upon the men behind worldwide trade. The coast has always been desirable to settle.
Baath mac Magog is described as being from Scythia, and the Goths, or the Gaedil, showing a link between the Germanic-slavic tribe of the Goths and Britain. Other historical records show the Goths spread to both West and Eastern Europe, even down to Rome and Spain. Genetically speaking, Magog seems to have mingled with Meseach, Tubal as well as Javan while dominating over different periods of the European continent.
Visigoths, Vandals, Angles, Saxons, Franks, Ostrogoths, and Lombards all visited or immigrated or conquered the Roman territory, they appear to also be the descendants of different tribes of Magog. Some using the evolutionist model want many of these groups to belong to a greater variety of ancestry, but we know from the Bible that many groups came from very few people. Tribes grew bigger and split up into new groups. One such example is Jacob’s twelve tribes and Ishmael’s twelve tribes. Each tribe follows one son. The same would have been with the sons of Japhet. They are not just one tribe. Legends say Magog was also supposed to have had a grandson called Heber, whose offspring spread throughout the Mediterranean.

Scandinavia, France, and Britain

Language-wise and genetic-wise, Northern Europe is connected. The Britons, and Scandinavian royal houses all have the same origin names on their kingslists showing their ancient relations. They all share a common connection with the Celts and are among the first to settle in all of Northern Europe. The Irish legends however do open up the possibility of them coming from different tribes (sons) of Magog. At one point in time, these first groups spoke the same languages.

Although some of the list lacks names, comparing all the different lists it is apparent they speak of the same people. Noe refers to Noah and Sceaf was the ancient local name for Japhet. However sincere the makers of these lists are, there are way too few generations listed to point to the time of Noah’s son. This might indicate that a lot of the lists written after AD go by legends about which son of Noah their kings are from and not a full name list. The oldest document found is still the Book of Jubilee.

Later another group of descendants of Magog comes to Scandinavia. “The Swedish historian Johannes Magnus (1488–1544) stated that Magog migrated to Scandinavia (via Finland) 88 years after the flood and that his five sons were Suenno (ancestor of the Swedes), Gethar (or Gog, ancestor of the Goths), Ubbo (who later ruled the Swedes and built Old Uppsala), Thor, and German. Queen Christina of Sweden reckoned herself as number 249 in a list of kings going back to Magog.” (Wikipedia) It is hard today to prove his sources, yet it fits with other legends, only the names are different. However, Magog most likely had many sons born over several hundred years. Because all sources are so “young” it is hard to prove their authenticity.
The Icelandic historian Snorre Sturlason (1179-1241) wrote about immigration to Scandinavia, using the writings of other historians before him like the priest Ari inn fróði (the Learned), son of Þorgils, son of Gellir. Like many others, he is disbelieved by evolutionists because of how the leader Odin is described with godly powers. However many in Sweden and Norway are descendants of him. The stories and places are all real. He divides the land the same way the Book of Jubilee does with the river Tanais (coming out from the black sea) dividing Europe from Asia. The European side was where Magog is said to have gone.

He does not mention Magog but tells about a group inhabiting Sweden (not the first group to come) who traveled from the Black Sea through what we now know as Germany and Denmark before settling in Sweden. Along the way, they created settlements and created many of the names of places now in use. He writes they finally left the black sea territory, and Turkland (modern Turkey) because the Romans were threatening them. We know the Romans came to the area of the Scythians north of the black sea around 40 BCE. This group therefore left for Sweden fairly late compared to all the others. They are identified by most as the Goths. Sturlason explains in his work EDDA that their arrival changed the language in the region. Upon arrival, they married the women there, and some women married the sons and their descendants became so many, he explains, that the new language spread throughout Saxland and Northern Europe and became the normal language. The Germanic language was not the original language of the area, although it is connected. Germanic shows similarities with ancient Norse, Celtic as well as proto-Iranian, all coming from the proto-indo language tree. The arrivals from the black sea would have spoken a language derived from the proto-Iranian, and the mixture with ancient Europe may very well be the new Germanic language. This is the language that spread as Snorre said at that time. First galls and then the germanic speaking people settled in what we today call France, Germany, and Britain, as well as Belgium, Netherlands, and Switzerland. Genetics show that all inhabitants of these areas are related even though some come from different groups with slight genetic mutations.


Celtic expansion from 800-250 BC.
The Visigoths were the western Magogan tribes and took a large part of Spain.

The Ostrogoth went all over Eastern Europe but also took Southern Europe.
The territory given to Magog was first in Eastern Europe. The Slavs could also be descendants of a tribe or sons of Magog. Their language also derives from Proto-Indo European and they have a genetic connection with the rest of Europe. Although first extending their territory to Moscow, Russia was later invaded by the Mongols which left a genetic mark on the Russian population. The Kieven Rus are genetically connected to the Northern European tribes.

Another (of many) settlement groups of Europe: The Longobards

The Longobards: Sweden and Norway share their ancestry with the Longobards. They took a large part of Italy in the 500s ACE.
The tribes in Europe, especially the northern tribes, often moved their settlements south. It is not known if they are too, descendants of Magog or another of Japhet’s sons.
They did however genetically mix with what is most likely the tribes of Magog as they have two distinct different genetic forefathers like many other tribes in Europe.


Not only did old Irish chronicles connect the Scythians with Magog, but so did the famous Jewish historian Flavius Josephus who lived in the first century. He said that the Scythians were a tribe of Magog. The Scythians were infamous for their behavior, and their history comes way back. The Greek historian Herodotus (484 BC) said half a millennium before: “None who attacks them can escape, and none can catch them if they desire not to be found“. He also revealed something very important about this group which is that they were nomads and came to the black sea during winters and lived elsewhere during the summer. Herodotus famously showed he knew nothing of Northern Europe at the time, but he did visit the Scythians which he did not like.

Herodotus world as he knew it. He traveled to the Scythians.

Herodotus might not be the most beloved historian, and his report shows the “box-mentality” of evolutionists today about human migration might have caused their idea of the history of Europe to be confused. He wrote: “For when men have no established cities or fortresses, but all are house-bearers and mounted archers, living not by tilling the soil but by cattle-rearing and carrying their dwellings on wagons, how should these not be invincible and unapproachable?”
Hippocrates wrote: “‘The Scyths… have no houses but live in wagons. These are very small with four wheels. Others with six wheels are covered with felt; such wagons are employed like houses, in twos or threes and provide shelter from rain and wind … The women and children live in these wagons, but the men always remain on horseback.’
There were several different tribes called Scythians, but living separately in what is today Ukraine.
The Irish and other sources telling early Scythians came there, show perhaps that the reason they came during winter to the black sea was because it was because of the climate in Northern Europe. They were not just nomads, they traveled with the seasons and only lived in the north during winter. Those living in the Near East and the Medetarrean did not have these kinds of needs. Another researcher notes: “The Scandinavian peoples, the Celtic peoples, and the Scythian peoples actually had a common origin, as evidenced by the presence of Kurgan”. (Nicolini Giuseppe, Independent Researcher
Rev.3 February 2022 Acadenia.edu)

The groups emerging in Northern Europe, like the Ostrogoths, the Lombards, the Vandals, the Heruli, and many others, all share a common trait. They move between the South and the North. The Lombards (Norwegians) even settled for a longer time in Northern Italy. The Visigoths took residence in Spain and created their own empire there between 418 and 711 AD. The Ostrogoths in the Balkans and even Rome. All moving southward and northwards. The explanation for this behavior is most likely climate and trade. Seeing the behavior of “Magog” in the comment era might reveal the situation after Babel as well. And this time it was even worse, with glaciers and the cold climate. They were therefore nomads, travelling with animals and tents. Sometimes taking residence in the south and returning north.
The Scythians were several of these tribes to the annoyance of many nations, including Greece and Medo-Persia. The steppe people and the farmers were related, as well as the hunter and gatherers. The first to leave for Northern Europe left around 2500 years before the group mentioned by Snorre, showing how easily the ones who mostly stayed south and those who remained in the north’s gene would mutate slightly in each their direction, but still be descendants of Magog. The Bible pointing to the coasts, and history pointing to Magog going with their “bands” south to Spain, France, and Italy show us that Magog is spread throughout the whole of Europe. And the last great group of Scythians to leave the Black Sea, has, as DNA shows us, spread throughout eastern and central Europe to the Baltic Sea, the area initially given Magog according to the Book of Jubilee.

So far we see Magog sons divided and spread within the following groups: The Celts, The Scandinavians, The Germans, The Franks, the Slavs, the White Croats, Western Scythians, Eastern Scythians, Kievan Rus, Ostrogoth, Visigoths, Vikings, Vandals, Lombards, Svea, different Scythian groups and intermixed with the populations of Spain, Greece, and Italy. All are connected through genetic haplogroups and history. Part of these groups could also be from the tribe of Gomer. Some of Magog’s descendants have been fairly isolated over time, others have constantly been on the move between North and South, East and West, some have permanently chosen residence in the south, and some remained in the north.

The often-called Phrygian cap became an emblem of freedom during the French Revolution and is also a Scythian cap. The Franks are likely descendants of Magog. During the French Revolution, they went back to their non-Christian origin.
Scythian warrior 4th-2nd BCE wearing a typical Scythian hat.

Is the Scythians Ashkenaz?

Some Jewish writings from the Middle Ages started the trend that the descendants of Germany were descendants of Gomer’s son Askenaz, and European Jews still call themselves Ashkenazi after this son. It might sound better than Magog Jews, but is it correct? They thought the Assyrian name Aškuzai/Iškuzai for the Scythians fitted better with Ashkenaz. The Scythians never called themselves the Scythians, the name is thought to reference their weaponry and is used by ancient historians. They called themselves Skudat, which probably means “archers”. The Persians called them Sakâ and the Greeks Skythes or Skythai. The Bible itself, together with history, might go against this idea that the Scythians are Ashkenaz. The Bible never mentions the Scythians, but it does mention Magog and Ashkenaz on two different occasions. Ashkenaz was part of the “northern alliance” destroying Babylon: “For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country: and they shall set themselves in array against her; from thence she shall be taken: their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert man; none shall return in vain” “Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz; appoint a captain against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough caterpillers. Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes, the captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and all the land of his dominion. And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant (Jer 50:9 & Jer 51:27-29). 

Darius crossing the Bosphorus

This alliance was part of the Medo-Persian conquest of Babylon and its territory. They lived north in what is today Iran and Urartu. The reason we know this is likely not the Scythians is that Persian and Greek history tells us that the Medes were often in conflict with the Scythians, even at war with them. The Scythians had previously assisted Babylon. Darius the First led a military expedition into parts of European Scythia in 513 BC. Only a few years before Medo Persia had attacked Babylon with its alliance, defeating the Scythians was part of their military campaigns. The Scythians had

Achaemenid soldiers fighting against what some believe are the Scythians

invaded Media, revolted against Darius, and sabotaged the trade routes in the area. The war against them took place among others, in the territory now called Ukraine and surrounding areas where they had spread to. Herodotus writes about this in the book ‘The histories’. The story tells that Darius went into Eastern Europe just to chase the Scythians away. Because they lived in the area as nomads, he said, there were “no cities or fields to burn” which made the battle difficult to win.

What we learn from this is that the Scythians are likely not Ashkenaz as some claim today. Germans are not Ashkenaz, their genetics are the same as the rest of Europe.

Ashkenaz lived somewhere in the Medo-Perisan territory and was part of the “northern alliance” that took Babylon. Among the nations in the alliance were the territories of the Azeri, Turkmen, Armenia, Cimmerians, and even part of what today is Georgia. Among these modern-day Armenia (which in ancient times also included a large part of Azerbaijan) claims they are descendants of Ashkenaz. The Bible seems to confirm Ashkenaz was in this territory.

The territory of the Kurds, Armenians, and Azeris still have a large group of descendants of Israel. This fits the Biblical description of where the first Israel was displaced.

It does appear that Ashkenazi jews have a relation to the areas north in Iran and Urartu, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan through the Roman period. It can almost seem like the strongest Jewish gene, or real(?) Ashkenazi gene is from the Ashkenazi Jewish women and not the men. More genetic testing need to be done to draw any large conclusion. They are however NOT GERMANIC.

But because the tribes of Gomer and Magog are deliberately being switched to hide the main aggressor in the Gog and Magog war, the idea that Germany is Ashkenaz is pushed by both Zionists and evangelicals. The Caucasus territory, modern Armenia and Georgia, has traditions that they are the descendants of Gomer’s sons Ashkenaz and Togarmah. They are too few to be all of Gomer’s descendants, but their ancient traditions are worth respecting just as the traditions of Magog are in Northern Europe. The claims of the Armenians and Georgians also match the Bible verse we just looked at as well as the Bible verse saying Togarmah is in the north. There is no evidence from the Bible that Gomer spread west. According to the Book of Jubilee, he got the land north of the Caucasus. The Armenian historian Yovhannes Drasxanakertc’i (1.15) in his book History of Armenia writes Ashkenaz a forefather in the Armenian land. (Gmirkin, Russell (2006). Berossus and Genesis, Manetho and Exodus: Hellenistic Histories and the Date of the Pentateuch) A Jewish philosopher and rabbi named Saadia Gaon suggests the Slavic nations.

So where does the Askenazi term come from, which seems to have fooled the entire Jewish and evangelical movement?
It appears from genetics that the ones calling themselves Ashkenazi Jews came from Italy, Greece, and overall southern Europe.
In the Babylonian Talmud written between 200 CE- 500 CE the name Gomer is rendered Germania, which is identified as Germanikia in other rabbinical literature. Germanikia was a land in Northwestern Syria (Turkish: Maraş; Armenian: Մարաշ) and Germanicea (Greek: Γερμανίκεια).
The place was once settled by Aram, son of Shem. And never by a European Germanic tribe. In the 6th century, the catholic historian Eusebius thought Ashkenaz was in Scandinavia because the name looked similar.

Make yourself feel at home?
It was not until the Early Medieval period that Jews in Europe started using the term Ashkenazi. Mostly because they believed their rabbi’s suggestions and there was no genetic testing back then. It appears that there was a custom of giving places the Jews settled in Europe Biblical names to make themselves feel more at home. Mostly the names were random. Spain was called Sefarad (Obadjah 20), France Tsarefat (1.Kings 17:9), and Bohemia was called the Land of Canaan. (Miller, Michael (2010). Rabbis and Revolution. Stanford University Press) Not only did the Babylonian Talmud writers and later rabbis reject Christ, but they called the place where reformation would rise for “Land of Canaan”. Between the year 1000-1300 ACE they began to call important Jewish settlements (Speyer, Worms, Mainz) in Germany for Ashkenaz. (Kriwaczek, Paul (2011). Yiddish Civilisation: The Rise and Fall of a Forgotten Nation, Berenbaum, Michael; Skolnik, Fred, eds. (2007). “Ashkenaz”. Encyclopaedia Judaica. Vol. 2 (2nd ed.)

Early Jewish communities rose in Greece and Italy already in the BCE era. They then were further displaced after Rome took Jerusalem in 63 BCE when thousands of Jews were taken as war prisoners. There was also unrest to displace them in 37 BCE and after the Jewish revolt in 53 BCE. Then Christian Jews fled during the Jewish-Christian persecution. Finally, the larger group was displaced around the time Rome destroyed Jerusalem. For over two millennia Jews have mixed with the populations where they ended up, which is seen genetically.

Conclusion: There is currently no evidence that Europe, and especially Germany, is Ashkenaz. What there is evidence for is that Ashkenazi Jews do not seem to have any relation to the tribe of Ashkenaz, unless it is through their Armenian/Azeri connection instead of their Roman or German connection. Calling themselves Azkenazi Jews is mostly an idea from the Middle Ages.
A group from the Caucasus region was said to come to Scandinavia during the Roman conquest of the Near East according to the Icelandic historian Snorre, however, he does not say they were either Scythians or Ashkenazi. When they arrived in Scandinavia it was said to already be populated. At best, Ashkenazian people could have immigrated to another territory and thereby created the rumors. Genetics show a close familiarity between the Northern European tribes, so more genetic research from a Biblical perspective would have to be done to conclude if Ashkenaz went to Scandinavia.

Answer in Genesistheory
The creationist foundation ‘Answer in Genesis’ is currently fronting the idea that Ashkenaz and Gomer populated most of Western Europe. One of their sources is a book from 1732 written by someone very well known to all Freemasons, Scottish reverend James Anderson, D.D., who in the early lodge era of Freemasonry wrote the compiler of the celebrated Book of Constitutions. (https://www.universalfreemasonry.org/en/encyclopedia/anderson-james). In his book ‘Royal Genealogies; or, the Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes, from Adam to these times’, he claims to record a kingslist of German kings going all the way to Ashkenaz. (https://archive.org/details/bim_eighteenth-century_royal-genealogies-or-t_anderson-james_1732/page/n545/mode/2up)

German founder Tuisco, myth, legend, or a real man? No ancient sources connect him with either Magog or Gomer.
He was said to have ruled in Germany for 176 years.

He again got his history from Johannes Aventinus (1477 – 1534), who despite living in the middle of the German Reformation and befriending reformers remained Catholic his whole life. He was asked to write the history of Bavaria and is said to have gathered several sources for his work, yet there is no remains of these sources today besides his own book. He claims to have a record of the first ruler of Germany called Tuitsch (son of the sky), which is the same James Anderson D.D claims is Ashkenaz. So although historical sources, there is no evidence besides speculation by Anderson. Anderson’s ideas are repeated to this day by evangelicals and Jews.

Anderson’s writings came not long after the book of Jasher also surfaced, and most followed the same understanding of Gomer taking Western Europe. However, again, among all ancient writings, most of the ones tying Gomer to Western Europe are from the Middle Ages. The oldest book found, Book of Jubilee, says it was Magog. In the end, both tribes could have been mixed in that part of the land. So long as the Bible says not just Magog, but the land of Gog, it references Europe either way. And when the Bible says Gog, the land of Magog, the Bible itself says that it is mainly the tribe of Magog who is dwelling in that land.
Why the switching places are done by Catholic colors as well as the early Scottish Freemasons is better left for those into conspiracies.

Ezekiel and Magog

We are first introduced to bands of Magog in Ezekiel. Around the same time God’s prophecy judgment upon many nations. Most of them are known and can be identified. The mentioning of Israel’s enemies as Magog appears new in the setting of Judah’s situation at the time. For long Israel fought against the Assyrians, the Midianites, and the Moabites to mention a few. They were all known enemies. Now it speaks of Magog coming up against Jerusalem.

The Scythians around the black sea were the ones most known in the Levant and Near East. They are easily recognized by their “gnom” or “Santa” hat, a common mythological attire in Northern Europe.

The many tribes and fighters attacking Israel in Ezekiel’s days, are known. One power we know was involved appears at first glance not to be mentioned. What do other historical sources tell us that can identify a possible aggression from Magog in the time of Ezekiel that would make a future judgment announced to Ezekiel relevant? Ezekiel had been taken captive by Babylon, he had seen gruesome war, and he did not initially need to be told of another unrelated war in some distant future. This is why we need to see the relation between the future war of Magog and how the judgment over them will comfort God’s people in their day. Babylon are not Magog, because they are mentioned as themselves in Ezekiel (They were mostly Semite). To understand better we need to go a little bit back in time. Between about 626 – 607 BCE, the conquest of Assyria took place. The Scythians were for a while allied with the Assyrians. However, the Scythians swapped sides and helped Cyaxares and the Medes in the war against Assyria and then went on to help Babylon. In 610 was the battle of Harran, in 612 was the battle of Nineveh, and in 614 the battle against Assur. In all these battles the Scythian kingdom of the Black Sea supported the Medo-Babylonian army. (Loehr, Max (1955). “The Stag Image in Scythia and the Far East”, Sulimirski, T. (1954). “Scythian Antiquities in Western Asia”, Jacobson, Esther (1995). The Art of the Scythians: The Interpenetration of Cultures at the Edge of the Hellenic World.) They were also in for the battle of Carchamish in 605 BC. They then favored the Neo-Babylonian empire. They helped Babylon with the annexation of Judah in 557 BC (Dugaw, Lipschits & Stiebel 2020, p. 81). Jerusalem fell in 587 BC. If they helped with this is unknown but likely Scythians were in the Babylonian army then as well. They supported a lot of the other battles of Babylonia. But could the Scythians aiding Babylon, and being famous for their barbaric fighting, be classified as one of the nations coming up against God’s people in Ezekiel’s days? Absolutely. Then why were they not mentioned if they were part of the Babylonian alliance? Likely they were, only God used the name of their forefather, Magog, and not some name they had given themselves. God’s eyes look to their origins but also to what they will do in the future, hence the prophecy of God judging them in the future. In Ezekiel, we see God almost only using the name of the forefathers of all the nations and bands and not what they called themselves. It is also plausible that Judah called them Magog at the time. Remember all others have received some judgment already, but Magogs judgment is placed in the future. Why was he not judged instantly? In a way, they were, as they were later attacked by the Medes, but it could also be because their crimes had only just begun. Magog is prophesied to return to God’s land before their final judgment.

Conclusion: The Scythians (the Magogs) were in alliances with the Medo-Babylonian and Neo-Babylonian conquests, but were later in conflict with the Medes and not part of their northern alliance when this alliance conquered Babylon around 539 BCE. The Scythians had been seen as a problem and the Urartu and Azkenazi became part of the “Northern Alliance” with the Medes and Persians against Babylon.

So Who Is Magog Today?

Updated map if the book of Jubilee got it right, along with old historical records. The placing of Togarmah is because they claim to be from Togarmah in the Caucasus and the Bible says they live in the North Quarters.

Based on everything we have looked at the tribes of Magog appear to mostly be in Europe, especially western Europe, France, Germany, and England as the biggest nations. And spread to Italy, Spain, Portugal, and smaller countries in Europe as well.

The Paternal I gene (ydna) and Paternal R gene (ydna)
According to studies so far, it is assumed the paternal I gene which was present among early Europeans and the R gene came from two different brothers of Noah. Because of this some creationist-genealogists think the I gene belongs to the first Europeans (Japhet) and the R gene is Shem’s tribe coming from the East.
Here the Bible prophecy regarding the sons of Noah becomes extremely relevant. “And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant. 
God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant” (Gen 9:26-27)
. It is Japhet that would be “enlarged” and even dwell in the area given to Shem, not Shem in Japhets “tents”. Noah’s prophecy happened, and a large part of Japhet dwelled in Shem’s “tent”/land from the beginning and until this day. Just as the Book of Jubilee claimed as well. Thus we should find genetic traces of them among Elam, Asshur, Aram, and Arphaxad which we do and which confuses some genealogists.
Why then, would there be possibly traces of Shem among early Europeans? We look more into a variety of possibilities in the next chapter as to how the I gene can be Japhet as well as the R gene. The most important is to not make a conclusion that goes against the Bible, and other historical sources. The idea presented by some creation-genealogists is that war, famine, and immigration wiped out most of Japhet in Europe, but the bible tells us of a large Magog in the end days provoking God, Noah speaks of Japhet “enlarged”, and nowhere does it say anything about Shem taking over Japhets land. We will look at why the switching of genes goes against scripture and history and look at a possible special explanation in a special chapter talking about haplogroups and paternal lineage.


God seems to not speak much more of Magog in the Old Testament. But from the moment Babylon took Judah, Magog has been around. Japhet’s sons then continued their battle against God and God’s land. The Medes were Japhets son Medai. They were part of the Medo-Persian empire that took Judah. The Greek empire, the Bible tells us is Japhets son Javan (the name Javan is used in the bible for this empire). Then Bible prophecy shows us a horn coming from the West, which is also Japhet. This time from Rome and Western Europe. The alliance of Meseach-Tubal-Magog came from the West. Then the ten horns or toes, again tribes of Magog represented. They are also the United States of America which is in large part a British, Irish, French, Scandinavian, and Spanish colony. The power of these European horns will continue till Christ’s second coming where He will put an end to the “time of the heathens”. Will Magog conquer the land of Israel, or have they already? Please continue reading to hear about the Great War. But first, we need to look at paternal genealogy.

World bullies: Magog, Mesech, and Tubal managed to conquer the world, first through colonisations, then withdrawing and continuing control through warfare, cultural war, technology, and trade. The picture shows areas that were colonized by European tribes. American culture (European tribes) is the biggest culture export.
Ten kings or tribes of Europe rule when Christ returns. In Daniel 2 the “rock” hitting the statue hits these ten kingdoms and destroys everything. This shows us that Christ’s kingship is taking aim at these kings. This fits with the Gog and Magog battle which also is Christ against multiple tribes.
Christ aims at the ten toes when He returns. When Rome fell the empire was divided between ten tribes.
1.Ostrogoths, 2. Franks, 3.Suevi, 4.Angelo-Saxson, 5.Lombards, 6.Visigoths, 7.Vandals, 8.Alamanni (or the Huns some would argue), 9.Heruli, 10.Burgundians


(You can also read my haplogroup theory here)



Human development after the flood – and its relevance today.

See all the parts to find out who Gog and Magog is:
Part 1: Why is God targeting the sons of Japhet?
Part 2:Human development after the flood – and its relevance today.
Part 3: When The World Was DividedIdentifying Magog!
Part 4: Magog – The provoker in the end times
Extra: Explaining haplogroups

The Bible tells us that God himself caused the descendants of Noah to spread into their appointed lands. This ultimately meant that those who went the furthest had a primitive way of living for a longer time. Their genetic haplogroups likely would mutate faster because of interbreeding and reduced quality of life meant shorter life spans which also meant women would have children earlier in life. Meanwhile, nations close to each other, like Assyria and Egypt, grew faster in development because they were bigger and could learn from each other’s innovations. They also had a bigger gene pool to mix within with the largest populations. Although God wanted them to move to their lands, some would not immediately. God then used climate change to push people further into their territories, sometimes even war and famine. The Sahara desert is one such example of how climate change played its part in pushing people southward. The East Sahara was once a fruitful plane and remains of settlements are found which show the area was green and that they had large animal farms and cattle there. But when the sand pushed eastward and the climate of the area changed these groups were forced to move southward. After the ice melted in the north, those areas became populated as well. Saudi Arabia was once a fruitful land with large rivers running through it.

The ancient river systems of Saudi Arabia made it a fruitful land. Image from /www.researchgate.net

Although someone always stays, the search for a better life elsewhere has always motivated people to migrate. The discovery of people living further away from the ancient metropolitan territories often appears more primitive, with more genetic mutations, and therefore mistakenly thought to be older populations. Population density determined advancements, not as much as what time they were living in. Evolutionists look at, among others, tool development to place human groups in different periods. This estimate is very unstable.

“Stone Age” is just mankind having to start over from scratch. They developed quickly as they were as intelligent as we are today.

The First Semi-“Gods
The first people after the flood would be able to learn for several hundreds of years from the same men who built the complex structure of Noah’s ark. The survivors of the flood were craftful men working with wood and iron, they were good at architecture, and skilled in mathematics to name a few of their skill sets. Noah and his sons (and daughters-in-law) also knew how to calculate time as the Bible tells us Noah used a calendar to carefully record the events that happened. They lived for approximately four hundred years after the flood and would have had time to teach their children these same skills. Their biggest expertise seems to be working with wood, such constructions would be hard to find remains of after fire, war, and many years of abandonment. Usually, all that remains today of ancient settlements are the foundation stones.

Osiris could very well refer to either Noah or his son Ham. The Bible said it was Ham’s son who inhabited the area. “Epithets of Osiris label him in a variety of ways. These include Osiris the Long-Lived, Osiris the Weary-Hearted, Osiris the Drowned One, and He-who-is-in-the-box”. He was claimed killed by his brother “Seth”. The name means ‘powerful’ or ‘mighty’. Osiris is the god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation in ancient Egyptian religion. It would have been Ham who taught his children how to do all these things. He survived the flood with a boat, a “new beginning” beating death. This may have turned into a fantasy cult in Egypt.
The Neshmet bark was a vessel belonging to the god Nun (Noah). The ancient Egyptian deity Osiris was transported in it on the river Nile during the Osiris festival at Abydos. In Egypt, they thought they would be evaluated by the gods and if good, taken in a boat to the netherworld with the help of “their forefather/god”.

According to the Bible. the first four generations after Noah lived for several hundreds of years and even outlived their children and grandchildren. Given the forefathers had what appeared as supernatural genetics, and high intelligence from “another time and civilization”, many of them were seen as semi-gods or “sons of the gods”. They were also taller. The conflict at the tower of Babel happened with these long-living groups of people, ending up with the legends of semi-gods fighting. The founding fathers of the tribes were considered gods long after their deaths by their descendants. This behavior has been continuing and even the Catholic Church has repeated the pattern when making “saints” of martyrs and miracle workers. Tribes all over the world have a history of praying to their dead ancestors.
Just as the history of the last 2000 years is commonly written by the victors of wars, the conflicts around the time of Babel would have been perceived differently by each tribe. Humans tend to always think of the others as the bad guys. Over time mythology and stories have been added to the ancient stories. Most ancient groups have the flood story, semi-gods in conflict, and the scattering as part of their traditions only explained very differently. In ancient times, as among many religions today, claiming God is working through them gives them authority as leaders. So myths and stories of God working through these leaders were important parts of historical telling and the reason why so many scholars now mock their historical records as well as the Bible stories involving miracles.

The first settlers in Europe were few, had less innovation, and lived mostly off hunting. As the population grew and trade started between the groups, the genetic mixture became greater again.

The Evolutionists place the different time groups of hunters and gatherers and agriculture with thousands of years in between. This is not the case. Right after Babel, some groups lived more primitively until they could create a better way of life. After Babel everyone had to start all over again in new places, only this time language barriers slowed them down in parts. When we look at the world language tree it appears that God first and foremost confused the languages between the sons of Noah separating the three tribes.
The Tower of Babel was a skillful wonderous construction, but it was to be used to control the world. By confusing the languages and scattering the groups God slowed down an early attempt at world dominion. This first attempt is only one of many, reaching its climax with the Gog and Magog War. Stopping the plans of the men behind Babel and protecting man also had a backside.
The first settlers moved from place to place to find the best places and conditions to settle. Some groups were part nomads in the beginning, this was especially the tribes of Japhet. Their temporary settlements were therefore more primitive in appearance than the places where they later chose to finally settle. It had nothing to do with intelligence. They were not less intelligent than the following generations. They had to start from scratch with all the innovation and rebuilding after Babel. Especially some tribes of Japhet faced an issue the others didn’t as we will explore. Mostly it took fairly little time for the descendants of Noah to excel, and population growth was the main thing needed for fast development. One family can not build a city, but a hundred can build a small village and a thousand a small town.

Birth rate as warfare

The conflict level after Babel created an atmosphere of competition for superiority and even survival. Whoever got the biggest first was less likely to be the other servants or slaves. Now that they would not be one people in one city but instead scattered everyone knew that the family who could get more descendants fastest would gain the upper hand in all ways. If they were not many enough, it meant they could not defend themselves against another group. The more babies were born, the more they could ensure their family’s safety but also the ability to have their culture and way of thinking imposed on others rather than have the other’s thinking opposed on them. It also meant more innovation and better living conditions. It was therefore popular opinion that women who did not have a man should marry a man with another wife so she could contribute to helping the tribes grow as fast as possible. Women themselves wanted to ensure their safety and way of life and took part in the birth rate war. It was also her “pension” to have sons, and so women wanted children, even if they had to share a man. Because of conflicts and tribal wars, there were often more women than men. And so it happened what God predicted would be the curse for women in a world of sin: “In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee” (Gen.3:16) After a while of living like this, women’s rights became less important, and those who did not produce children were

Abraham did at first not take part in the birth rate war but remained faithful to his unbarred wife. Until her faith faltered and she asked him to fulfill God’s promise through her maid. God used Abraham as an example of faith in Him to guard over man, and that survival would not be a matter of chance.

rejected. Abraham was born during this era and married his half-sister, but wanted to be faithful to her and treat her right. When she did not produce any children and all other tribes grew rapidly, it seemed far-fetched that Abraham would be able to take back his inheritance from Canaan or be numerous enough to have any influence in the world. Still, despite the culture in those days, he remained faithful to his wife. God said his seed would be numerous, that they would take the land he was promised, and make an impact upon the world. This promise seemed unlikely to most at the time. The population mathematics was not in Abraham’s favor. Abraham was not viewed as a threat even by Canaan’s descendants and lived in the land in peace. Especially because Abraham had only one wife, they were both old and had no children. His tribe appeared to be dying out. Despite all evident circumstances spoke against God’s promise, Abraham chose to believe in God. Unfortunately, a moment of disbelief by his old wife caused Abraham to follow the customs of other tribes and use a handmaiden to give him a son. God would not give his promise through this act of disbelief and gave him the promised son by his real wife at God’s appointed time. Birth growth in mixed cultures is the source of conflict throughout time. It is why the Pharaoh in Egypt killed the babies of the Israelis and it is why many Western countries see themselves outnumbered by immigrants because of their low birth rate compared to theirs. It gives rise to racism still. When the population in the world was still few and they were scattered in small groups, this fear quenched their faith in God’s protection and it was in part an act to save themselves. Tribes were also more vulnerable to dying out when the world population was low, and some did die out.
Having children was therefore the biggest blessing and need in the first centuries after Noah.

Ham’s descendants first won the birth rate war.
The Bible tells us the tribes of Ham grew big fast. His descendants were leaders in building the tower of Babel, and his son built the first cities in Shinear. Later in Egypt, they had the population density and skills to build great constructions and even advanced pyramids. In more distant lands with low populations, they still left their dead in natural caves and graves. The tombs in Egypt required many men of great skills. When Egypt was at its peak, they had all the most talented people working there, advancing fast in science and research. By creating schools they were able to distribute the knowledge and continue advancing rapidly. Everyone who was somebody went there in the beginning. Even Abraham sought Egypt during a famine in Canaan, as Egypt was better equipped to handle such times. A famine also brings out the worst in people and Egypt might have been a more orderly place to be at the time to avoid chaos.
It should be fairly easy to understand. Today is as then, we have advanced metropolitan areas and primitive small populations living quite differently from the rest in other places. Some are still very behind in innovation.
One extreme example is The Sentinelese people, who have been isolated from the rest of the world and live on an island west of India. Not to mention tribes in South America. Even a cluster of villages in Asia live very differently than villages outside the big cities. 

If archeologists had dug up their own age they would have placed the human groups to have existed in different times. These are in the Stone Age and a New Yorker in the 21st century. But it is pseudo-Escience created by the Devil to undermine scripture. Picture show modern Sentinelse people.

The “Cavemen”
“Cavemen” were not an early species of mankind. The Bible tells us how in ancient times, people who had diseases that could infect others often lived isolated, but also mentally challenged people, people with genetic disorders, and those who for various reasons struggled to be part of or rejected by their society. As early as the time of Abraham, we see Lot using a cave as a temporary residence after losing his home in Sodom. Obadjah used it to hide persecuted men. (Mar.5:5; Luk 17:12, Gen. 19:30, 1Ki 18:13 ). David and his men lived in a cave as fugitives. (1 Samuel 22:1) Elijah used a cave as a temporary shelter when on a journey: “And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there” (1Ki 19:9). Mostly caves were used to bury the dead. (Genesis 23:17). When evolutionist researchers today discover remains in caves they defy all historical records and logic and create a fantasyful idea that that is how they lived in those days. Observable facts however show there are many reasons why there would be traces of people dwelling in caves. And some, yes, would have traces of illness and malnutrition. Just as we will find in rich societies today, where diseased and mentally challenged, or just poor people, are found living on the streets, in tents, and even under bridges and underground spaces. Naturally examining these people’s health and living conditions does not indicate how life is in our era for everyone. However, just like Lot temporarily living in a cave in the mountains after his home was destroyed, we can see that many of the first humans who dispersed after Babel were forced to live more simply in their start phase. Most did not continue to live in those circumstances for long.

The first Europeans
Some smaller tribes coming to Europe might have died out because of the harsh climate and because of struggles to start fresh with little resources. Among them might be what is called Neanderthals, who were just normal people. We know they were likely from the tribes of Japhet as Europeans are genetically related to them and Africans have no direct genetic relation. This means that the “Neanderthals” never came “out of Africa” or went there, instead they shared ancestry with those who did. They did not look much different than us, that is artists using evolutionary ideas when drawing.

Remains of Neanderthals are in large part found in Europe and some in Asia. They claim the female genetic line has died out, but can’t say the same about the paternal line. Europeans and some Asians are from the same genetic genealogy tree as the Neanderthals making them their closest living relatives.


Neanderthals are often depicted as savage, dirty, and unintelligent. This is because modern evolutionists want to sell the idea of human evolution. They really were just people.

Why are their sculls a little different? Observable science today shows that there are slight changes between people’s sculls and bone structure, but also that there are some differences between races. This means that if you dig up a grave with a skull from our century it should be possible to see if their typically Asian, African, or Caucasian.
This was also the case in the past, an interbreed group could have a slightly distinctly different skull compared to other groups. It does not mean they are part of an evolution process from ape to man. Nor can such a claim be made by viewing the skulls of men living today. No one is “closer to ape” than another based on their skull shape. The human skull also changes its form from infancy to old age. The first generations after the flood lived for a long time compared to the next generations and their scull at death might showcase that and we don’t have anything to compare it with today as the eldest in our time only reaches the age of a hundred. Scull differences can also be seen with different genetic diseases like Down syndrome. They are not closer to “apes” either, it is just genetics.
There are many reasons why a scull can be slightly different that are observable and scientific, than that presented through the theory of evolution. In the case of someone with Down syndrome, they have a mother who has a normal skull. The evolution theory is the most racist and disrespectful approach to human origin ever constructed. Real observable science shows variations and changes happen within the human race and not from one species to another. The longer a tribe is isolated, the more distinct features it gets, and the moment it starts having children with other cultures and groups, the distinct differences evens out again. Thus human traits can come and go. We don’t just see this with humans, but also with animals. Modern dog breeding is a good example of how too much interbreeding causes the dog’s genetic traits to head in one direction. Once a female poodle is mated with a male labrador, the child will have a greater genetic variation to pass on to their puppy again. These are related to genetic traits. Genealogy is more tricky, as you can only inherit your haplogroups from your immediate parents. You can get genetic traits for instance, if you are a man, from your grandmother. But you can not get her mitochondrial DNA haplogroup. That can only come from your immediate mother.

Some cultures changed scull shapes on purpose. Source:

Genealogy shows that the “hunter and gatherer” group is less genetically diverse compared to the “agricultural” group that lived in the same area later, yet they are still related. This has to do with mutations. An example is a study in Iceland. Both Norwegians and Icelandic people have the same “forefathers”. But when analyzing the tombs in Iceland, it appeared that the Norwegians were more closely related than their direct ancestors still living in Iceland. This is caused by more frequent mutations in Iceland compared to Norway giving the illusion that the Norwegians are closer relatives in time when they are not. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2613751/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0_6rTN0HpNxaK2Iyz_VDp5DD-Fw2h-0PTjsGUDxJAidd1Yl2S_s35c1Zo_aem_JbDwd-U6D6730yizeeWyRA)
Such might just be the case with the first Europeans as well. The genetic distance between the first settlers and those who followed many years later would give the illusion of them being more distant relatives than they actually were. The “hunter-gatherers” are isolated from the others and interbreed with each other while their genetic cousins interbreed with each other in another place the groups united again.
We have to also understand that Biblical speaking, all first tribes, were closer related to each other than a distant descendant is now.
For example, the son of Japhet and the son of Shem were cousins, meaning genetically closer than a descendant of Japhet living today is to Japhet. Such was the case with many of the ancient groups, they were all family and distant cousins.
If you take a genetic test today, genetics will still struggle to determine if you are a distant cousin or just many generations apart in the same family. If you have half-siblings in your family tree, it will complicate the matter even further. This is because genetics look at similarities to determine family relations. Such was the case with the first descendants of Noah’s sons. Some cousins appeared closer related because of similar mutations from the same paternal haplogroup.

From the Biblical perspective, as mentioned, the first groups were forced to live more primitively and those who lived a nomad life had less innovation and construction. However, innovation grew quickly, especially in the Near East, where ships and trade routes were established. Over only 500-1000 years, human development changed rapidly. It peaked during the first hundred years during Babel, then had a setback, before slowly peaking again a few hundred years later. Around this time the rest of the tribes followed the others westward and intermingled with them. The last groups came as late as around 0-500 AD. A pioneer group would always progress first and then inspire the greater family to follow once they found good places to settle and places sustainable for agriculture.
The USA is a great example of how as prosperity grew, it attracted others to come. In the US, as well as in ancient European history, the first

Worlds tallest man meets the world’s shortest woman. Although struggling with syndromes there are healthy tribes in the world with a distinct mark difference in height.

pioneers that made their way were from Europe, and so were the large groups that came after them. In the beginning, the idea of America seemed savage to a then highly developed European society. It was considered risky and many were uncertain about the possibilities of cultivating the soil and what could and could not be grown there. But after some years, as US innovation and economy grew rapidly, it was the place everyone wanted to go. Human behavior doesn’t change (Ecc 3:15). The groups going to the US went fairly close in time after each other. If, however, a full 1000 years of isolation would separate the two European groups, it would show in their genetics and their appearance. The smaller the group who went and interbreed the more distinct their racial traits would become and they might even look different than the next group of immigrants coming from the same areas as them.
This is what happened after Babel. The first Europeans settled as close to the Near East in the territory appointed to them and pioneers among them came smaller in number and traveled to find the best places within their given land, some suffered, some flourished, and some families died out on the father side or the mother side and as innovation grew, the rest followed suit. Intelligence levels between people vary today as before. Not everyone was as smart as Albert Einstein at his time. Smarter people lived before him, and less intelligent people lived after him. This is the observable science of human intelligence and development. Today people are at different stages as they always were. Same with appearances. We have people with skin colors all ranging from almost white to bluish-black. Some cultures in Asia are more petit than Northern Europeans. Appearance should not be used to place someone in different periods. Some are hairy all over, some have little hair growth on their bodies. Today the world’s tallest and shortest tribes live fairly close to each other.

What evolutionists call “a stone age” involves a faulty assumption at best. If the world as we know it now became dystopian after a world atomic war or a meteorite impact flooding the earth, you too, would have to re-start life with what you had. Even if you are good with computers now, it does not mean you would be able to instantly create another computer if everything was destroyed or gone. You would need time and resources, to find every part that in our time is easily accessible through trade, which would have to be rediscovered. Trade routes would need to be re-created once resources are found. You might even be dependent upon other people’s skills, to attempt to re-invent it, even if you knew what material you needed and somehow got it. It would take time to get back what you lost.
Such was the situation for the people after the flood and after Babel. They had nothing left from the pre-flood technology to work with. They struggled to communicate with each other. The nomads started building shelters with fabrics, stones, and wood. If journeying, a cave was used for shelter and the easiest food they could access was their diet. They would constantly work to improve their way of life. Those who traveled to find the best places lived more primitively due to their constant journeying. Traveling light, they would make temporarily tools that could be left behind. These tools were made to provide food and temporary shelter, simple hunting tools. Those who dwelled for a longer time at the same place would make more advanced tools. Simultaneously there existed cities with far more innovation. Progress depended upon how and where they lived and how many they were. Especially the early Europeans were far from the more densely populated Near East.

The “oldest” mummy found in Europe has been named Ötzi the Iceman. Because he was preserved so well they could analyze and find out what his last meal was. “He seems to have had a remarkably high proportion of fat in his diet, supplemented with fresh or dried wild meat, cereals, and traces of toxic bracken”. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6065529/) This is not the meal of a savage, it’s a nutritious meal, involving grain which comes from farming.

Evolutionists divide the migrations into Europe “as the hunter and gatherers”, “the farmers” and then “the Steppe pastoralists”. And we will see how these migration patterns fit or don’t fit with the Bible. The Bible teaches us that farming started immediately after the flood: “And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard” (Gen 9:20) We therefore know that everyone was taught farming at the beginning. 

And why are all of this important when studying the Gog and Magog War? Many do not understand who Magog is because evolutionists have confused the history of some groups not understanding where they came from or how they lived.




– Genealogy after The Flood and the Judging of the Nations – 

See all the parts to find out who Gog and Magog is:
Part 1: Why is God targeting the sons of Japhet?
Part 2:Human development after the flood – and its relevance today.
Part 3: When The World Was DividedIdentifying Magog!
Part 4: Magog – The provoker in the end times
Extra: Explaining haplogroups

Evolution theory has created many false premises to understand nature, populations, and our origin. With every new discovery, they use their already-made false framework and try to make the new discoveries work with it. This creates a form of pseudo-science. It is taking evidence and giving the wrong conclusions and assumptions the evidence simply does not say. One such example is the discovery of genealogy in our DNA. It quickly became evident that all humans now alive all over the earth are connected by a small group of common ancestors. A fact that can not be disputed. Then to make it fit into evolutionary theories, they create an estimate on genetic mutations that are not science but made to fit an already existing theory of human origin.

The evolutionists explain evidence pointing to all men coming from a small group of ancestors coming out of Africa and that the many genealogical mutations took many thousands of years each. Scientists today make it a trend to reject any historical records of human origin, with the excuse the ancient people were “religious”. When myths confirm the Biblical records, they call it a bluff. In this way, they can freely re-create human history contrary to what people of the past say about their origins. Today we claim we know them better than they knew themselves. Finding Noah and his sons in the genealogy is not impossible, and the Bible and other early manuscripts explain somewhat how they spread. We are going to respect the history in the Bible and the ancient legends, to discover the truth about Magog.
Some Bible researchers mix up the tribes in an eager attempt to combat the evolution population theory. This does not have to be a big issue for anyone unless we wish to understand better why God is upset with the tribes of Japhet.

Why is God targeting the sons of Japhet in the Gog and Magog war?

It is not just evolutionists versus creationists that confuses this topic. It is also a spiritual battle between true prophets and false prophets. Among Christians are Satan’s workers, deceivers, and those deceived, trying to point to the wrong group and wrong time for the Gog and Magog war. (2.Cor.11:13) They too, will as evolutionists, use the DNA-genealogy tree to try and make it fit with their beliefs. That is why when studying this matter we don’t just need knowledge of mitochondrial and paternal DNA, we also need historical records and the Bible. The three together will reveal the truth.

Once the false prophecies regarding modern Israel were created, a need to change who Gog and Magog were needed. Not just for Christians, but also for Zionist Jews. It is therefore important to address this deception.

God names the forefathers of the groups in the Gog and Magog battle, so we must look closer into genealogy to expose false prophecy.
The battle of Gog and Magog is God judging the nations that have come up against His people and His land. There are three things we need to do to get this right:

1. Understand the time of this battle
2. Understand who Gog and Magog are
3. Understand who and what they are attacking.

Investigating the beginnings of Gog and Magog

God points to the descendants of Japhet as the main culprits in this conflict:
“Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 
And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” (Eze 38:2-4)

Firstly we need to note that Gog is the land of Magog, an interpretation also confirmed by the Book of Jubilee: “to the whole region of Gog” (Jubilees 8). This reveals to us several important things. That Magog is still in the land of Gog, and if we find one we also find the other. Gog is the leader in the Magog war, meaning the land and leaders of the land. It also reveals to us that Magog’s descendants are together.

Genesis 10 tells us who these three men are, and it is the very sons of Japhet, the eldest son of Noah:
“The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras” (Gen 10:2 -3).

The book of Ezekiel continues prophesying about the Gog and Magog battle:
“And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: 
Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: 
Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee” (Eze 38:4-6)

Here we see that Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya will be judged at the same time.  And the Bible will explain to us why as we will investigate how it is all connected. It is important to take note that they are not wearing the same armor or military garments. We will also see in those verses, God puts the spotlight on Japhet’s son Gomer and his son Togarmah.

The Bible reveals the ancestry of Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya:
Let’s start with the obvious nations.
Ethiopia/Kush: The Bible does not really say Ethiopia, it is just the English translation of the word Kush, not to be confused with the modern borders of the country Ethiopia. They first settled in what we today know as Sudan and then spread southward and southwest. The original transcripts of the Old Testament only ever use the name “Kush”. Kush is the son of Ham, Noah’s third son. He was also the father of Nimrod. Although Nimrod had his empire in northern Mesopotamia, after the people scattered, his father’s tribe moved south.
The Bible tells us that Kush lived in what we today call Africa, south of Egypt.
Libya is also the descendants of Ham and at first, lived in the continent of North Africa. The Libyans are thought to be the descendants of Hams’s son Phut or Mizraim according to the Jewish historian Josephus:

Jewish historian Josephus

Phut also was the founder of Libya, and called the inhabitants Phutites (Phoutes), from himself: there is also a river in the country of Moors which bears that name; whence it is that we may see the greatest part of the Grecian historiographers mention that river and the adjoining country by the appellation of Phut (Phoute): but the name it has now has been by change given it from one of the sons of Mezraim [Mizraim], who was called Lybyos.” —Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, book 1:6/2

Bear in mind North Africa, including Egypt and Libya, has been conquered several times and a large part of the population is now Arab, and many indigenous converted to Islam or moved southward. Genetically we see both Arabs and the original descendants of Phut/Mizraim.

Mizraim is known to be Egypt, it is still called Misr in Arabic. The Biblical transcript calls it Mitsrajim, and it is translators who have translated it to “Egypt” after the Greeks named it Aegyptos. That is not what the Bible originally calls it, just how translators have translated it. The Bible calls it Mitsrayim revealing this was Ham’s son’s territory.
So when the translation writes: “Abraham went to Egypt”, it says Abraham went to Mitsrayim. The Bible therefore places most of Ham’s sons in Africa. Lastly, in Persia, the Bible tells us its capital is Susa which was named after one of Shem’s sons Elam. The Bible also tells us that Shem’s great-grandchildren by another son went eastward as well: “And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east”. (Gen.10:30)

As we will investigate further the Bible reveals the descendants of Japhet went west and north. Thus the Bible reveals to us that Noah’s sons got each their wind direction, and Japhet’s children, got two wind directions. Japhet is the king of the West and North, Shem is the king of the East and Ham is the king of the South. Some things did change somewhat.

Media, what is now north in Iran, is the descendants of Japhet’s son Medai, which we will find out later in this article why he stayed with the tribes of Shem and why this is relevant to Gog and Magog.

Israel, six-day war.

Many believe that the wars in modern Israel directed at Israeli Jews are related somehow to the Gog and Magog war, or will result in it. However, there has been no “Magog”, according to evangelical views, present in the conflicts so far.

In the six-day war, it was Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria who attacked modern Israel. Genealogy confirms that these nations are closely related to Jews, and are most likely Arabs and some even ancient converted Israelis and Samaritans. The main powers in the wars in the Middle East are mostly from the tribe of Shem mixed with the tribe of Ham. It’s Modern Israeli Jews fighting the ancient tribes of Israel converted to Islam, as well as the other descendants of Abraham. It is mostly a Semitic conflict.

  • In Egypt, the descendants of Ham are also mixed with Semites after early Arabic invasions. Still, the country has its original Egyptian descendants too.
  • In Jordan, descendants of Amman and Semites (for instance Israel and Ishmael)
  • In Lebanon, we find the descendants of the ancient Canaanites and Semites (ancient Israel, and some from Shem’s other son).
  • In Syria, the descendants of the Assyrians (Semite) and other Semites.

    As we can see, these are not the main provocateurs Gods is describing in the Gog and Magog war.
Israel killing thousands of Palestinians, and taking from them land, is actually attacking descendants of ancient Israel. Genetics show they always lived in the Levant and in the territory of ancient Israel.

What about the Palestinians? Many modern Israelis and Jews have long painted them as Arab invaders who do not belong in the area or have any right to it compared to themselves. That they first “stole” Palestine and now Jews are taking it back.
Genealogy researchers have long been taking tests of hundreds of ancient burials around the world, and they have a good idea of who is closely related to which ancient group. One such genealogy site shows us that modern Palestinians are most closely related to the following ancient tribes: Canaanite/Semite and Hurrian, Amorite, ancient Egyptian, and Carian. What they call Canaanite/Semite is ancient Israel. The reason ancient Israel is now called Canaanite/semite is because evolutionists reject the exodus and claim Israel were Canaanites who lived there all the time, “Semite” relates to the Israeli family tree and the Semitic people. And so Palestinians are made up of a mixed group of several of the populations that have lived in the land throughout time, the descendants of Ham, of ancient Israel, and Arabs. This means the Palestinians have always lived in the surrounding area and in the Middle East, while most Ashkenazi Jewish Israelis today (settlers taking land from Palestinians from the occupied territories) are interbred with European and other Middle Eastern genes. Those who call themselves Palestinians today, therefore, have always lived in the Middle East. And they are mostly not descendants of Japhet or Magog, but of Shem, Abraham, and Ham.

Most Palestinians have direct ancestry to ancient Israel, now of the Muslim faith. It means they have told the truth of their origin, dismissed by eager Christian and Sionist “prophets”. Palestinian genetics also reveal they have always lived in the Levant area for thousands of years and were not scattered in the rest of the world like the Jews. The Israeli government has now banned Israeli Jews from taking genealogy tests, perhaps with good reason. If both Palestinians and modern Jews are of mixed race but both of ancient Israel, it changes the Biblical birthright claim.

Mitracondial DNA shows modern Azkenazi Jews who are behind the great 20th-century Jewish immigration to Israel, are a mixed race and by no means “a pure” Jewish race.
Today Jews claim that if your mother is Jewish, then you are Jewish, showing this is tied to religion more than genetics.

Paternal haplogroups: The change of haplogroups shows that for most Ashkenazi Jews there is no clear male haplogroup line to Abraham. Jewish women have married non-Jewish men, and Jewish men have married non-Jewish women (likely converts). Judaism today is not one ethnicity. J1 is most likely Abraham’s gene, and J2 is a part of the semite family tree. Their direct ancestry goes back to all of Noah’s three sons. Testing of Sephardic Jews shows a similar result where their genes are mixed with the country they were in before coming to the Modern State of Israel. As we continue, even Benjamin Netanyahu has a paternal haplogroup that might indicate he is a direct ancestor of Magog (he may still be mostly a descendant of Abraham through a grandfather or mother)
Palestinian paternal haplogroups indicate a greater percentage of Semite haplogroups than Azkenazi Jews.
Flag Hejaz Arab Man Waving

Photo: Who are the Palestinians? We see during the first diaspora, God left the poor people among the Israelis behind in the land, some farmers as well, while the rest were scattered. God did not scatter everyone the first time.(Jer.40:6) God left a remnant behind in the land the second time too. Palestinians appear to be a mixed group, but also of ancient Israel, Judah, and a remnant of Samaritans that were left behind. Likely they were poor farmers as they were the first time. Neither Rome nor Babylon took the trouble of dispersing groups that showed no opposition and mostly did what they were told. This is seen when they choose to let Jeremiah stay in Jerusalem in peace with the others. During the Islamic invasions of the land between the 6th to 9th century the remnant groups after the Roman conquest converted to Islam, while still claiming to be descendants of ancient Israel. They appear to tell the truth.

In the last 3000-2000 years Palestinians have mixed with other groups in the Levant, while Jews have mixed with other religious Jews and others where they lived creating a genetic gap between the two groups.
God’s promise to Abraham appears to have been fulfilled to those left behind: “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates” (Gen 15:18) It shows a God in control. 

Bible Prophesied God giving the land to a remnant of Israel

In Zephania God tells us why Israel’s genetics is found among Palestinians and Jordanians and that it is His design.
He explains: “Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the LORD is against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant” (Zep 2:5). Then He says who will live there instead: “And the sea coast shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks. And the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah; they shall feed thereupon” (Zep 2:6-7) The world and even Jews have been deceived to think this is about the future, but genetics show that this is already fulfilled a long time ago and that what is today called Palestinians are remnant God placed there instead of the Philistines.
A similar judgment happened in the country we now know as Jordan: “I have heard the reproach of Moab, and the revilings of the children of Ammon, whereby they have reproached my people and magnified themselves against their border. 
Therefore as I live, saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Surely Moab shall be as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah, even the breeding of nettles, and saltpits, and a perpetual desolation: the residue of my people shall spoil them, and the remnant of my people shall possess them” (Zep 2:8-9). 

Again, this is not about the state of Israel taking Jordan today, this has already happened in the past and genetics show the word of God was fulfilled. The remnant of Israel does possess in large part these lands. The world has been utterly deceived.

Jordanians, who are related to Palestinians, are also closely related to Samaritans from the Israeli tribes of Manasse, Ephraim, and Levi.
Between Jordan and the River Euphrates lies parts of Iraq. Do the descendants of Abraham cover the area to the river even in Iraq? Genetics show they are:

The lower the number, the closer the relation.
Picture: Show what ancient groups the Iraqi people today are closely related to. The lower numbers indicate closer relations. Canaanite/semite + Safevid show a direct ancestry combination to ancient Israel as well as ancient Persia.

The war in the Middle East today is therefore not what it seems at first glance. It is mostly a religious war with remnant of ancient Israel on both sides. One has the nations in the West as their support, and the others have Islamic nasions as their support. We will explain this war in a later part of Gog and Magog, to make it all make sense from scripture.

Where are Japhet’s sons today?

The Bible gives us clues to what direction some tribes of Noah went after Babel, but from there they continued to “spread out” in those territories in mostly that same wind direction as the populations grew. That is, except in Asia, where they also spread north-east. Sometimes the sons of Noah’s descendants mixed as is evident when we look at the DNA today. That is why we need to let the Bible fill in the gaps. Noah’s sons did not remain only in the first place they went. This was God’s design. It says:
So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore, is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth” (Gen.11:8-9)

Did someone take Magog’s land and can there be a new Magog?
We also see several places in the Bible where God is engaging in protecting tribes’ rights to the areas God has designed for them. The book of Jubilee claims the descendants of Noah made an oat to travel only to the places assigned to them: “in the presence of the kodesh judge, and in the presence of Noah our father” (Jubilee 10). It further explains that Canaan violated this and settled in the land of Shem. It seems like there was a rift between Noah and Ham’s son Canaan, where Canaan is in part blamed and cursed for his father Ham’s disrespectful behavior (Gen.9:25). The conflict between the two is further seen when Canaan refuses to settle in the area Noah had appointed to him. Shem’s descendants being too few, they could not immediately inhabit it themselves and Canaan took advantage of this. The book claims both his father Ham and brother Kush warned Canaan against it saying: “And Ham, his father, and Cush and Mizraim his brothers said to him: ‘You have settled in a land which is not yours, and which did not fall to us by lot: do not do so; for if you do, do so, you and your sons will fall in the land and (be) accursed through sedition; for by sedition you have settled, and by sedition will your children fall, and you shall be rooted out forever.”
Both the Bible and the book of Jubilee therefore tell us God took part in where they were sent. The “Lord” was the one who scattered them. Also other places God scattered, we see Him having intentions in how and where they are scattered. The Bible tells us God is the King of all borders. (Job 38:10) Job said: “He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again” (Job 12:23).  The Bible also shows us how God preserves other people’s land, and not just Israel. (Deu.2:5.9.19, Gen.15:18) Japhet and Magog get their judgment at the Gog and Magog war at the very end of the 7000 years show that their areas still belong to them until the very last. They did not die out, they remained in control in their areas. However, as we will see, they did have internal conflicts and wars. And they do another grievous sin regarding the holy land, a land not appointed to them.

God has control over who went where, we need to keep that in mind as we continue. This will also help us identify Magog and expose his sin against Jerusalem and God’s people.

CONTINUE TO PART TWO —————-> Human development after the flood





200 million gifts from evangelicals to Israel every year? That is someone’s estimate, some say even more. Many churches have had offerings for Israel and spent millions on transporting Jews from all over the world to the modern state of Israel.

It might be curious as church membership or attendance is plummeting at a high rate. The Christians are losing their members to the pagan uprising in their countries, yet instead of investing money to preach the gospel or to increase their influence, millions are sent to those who reject Christ so they can have a country.

Modern-day Israel has confused many Christians because, for a long time, the understanding was that God’s people were the followers of Christ regardless of their ethical background and not Jews who rejected Christ. Now they have given up this belief and made themselves the servants of Christ-denying Jews. Yes, even those mocking Christ.

Christians are helping the Israeli army, cleaning their toilets, they are cheering and siding with Israeli wars, tolerating apartheid-like conditions for Palestinians and them being pushed out of the land.

For it is believed, prophetically, that Israel is supposed to have this land for a thousand-year reign. So they have to take it, right? And those stopping them are bad people, right?

The understanding of Israel’s mission and future is a mixture of already passed fulfilled prophecy and interpretation of future prophecy. Yet, the interpretations of modern Israel contradict all the major morals, laws, and words of Christ. Normally, if an interpretation does not harmonize with either God’s law or Jesus, it should be clear it is wrong, yet in the case of Israel, blindness seems to have swiped over the Christian churches. Being forced to choose between the written word and their understanding of prophecy and certain biblical terms, they choose their understanding and throw away every good principle in the bible for its sake. It is there for important to learn the A-B-C of the gospel once again, who Jesus and the real Israel are. The revelation from scripture to what the State of Israel really is, shocked and surprised even the writer of these articles.

A lot of what you will read will be tough reading, just as it was painful and hard to write. They are hard truths to swallow for many people. Therefore use time to pray for God to open your heart to what He wishes to tell you. No matter what it is. This study will also reveal how short the time is and how everything is set for Christ to come on very short notice.


Coming soon…





PART 1: Does Modern Israel have a God?

We need to know who Jehovah is, to understand the state of the Jewish synagogue today

Understanding Jehovah’s connection with Jesus is essential to understanding who the real Israel is. YHWH is the God of Israel. If you do not worship the God of Israel, you are not Israel. If you do not respect and love the God of Israel, you break God’s law, as the law’s greatest command is to love Jehovah. Therefore, no one can represent God’s law or culture, or be the gatekeepers of it if they don’t worship Him. This is also why not all of Abraham’s descendants were chosen, only the line who chose to continue to honor Jehovah.

If Jehovah and Jesus are the same person, it exposes post-Jesus Judaism as apostate, even close to pagan. For they reject their God for the sake of a god of their imagination.

There have been countless debates between Trinitarians and anti-trinitarians throughout the Christian movement’s existence. Both could be in part in the wrong and part in the right. Claiming that a man can know and understand the secrets of the nature of God is self-deceiving at best, and a great portion of humility is needed. And such a reflection should conclude that we cannot understand these things completely. Neither will I explain it here perfectly.

Understanding who God is will continue to be complicated for humanity because God is different from us, and His kingdom is different from earthly kingdoms. Humans can only understand and compare with things we know and have seen. As Paul wrote the following about God’s kingdom: “But as it is written, What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has conceived” (1. Cor.2:9)

If we traveled back in time to people living three thousand years ago and had to explain some modern inventions never seen by them, we would be forced to explain things in a way they could relate to it from their perspective and use them to explain what is to them unknown. If we were to describe a plane and how it worked, we would have to point to birds and metal and try to make them picture a metal bird. It would still not explain to them the mechanism. Even the word “horsepower” still used today is to translate the power an engine uses. There are no horses in an engine, nor is there an energy used that is like that produced by a horse. It is just the same result, you get movement and power. You explain speed. You can explain to the ancient people a hollow, metal cylinder that hundreds of people could sit in, and an invention that produces more power than a horse or a bird can, inside this cylinder, and then a wet material along with oil, helps this non-organic creation work, and because of this, you can fly around the world. Now, when you leave that person with all of this information, the likelihood of him creating an airplane based on your description is close to none. Because there are details he needs to understand, inventions that need to be made beforehand before continuing to an airplane, and so on. Understanding comes in stages. At best, the person is left with assuming from your description all that he does not understand, and it will be a very faulty assumption. Now try to explain cellphones to that same person. You talk through some item, click some numbers on it, and someone in China can hear what you are saying instantly. They would think you were a sorcerer in a league with evil spirits. To understand reality, they first need to learn about radio waves and become familiar with them. There are steps they need to learn to understand the final invention correctly.

In a way, this is how God has to speak to mankind a lot of the time. Because His kingdom is more advanced, has more knowledge, and understands on a higher level all things compared to us. He has to use things we can see and behold to explain the things we do not see.

When it comes to who God is, God reserves in part the insight because He does not, and we are not served by, comparing Him to the things we can see. This would degrade who God is and what He can do for us. Therefore, there is something related to the nature of God we cannot understand by comparing it to what we can see. He asks us to accept that He is a higher being and there are things we cannot look into with our present knowledge or imagination. So He explains who He is by letting us get to know his character. To Him, knowing who He is matters more than understanding what He is made of.

Before, it was insane for anyone to think of one being able to be everywhere at once, and see everything and know everything. Now that we have the internet and through it intelligence agencies can visit any room and listen in, it is tempting to compare this with what God does. A machine that records everything we do, that can estimate our personality based on what we watch, listen, buy and click on.
But still, we are using things seen to explain something that is far beyond our understanding. God is not a machine, nor is He the internet.

These things are important for us to understand for us to be saved, and for our relationship with God, as God explains in the Bible. Nothing of this is hidden.

We are told there is a creator, there is a heavenly court that judges mankind, that man’s deeds are recorded, and that there is a way for us to be redeemed and how we are redeemed. God does not explain the Holy Spirit, He just tells us it exists and works to bring us to God and to sanity. Jesus compared it to the wind because the wind is invisible, but its work can be seen. Still, the Holy Spirit is far more than the wind. Jesus called Himself the good shepherd, a door, a lamb, a tree, a farmer, a way, bread, his blood wine, and so on. He was using things we can behold to understand who He is and what His mission is. But they are just visuals, not the reality. It is the character of these things that can be compared to Him. We are not sheep and he is a shepherd. Rather, it is the relationship between sheep and shepherds that is the point of the wording.

Jesus explained He has a Father. Now Judaism and Islam claim to be a monotheistic religion so there is no room for a God-son and this is considered apostasy to believe there would be two Gods. It is considered pagan to have more than one god, and thus Christ is rejected as apostasy by Jews which is in part why they rejected Him while He was on earth too.

Let’s look at some of these passages:

The Jews answered him, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you, but for blasphemy because you, being a man, make yourself God.” (Matthew 1:23)

“When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” (Mark 2:5-6)

“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds”  (John 8:58)

Now lost in translation, but here Jesus claims to be the great I AM who was the God of Israel, revealed to Moses above the burning bush, in a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day by the camp of Israel.  The one whose throne on earth was the Ark of the Covenant. That is why they are trying to stone Him. Jesus revealed to them that He was Jehovah, the one they claimed to worship. But if Jesus was Jehovah, who was the God Jehovah claimed to be His father? And did this not contradict the monotheistic Jewish belief that “God is one”?

Could God have come as a human and was now walking among them?

After calling Jesus a blasphemer, Jesus found a blind man, with eyes that had never worked. He silently took some dirt and shaped it. spit on it and placed it on the man’s eyes, and His breath gave new life to his eyes. Jesus, here, demonstrated His past self. In the beginning, he had created the first man from dirt, shaped him from the dirt, and with his breath given man life:

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen 2:7)

It is not to be avoided to see Christ demonstrating His power over creation, waking up dead, controlling all the natural elements like water, wind, storm, and fire. Creating from water, grape wine. Controlling the animals, when sending them to the fishermen’s net. Over and over again, Jesus demonstrated that He was above everything created. Even his enemies could not avoid doing what he told them to, when he demanded the demons to leave the possessed, they had to. When he came to his temple, his human enemies ran for their lives at the sound of His voice. Yet, he did not abuse his power, he came to ask for a man to follow him willingly and said he would respect if they rejected him, though they would have to answer to a heavenly court for their own sins if He was not allowed to atone on their behalf.

So if Christ was the creator, the Jehovah, the God of Israel, who is the One He called His father and God?

I do not wish to explain what God has chosen not to reveal, but we can discuss those things we know He did reveal.

Jews reject Christ still because they can’t have a second God. A Muslim rejects Jesus as God’s son because they can’t fathom a God with a son without picturing a wife. And God having a wife is blasphemy, and so they reject Him as God’s son and accept Jesus only as a prophet.

The Catholic Church came up with “the trinity” a term not found in the Bible. It is a way to explain how God can be one, but there is a Christ and a Holy Spirit at the same time. The attempt to explain this has been called holy, and full of themselves they even declared the doctrine they came up with as salvational.

Anti-trinitarians have fought this dogma and insist on there being only one God, the Father, and that Jesus is some kind of son and is not God. Some say God created Him as well. Some think He only became a son when he was incarnated as a human.

The truth might be somewhere in the middle or on the side of all of this. The pagans who were in great competition against the truth and the one true God, consisted of many gods and their god-sons and god-wives, gods fornicating with humans and each other, warring with each other. Basically, it’s one big mess. You could pray to multiple gods, and choose the one who suits you and your line of work. What many might forget is that the beginning of what ended with paganism was Noah and his three sons. True worshipers. Paganism is an erroneous direction of the belief in a Creator, gone very, awfully wrong. God asked for animal sacrifices, they sacrificed humans. God controlled the elements, but they worshiped the elements as gods.  The list goes on. 

We cannot determine truth by doing the opposite of what the pagans believed and practiced. Even the Babylonian law of Hammurabi had several of the ten commandments of God in them, yet their religion was a lie because they mixed the truth with lies, making even their truth a lie. Understanding biblical truth therefore cannot be measured by the lie.

So how can we understand how God is one, and there potentially being another God at the same time?

In the beginning, in Genesis, at creation, we see more than one involved in the creation. “

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Here we see the word for God, Eloheim, is a plural word, identifying Him as a supreme judge. But it also shows there is not just one behind the creation, behind creating man “in his image”. (Gen 1:26-27)
It is clear that God is not alone. In part, what makes God the God of this world is being the Creator of it. Therefore, it is significant if it was not done by just one Persona.

In the creation of Adam we are presented with the name Jehovah: “And the YEHOVAH ELOHIM formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen 2:7).  This indicates to many that Jehovah and Elohim are one single person. First only Elohim, in plural, is used. Then another name enters and is used with Elohim. This could distinguish the two. Jehovah being Jesus, and Elohim his togetherness with His Father.

And ELOHIM spake all these words, saying, I am YEHOVAH thy ELOHIM, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other ELOHIM before me” (Exo 20:1-3) 

Here Jehovah says He brought them out of Egypt and are to be addressed as their Elohim.

So how can two talk as if they are one?

A verse Jews cling to is this: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might” (Deuteronomy 6:4– 5).

Let us do this verse again: Hear, O Israel! YEHOVAH ELOHIM, the YEHOVAH is one! And thou shalt love YEHOVAH ELOHIM with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”

Rather than clinging to this as evidence that there is only ONE of God, perhaps what God intended them to cling to was that there was no God for them outside Jehovah because they are in oneness. Rather than comparing Gods “one” with the pagan multiple gods, it was never supposed to be explained as a contrast to their religion. It is not really that complicated. When a government makes a judgment, they make it as one institution. When they make a law, they make it as one institution. If they create something, it is created as an institution. However, God has what He would refer to as a kingdom. He is a king. Even when a royal house makes a decision, they do it as one. The oneness shows there is no dispute, no rift, no competition. Their goal and purpose are one and the same. The word used for “one” is the same as when God ordered Adam and Eve to be “one”.  If you tear them apart, you sin. If you pitch them up against each other, the house will not stand. The house is determined upon unity of purpose, but they are not necessary to do the same work. Yet, a man and a woman are meant to complement each other with what they do, the differences between the two create the perfect oneness. 
God is not a marriage. Their oneness refers to something we cannot understand completely. They are one in thought and actions, they cannot be separated or pitched against one another. 

God is a ‘house’ of sorts, a house that speaks as one, is one in nature and purpose. And towards the human family, they present themselves as one. You cannot pitch one up against the other. Jesus explained that the relationship can be called that of a Father and a son. However, they cannot be a Father and a son in the same manner as humans are.

If God gave birth, cloned Himself, took a part of His own nature as a building material, or divided Himself in two like a cell, or if God and His son share a Spirit and therefore are the same in spirit while manifesting as two different. This is all the imagination of humans trying to imagine things we do not understand with what we can see and behold in our own world. We do God a disservice and even lie when we treat our assumptions as facts. God has chosen not to reveal how there are two, and why He says “we” when creating the world. From the New Testament, what we learn is that they have chosen that the best way to describe it is that God and Jesus are father and son. And Father and son, in the human sense, have the same genetics. They are genetically the same “house”. While a human son inherits when the Father dies, God never dies, which makes him co-regent with His Father. Thus they rule as a “we” in a unity, or entity. By speaking as an entity, it is clear that the two do not have a different agenda. The unity and oneness are by making all proclamations like they are one.
God was not originally created of dirt, but to compare with humans, a father, and a son have the same Y-dna. DNA is a coded language, revealing a coder and showing humans are created. God is not created, and so their nature is different. The human terms are therefore not perfect in describing these things. Jehovah and the Father have existed throughout what is called eternity, and share power and a throne. It’s rude and disrespectful for anyone to try to explain that which God has refused to reveal to man with our feeble understanding. As we cannot do Him justice, regardless of what conclusion we land on. So basically, the nature of God is none of our business, but how to worship Him is. 

What Israel was told is that they were to have Jehovah as their God (Judge). Jehovah was the representation and the likeness of His Father, when He spoke, They spoke. Worshiping one was worshiping the other. One powerhouse. And they are both the origin of human life. Only one formed with His hands the humans and breathed life in his nostrils, and that was Jehovah. Meaning, Jehovah is the origin of life to man, and therefore He is man’s God. To man, He is “alpha” and “omega”. He has the key to their life and the key to their death. He is not “alpha”, as if He existed before the God of the universe. But in relation to man, He is our “alpha”, our beginning.
The apostle John describes the divinity in this way: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.  (Joh 1:1-4) Jehovah is man’s life giver, as these things speak of the things of our world and not the entire universe which we know little about.

So what John explains is that Jesus was one with God at one point, and He created the world as God with God, and He gave life to Man.

Jesus explained: “Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? When Christ had risen, Christ do not object when Thomas declared: “My Lord and my God.  Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed…” He did not reject that he was God, or Thomas’s God” (Joh 14:8-9; 20:28-29).

There was nothing to see that was set apart from who Jesus was with the Father because they were as if they were the same person. Seeing Jesus was like seeing the Father or the “God of Israel”. The one their forefathers had loved and that had been with them, was actually Him. 

Throughout the Bible, Jehovah Elohim is explained as an entity or as this world’s God. One of the most complicated verses for non-trinitarians is this:

Ye are my witnesses, saith YEHOVAH, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no EL formed, neither shall there be after me. 

I, even I, am YEHOVAH; and beside me there is no saviour (YASHA). 

I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith YEHOVAH, that I am EL.” (Isa 43:10-12)

Faced with such a scripture, one can do as the Jews did and eliminate Christ. If Jehovah is the Father, He cannot have a divine son, and He, the Father, is the YASHA (Yeshua) and not Jesus the imposter called Yeshua later. For the God here eliminates the possibility of a Jesus, unless this is spoken in unity or if it is Jesus speaking. However, if it is Jesus who speaks, He seems to say there is no other God before Him. Here the word EL is used and not Elohim which is plural. There seems to be only one speaking.

And continue: “Behold, God (EL) is my salvation (YEHUSHUA); I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD (YAH) JEHOVAH (YEHOVAH) is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation (YEHUSHUA)” (Isa 12:2).

Again Jesus is the Latin name for YEHUSHUA which was His real name. The same name the angel Gabriel told Mary to give to her son. The same one who saved mankind by dying on the cross. The God speaking to Isaiah here says that YEHOVAH, YAHVE is this same YEHUSHUA.

And this is why for Jews, Yeshua or Jesus cannot be who He claims to be. For how can He leave heaven and come to earth as a man, and there still be another God in heaven?

These verses seem to indicate there can be no one before or after, and there is no room for another Yeshua taking God’s place.

Although these verses have become hard to understand, the truth might be easier than many think. Yehovah is not before or after, He is at one with what He calls the Father. They are one entity, and both have existed throughout time. They represent the same. Jesus can speak as He is this God because He is God, and consequently, He is this planet’s only savior and hope. He is the voice of God. Throughout the Old Testament, from when Yehovah first gave man life with his own breath, He has been the true God of this world, there was no one before Him here on earth, for he created everything in unity with His Father. And there is no one after Him, He will always be the ultimate ruler, EL, of this world. There was no God before the Godhead and none after. Man has never had another Creator or God before Jesus. He did not come into the picture “later” and then there was another God to man first.
This is most likely the point of these verses. For if we believe in Jesus, this is Jesus speaking and not the Father, saying He is man’s only God, life-giver, savior, and hope. Jesus is the one who had a throne on this earth, in the shape of the Ark of the Covenant. The law inside speaks of Him.
God Jehovah did not take over someone else’s rule, or territory, and no one will take it after them.
Nothing Jehovah does is His own will, after His own mind, but in unity with the God of the Universe. Only with this understanding does what God says in Isaiah make sense. If Yeshua was sent by God, then He is this same Jehovah who said: there is no other Yeshua than Him. Why is all of this important? Because the Jews and the anti-trinitarians teach that the God of the Old Testament is the Father, and Jews believe there can be no son while the anti-trinitarians believe there is a son but that He is not God. However, if what Jews think is God has really been Jesus the whole time, they have no God if they reject Jesus. And this is what we will look more into.
Rejecting Christ as God is like a child rejecting their parent as a biological parent. If Christ formed us and gave us the breath that causes our breathing, we cannot say He is not the origin of our life. And if He is the origin behind our breathing and existence, He is our God. He is our beginning. 

The Bible reveals a great change that takes place from God being “one”. Throughout the Old Testament Jehovah speaks as one God, in oneness, togetherness, with the same nature. “Let us make humans in our likeness..” They were always one. Yet when man sinned, Jehovah was the one constantly present, representing Himself as our God. When someone had to save mankind, take their penalty, and represent mankind in the courts of heaven, it “broke” the nature of God, breaking the more physical bond of the Godhead. How this is, we cannot fathom with our current human understanding. All we can see is the effect and change recorded in the Bible.
If one were to defend the universe against sin, and at the same time someone had to save and represent sinners, they had to part ways physically. For there to be a mediator between the God of the universe and mankind, one had to step down from the throne and place Himself below the one He was equal or one with. In the Old Testament, we were only ever introduced to an entity, a perfect God, a oneness. In the New Testament, one is in heaven and the other is in human flesh. This completely changed the setting and situation of the Godhead. Therefore, how God was presented in the past, and how He is presented in the New Testament, is affected by this great change. Jehovah coming as a human, even a small baby, meant that He could no longer function as God. And so Jehovah gave this up and placed everything in His Father’s hands. Now, from first being equal, He has become subordinate. By taking human nature, He had to give up His divine nature, which made him one with the Father. From this moment on they are no longer one in nature, in position, only in purpose and character. 

Jehovah’s identity, a mystery we will not understand now with our limited understanding, was translated into human genetics, and he was born as a human. As prophesied: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, And they shall call his name Immanuel; which is, being interpreted, God with us” (Matt.1:23)

As a human, under human conditions, Jesus had left the glory he had. He was like God, now he was like a man.

“Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Php 2:6-11)

Jesus is “KURIOS”, in Greek, which is what the Old Testament would have translated as “ELOHIM”, meaning God. That every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is ELOHIM, God.

Jehovah separated from God to become a man and is now unified with God again. To be reinstated to the position He had, He first had to lose it or give it up. This is why we see Jesus choosing a way of addressing God, whom He was once one with, differently in the New Testament. He speaks from a subdued position yet in respect and obedience. From being the one who commands, Jesus learns to be the one taking command.
Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered” (Heb.5:8) He did not have to learn obedience because He was disobedient, He was always obedient to His principles. But He learned it from a different perspective, from a human perspective. Yet, He still was obedient to the principles He had made.

This is a strange sequence of events we cannot claim to understand fully, or even explain perfectly. Most certainly, I cannot explain it perfectly and do God justice. Yet, this is what the Bible tells us. And from Jesus is born, God and Jehovah do not speak as one anymore, instead, we have God and a mediator, a mediator who degraded Himself, to save the human species by becoming a human, being obedient, and by it, inheriting everything once entrusted to mankind. The promises of God to His people could not be fulfilled when they were in rebellion and judged. Christ could as a human inherit all these promises on our behalf and save the human species that way. By dying for man, but also given to atone, forgive and restore man. But Jehovah has lost something along the way. He is no longer “made of” the same as God, only in Spirit. He is now forever the same nature as mankind, having given up his equality with God to save us. After taking the risk and the loss, there is only one God of the universe with the nature of God left. God the Father had equally lost Him who was one with Himself, and now His Son is in nature one with the people that rebelled against Him. Jesus said, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. “ (Joh,3:16-17)

Although Christ would be risen, even restored to God’s throne with His Father, he would remain a human. He will forever be in a reduced position compared to His Father. They are no longer equals. And this is part of the great sacrifice of Christ coming to earth as a man.

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne” (Rev 3:21) 

Something is lost forever. This loss is seen when going from the Old Testament era and over to the New Testament era. This is most likely why, God is only ever described as one in the Old Testament, yet when Christ is born, He is considered the human manifestation of God, yet there is another God in heaven.

When the Jews rejected Christ, they lost the explanation for what had happened. How great the sacrifice God had to make to restore man is. That the one who was standing in front of them was the one they had always known as their creator, lawgiver, and God: Jehovah. The one they claimed to honor and follow was the same one they were ridiculing. The one they accused of blasphemy, ended up being the target of their own blasphemy. Jesus was the God of Israel.

Jews have maintained this belief to this day, that God was not more than one, that the oneness was a human counting system rather than the mysterious nature of the divinity explained in a human language.

That the God that led them out of Egypt, that spoke to Moses, from Mount Sinai, that told them to have no other God than Him, was Jesus. When they rejected Him Christ said: “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate” (Matt.23:38). Because Christ is Jehovah, rejecting Christ meant there was no other god to sit in their temple. It was Him who had dwelled there. Without Him, their house was desolate, without a God. It’s Him, Jehovah, or nothing. There is no other God to connect with them, for Jesus was this God, their connection. The rejection of Him meant leaving their house empty. It’s not one Jehovah Elohim and one Jesus, and if you reject Jesus, you keep at least Jehovah. There is only Jehovah, only one salvation, only one God for them, and if He is cast away, there is no one else.
There was no God in a relationship with mankind before Christ, for Christ is man’s life-giver. He is the one who gave them life, there is no one before or after, giving them. They cannot pick the Old Testament God and reject Christ because He is one and the same. He is the only one they ever had. And this is most likely the meaning of the words Jehovah spoke in the book of Isaiah. 

This is also why it was so crucial for the continuation of the Jewish nation to receive Christ as their Lord. Without him, they had no Jehovah Elohim. No God to go back to, no God to come.  They cannot push him aside and choose the Father, for the Father was manifested through and together with Jehovah to mankind throughout time. Just like Jehovah formed man from the very beginning, he will execute judgment on the final day. He is the Alpha and Omega of Earth and mankind. Jehovah is all they got. Man is nothing, and has nothing without Jehovah. That is what the Bible tells us.

Compare again the Old Testament prophecy and the New Testament speaking about the same person: “In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Jer 23:6)

As written, so it happened. Jehovah came as a man to bring His righteousness to man:

“But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30)
Jehovah is the only righteousness offered to man, and Jew, and this is Jesus’ righteousness. So first, Christ is our life giver “the breath of life”, then our atonement and then our righteousness.

The angel Gabriel told Daniel that his people and Jerusalem would get 490 years, or 70 prophetic weeks, to receive Jehovah atonement and righteousness.

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy” (Dan 9:24) 

If they reject their God and leader, there is nothing God can do for them. This will end with them disconnecting with God and ceasing to be His people and representation.

The Jewish leadership rejected their Savior, their Jehovah Elohim, whom they claimed to worship. Once inside a pillar of fire at night, and inside a pillar of cloud by day, resting above the Ark of the Covenant that led their way, Jehovah was crucified and hung above the resting place of the Ark. With the sign above His head: ‘King of the Jews’, for he was that same one. They rejected His blood, His sacrifice, His righteousness, and His salvation. 

Therefore, we know this is Christ speaking:

Ye are my witnesses, saith YEHOVAH, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no EL formed, neither shall there be after me. 

I, even I, am YEHOVAH; and beside me there is no saviour (YASHA). 

I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith YEHOVAH, that I am EL.” (Isa 43:10-12)

This verse does not remove Christ, it is Christ speaking. He is all they have if they wish to be saved.

They rejected JEHOVAH but kept the name as if they still were His people. This act is a breaking of the third commandment and a great blasphemy: “Thou shalt not take the name of YEHOVAH thy ELOHEEM in vain; for YEHOVAH will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain” (Exo.20:7) (Vain, word meaning can also be “lie”)
Claiming to represent Jehovah after having Him killed is blasphemy and a defaming of Jehovah’s name. Can you imagine if someone who persecuted and rejected you claimed to be your faithful spokesperson? That is what Jesus has had to endure. Many think Jews are guardians of God’s law, but in fact, as we see, this is a lie. Jews still uphold that Christ is a deception and go hard against anyone trying to convert a Jew to Christ, and like this, they uphold the resistance of their forefathers and become blasphemers with them. Many orthodox Jews claim still that Christ is an anti-Christ. In reality, He is Jehovah, the one the law speaks of. The one you have to love to keep the law.
God’s names are violated over all the earth in every language. Christians claim to follow Jesus, yet do not do what Jesus did or believe as He did. God is misrepresented all the time by people claiming to follow him.

Yet, the Jewish nation took it further, they wanted to keep the name of Jehovah Elohim and cast out the one whose name it is because they did not like Him, or His way of salvation. Nor did they want His righteousness. They “killed Him” and stole His name.

This left them with an empty shell, a spiritless ritualism, that God was not in nor wanted to be part of. Their religion became a mockery. What was once entrusted to them was now a theft of the truth.
Jesus made another parallel to His pre-existence as the God of Israel. When God was rejected before the Babylonians destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, Ezekiel is shown how the presence of God, Jehovah, moved out of the temple to the entrance of the temple. Then he moves over to the Mount of Olives, where He leaves with the word that He will return and seek to place His law in their hearts. But now, rejected, He ascends from the Mount of Olives. Jesus hints at this being Him when He makes His triumphant entry to Jerusalem, descending from the Mount of Olives – as His great return to Jerusalem. Not as the mystic glory, but as God in flesh. Only to be rejected and crucified the same week. Killed above His throne. He then resurrects and returns to the Mount of Olives, where He had to leave the last time in His glory, and once again Jesus ascends from the Mount of Olives and back to heaven. It is a complete repetition of the last time, only then as a glory that no one could behold, but now clothed as a man. God has really tried everything. But the last time, as He leaves from the Mount of Olives once again, he is followed by a remnant of Israel who did receive Him, and He promises them He will be with them through His Spirit that He sends them out to reach others with the real truth. He says He will dwell in their hearts, like promised.
Jesus tries to tell them who He is in many ways, yet it is hard for them to comprehend, and often the revelation induces fear or anger with the listener.

Once, Jehovah had spoken from the Sinai mountain in unity with His Father. The “word in the flesh” had written the law with his finger upon the tables of stone. Placed in the Ark, and then He rested above it in the wilderness and later in Solomon’s temple. It represented the foundation of His kingdom, His law. It was the law that had been broken and which He had to come as a man to take the penalty for, to restore both law and man in one.

Once Moses had stood shaking, close to the glory of Jehovah on the mountain begging to see some of His divinity, when Christ came in human flesh, Moses came down from heaven and met him on the mountain there.
“And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. 
And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him” (Mat 17:1-3)

What an astonishing reversal. It also shows how far Jehovah had humbled himself. Moses did not come to teach Jesus, He came to comfort Him, knowing that mankind depended upon it. Yet what a strange occurrence, for the one who once came down to meet Moses at the mountain, whose glory was so great that he had to close Moses’ eyes when he passed him, now a human and Moses coming from heaven to speak with him.

It might never be fully understood how much Jesus risked and how much He lost to do what He did.

For the one who created man out of the dirt, to become part of His own creation in the way He did. Not even in the likeness of the first humans in their perfect state, but after four thousand years of descendants of that first man, degenerated. He still retained His identity. The human woman, whom many now worship as a goddess, was not a goddess. She was an ordinary woman. ‘She was not Christ’s creator, Christ was hers. Christ’s persona was already pre-existent, and thus she did not create God when she gave birth to Jesus. She is not the mother of God, she is a vessel for God’s incarnation to become man, not the creator of His existence and identity. He already had that. She was a surrogate for Christ’s incarnation from God to human. The incarnation was not to transform Mary into something divine, rather it made Christ a human. She was not being incarnated to his nature, He was incarnated to hers, and to all those before her that made up her genetics. The family of David, Judah, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham and Adam. How God did it is a mystery for both humans and angels. After his incarnation. He now had to live as men do. Gain help from God to survive as a man on a sinful planet. His means of speaking with God was the same as ours. To gain strength and help, He had to ask for it. In enemy territory, in constant danger, he relied on God’s protection. So we see Jesus do all that we must do to connect to God, pray, praise, study, and use faith and hope to strengthen Himself. He could not leave Earth and go see God in heaven when He desired it. He had to seek Him in faith, He could not see His Father with His human eyes anymore. He had to speak to Him through prayer, without beholding Him, as all humans must. He had to do it the way humans do.

Yet despite being born as man, in fully human flesh, Jesus’ identity did not change, His spirit was still His spirit. He was still one with God, unified in spirit. Yet now not in nature, but by submission. He degraded Himself so He could work as a mediator between God and man. He degraded Himself so that He, as a human being, could enter the courts of heaven on mankind’s behalf. He gave up His position on God’s throne at one with Him, to a lower position. Before this, Jehovah only ever represented and was God to man, He was Jehovah Elohim, and now He was representing man to God. He was now representing us to God (EL) and not God (ELOHIM). Yet, God chose to make this sacrifice, to allow Jehovah to do it, a part of Him, the only one like Him, to go to save them and do this.

Jesus made sure to let us know that He in his now humiliated form was not to work against God in any way. All He did was as planned, in harmony and oneness, with God. “Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” John 5:19

Does this mean Jesus did not have a will of His own? If He did not, He could not have sinned or even been tempted. But scripture says: “He was tempted in every way that we are, but he did not sin. Let us, then, feel very sure that we can come before God’s throne where there is grace.” Heb.4:15-16)

If Jesus could be tempted and even risk sinning, He has a will He can use. So why did He say He can do nothing by himself? Jesus is clearly speaking of His will being united with the Father as it ever was. That even if His appearance and nature had changed, their oneness in spirit and purpose remained. He will not do anything after His own will. Their purpose, plan, and representation to man are still one. Thus, Jesus could say to Phillip that even though Jesus was clothed in human flesh, seeing him and the Father was the same thing. For Jesus was still the God of Israel, although, in human form, He was still in oneness, just no longer in nature and position. There is no conflict or difference. Humans desire signs and wonders, but they can deceive. Hearing God’s voice on Mount Sinai did not make Israel more obedient to that same voice. Seeing the pillar close by them, did not necessarily bring them closer to God.

Man has had to meet God in many shapes and forms, yet whether God is veiling Himself in a pillar of fire or as a human, it cannot change man’s heart. Man has to desire change to be able to change. Fear cannot produce love or perfect obedience. Nor is tolerance the same as repentance. Being one with God’s spirit and law is born through understanding Him correctly and receiving His love. Yet, we might still not want His righteousness.

Jesus prayed: “And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. 
While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled” (Joh 17:11-12)

This prayer was answered when we later read on the day of Shavuot: “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place”

It meant that they were unified in purpose, in love, in assignment, in hope, and even in material things. It says: “And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.” (Act 2:1 and Act.4:32)

This was the answer to Christ’s prayer, this was the oneness that resembled the one He had with His Father even as a human here on earth. The bond of love.

Now, the details of how are not given to us. Most likely because there is nothing we see here on earth that can explain the Godhead perfectly. Sometimes the Spirit is called God’s spirit, sometimes Jesus says it’s His spirit. Do they share spirit? Is it separate? We don’t know how they are in one either before the incarnation or after, although we are given much more insight when they are separated, one in flesh and one in heaven. However, this does not explain fully how they spoke as one before the incarnation. I cannot explain all of this, nor can any other human.
Those who think they have it all figured out are most likely fooling themselves, as well as others. The important thing in this current study is to understand that Jehovah, the God of Israel, is Jesus. And rejecting Jesus is rejecting the God of Israel and being left with no God at all, only a name stolen from the name’s holder, which itself is a violation of God’s law. And they will not get another God in His place, just as there was no God before Him to man. YHWH is a name said to imitate man’s breathing, YH – breathing in and VH – Breathing out. It is to refer to God as the life-giver, the breath-giver, pointing back to YEHOVAH breathing into the first man so he became a living soul. Thus the first breath to give life was from Christ, He is the first, and He is YEHOVAH, and every breath since then, and until the very last, is still from Him.

Yet when Christ died on the cross, humans took away that breath of life from the human incarnation of Jehovah. There is poetry in how God deals with mankind and gives the message that if you attack your life-giver, you destroy your life at the same time.
Mankind cannot live without Jehovah, and only because He was raised and breathed again, can man continue to live. We are connected to our creator in many ways we do not comprehend.

When the Bible says there is no other ‘YESHU” or “YESHUHUA” than Jehovah, we should also notice another verse: “I am the LORD (YEHOVAH). That is my name. I will not give my glory to another; I will not let idols take the praise that should be mine” (Isaiah 42:8-10)

Any statues and images of Jesus used religiously or ritualistically is not of Him at all. The command, against making idols for worship, includes idols of Jesus. Thus, the Catholic and Orthodox churches likewise blaspheme God when they claim to represent Him. Their worship is an act of rebellion and is registered as such in the courts of heaven.

When Jesus took humanity, everything He did for man He had to do through His Father. He no longer had the same power as before, He was limited by the human flesh he had taken on, He had to receive to give. Before His incarnation, He could give by His own authority as He was in the nature of God. Now He did nothing except for through the Father.

By taking the role of a mediator, as the one who ministers on behalf of man before God in heaven, He is subjected to having to let God make decisions He no longer can be completely a part of as before. For as the human representative, and humans are under judgment, He has a biased role. We see this shift in Jehovah’s position more clearly in the book of Revelation. But also in Christ’s statement: “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is” (Mar 13:32-33)

Although God and Jesus are one because Jesus is in a reduced position, having taken on human nature, biased for man’s salvation, the day, and hour of judgment are not told Him. God has to make this ultimate decision without Him.

In Revelation, we see a judgment in the temple going on and at Christ’s second coming. He has to wait for permission from the temple in heaven before He can gather the people He has won and saved. We read: “And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.”
The angel says “the time is come” and this angel is from the temple where most likely God sits. And so Jesus has to wait for the last moment, the proclamation of the time, from the Father, to take His people with Him. Then we read: “And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle” (Rev 14:15-17) 

This angel is to complete the judgment, and punishment, over those who are not saved. Again, the word commanding the work is coming from a messenger from the temple. Not Jesus, who is right there.

Jesus says that the whole judgment is given to Him, the key to life and death. Yet, He has to follow some rules given Him in how He upholds this power. And God now has the final say of the times.

If Jesus is the Jehovah of the Old Testament, why do so many think that the God of the Old Testament and Jesus in the New Testament are so different? “For I am the LORD, I change not…” (Mal 3:6)

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) 

Both the Old and the New Testament speak of a God that is merciful and a God that judges. The same is seen with Jesus in the New Testament. Nowhere does He claim He does not operate with a law or that mercy is to be granted, regardless of what people do. There is also a judgment here. It is only preserved for a later time. Jesus said: “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Mat_10:28).

We know Christ speaks of Himself in union with the Father because later he reveals to John that He, who died and resurrected,have the keys of hell and of death” (Rev.1:18) Jesus will execute judgment: “And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” (Rev 19:15-16)  Again. Jesus being king of kings does not mean there is no Father or God, or that he is above God the Father, rather again as in the Old Testament, we see Christ represented as an entity with God. This term then includes His Father, they are one Kingdom.

Jesus said: “And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day” (Mat.11:23).

In a parable about Himself, He said: “And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow: 

Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury?” (The whole parable is in Luke 19:11-27)

And on judgment day, Jesus says he will separate the sheep from the goats. (Matt.25)

Jehovah judges as much in the Old as in the New, He shows mercy as much in the Old as in the New. Still, Jesus coming as a man instead of being hidden in His glory makes Him feel more approachable for the sinner. Watching Him holding God’s values and law in human settings as a man, gives man hope. Seeing His compassion in these examples, makes us desire and hope for the same compassion. By coming as a man, a veil was taken away, and it was easier to see Jesus as He was, and He seemed less threatening to most people. It is as it was back in that time as well, they would not have dared to even try to kill Jehovah when He was inside the Shekinah glory, or even approach it. But Jesus they tried to stone and kill several times. The different way of viewing Jehovah in the Old and in the New Testament is how a man feels more emboldened when viewing God in a seemingly more pathetic state. This also exposes our hearts in another way, than before. Just because He feels more “safe” to approach does not mean the conditions for our salvation have changed.

The animal sacrifices given to a veiled God awake fear. Christ’s death in love for man awakens love.

The truth is the same, Jehovah is the same, it is how we view Him that often differs. The God of the Old Testament had to judge to preserve life, He had to go to war against His enemies so that it was possible for those who wanted to follow Him to survive. To prevent the world from collapsing before its time in wars and wickedness. The very same thing Jesus will do in the end. The book of Revelation talks about Christ’s judgment and removing those who cause great harm to His people.

Even the judgment over what is called Babylon He says: “Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her” (Rev 18:20) 

Just as God fought the enemies of Israel in the Old Testament, we see Christ eliminating His enemies in the New Testament, from one end to the other. Judgment is not less severe in the New Testament, it is because we view Jesus in human form, and He explains God in that way, in a more practical way than the scribes and Pharisees did, that He is viewed differently.

Not understanding God’s judgments and acts in the Old Testament is partly because man has misrepresented Him and has not explained these events properly.

The Jewish nation long thought it was something superior with them, or that God preferred them because they were a better species or more intelligent or more good, and they expected to rule the world with Him (Deut.9:4-7). But they misunderstood their mission, they misunderstood God’s law and the purpose of their rituals, and their witness to the world made God look angry, unreasonable, and unfair. Jesus took away this misconception, but many Jews uphold the misunderstandings until this day. Jesus said to them: “Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me?” (Joh 7:19)

It was not against the law to execute a lawbreaker. It was illegal to execute someone righteous. By this word, Jesus explains to them that their understanding of righteousness is wrong. It means they did not understand the law.

Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.  For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.  But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?” (Joh 5:45-47) 

The Ten Commandments, which say to love Jehovah Elohim with all their hearts, require them to love Jesus. Even the Sabbath commandment that they claimed Jesus broke, witness of, and is a celebration of Jesus. He is the creator who formed everything and who rested upon the seventh day. He is to be honored as their creator. And through the Sabbath, Christ, as a high priest, blesses and sanctifies his people, similarly as we see priests and rabbis bless their congregation. The Sabbath is God’s house of worship, not a building. And the blessing is from Jesus. But Christ cannot sanctify someone on the Sabbath who does not want His blessings. Thus keeping the Sabbath without Jehovah, without Christ, is a Sabbath house left desolate. A Sabbath without a sanctifying blessing. It is also a violation of the Sabbath law:

But the seventh day is the sabbath of YEHOVAH ELOHIM: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the YEHOVAH made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the YEHOVAH blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” (Exo 20:10-11)
It is Christ’s Sabbath in memorial that He is our life giver and our alpha and omega God. The Ten Commandments are about Jesus as the God of man.

Everything Israel has been given, feasts, holy days, rituals, God’s name, it is all left desolate without Jehovah in them. It becomes similar to idols like that of wood and trees, for it is a representation of someone who is no longer included.

God had already warned the Jewish nation that there is no blessing in keeping His feasts if He is not part of it: “When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?  Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.  Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood” (Isa 1:12-15)

He says it is in vain: “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain” (Psal 127:1)

Remember Jesus said: “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate,” that is precisely what it means (Matt.23:28). The discovery of an ancient Hebrew book of Matthew reveals that it says: “Therefore you will leave your houses desolate”. By not accepting Jesus, they themselves are left without Jehovah. They are lawbreakers because they do not honor and respect the God of Israel anymore.

The Jewish synagogue, the Jewish nation rejecting Christ, is a house left desolate. Jehovah is not there, not there to sanctify them on the Sabbath, not there on their feasts, not in there to receive their plea for atonement. Not until they receive Jesus will Jehovah be there: “For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Mat 23:39)

In the name of “KURIOS” again, the word Lord, which in the Old Testament would have been the word Elohim, Adonai, or Jehovah. They have to receive Christ as Jehovah, for Jehovah to return to their house, their hearts, their feasts, and their sabbaths. They have to receive Christ as the God of Israel. The Hebrew Matthew says they have to receive Him as Yeshua, which also links to Jehovah in the Old Testament where He says He is the only Yeshua.

The Jewish religion after Christ is based upon a lie, a terrible lie. And the modern state of “Israel” is not led by Jehovah and does not worship Jehovah, the God of their forefathers, even if they say they do.

Would Jehovah give them the land back while they rejected Him? In the story of Moses, there is a prophecy that might reveal God’s mind here.

Moses was instructed to give the people water through a miracle. Instead of speaking to the rock as commanded, he struck it:

Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink. 

And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock? 

And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also. 

And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them. 

This is the water of Meribah; because the children of Israel strove with the LORD, and he was sanctified in them” (Num 20:8-13)

The rock is a symbol of Christ. He even compared himself to the foundation stone that was rejected. And Paul writes: “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ” (1Co 10:4)

Jesus said He would give them “the living water” which was a symbol of life, truth and real joy: “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water” (Joh 7:37-38)

Being the symbol of the rock, Moses speaking to it symbolized bringing forth the water from Christ. But instead, He struck it twice, which prophetically pointed to how Jehovah was rejected, so He had to leave the temple, and how again, as Yeshua He had to leave them once more. Twice Yehovah Yeshua was rejected and ascended from the Mount of Olives. The first time the Jews lost their political independence and were suppressed by different heathen nations. The second they lost their God.
Because of what Moses did, hitting the rock twice, he was no longer invited to go into the promised land. Moses was forgiven and restored, even brought to heaven. Denying him to enter the promised land was probably a testimony against Israel, as a witness against their rebellion, more than it was a punishment towards Moses.

Shall they again be given the promised land after striking Jehovah twice, leaving their house desolate twice? If the example of Moses can be used. God has not gathered modern Jews back to the land. And if God did not do it, who did? This is what we will examine in these articles.

Many modern Jews have yet to recognize and receive Jehovah, Yeshua, in their house. They are yet to link Jehovah with Yeshua so that they can see that their religious observance is desolate without Him.

Sanctify the LORD of hosts (Yehovah tsebâ’âh) himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. 
And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 
And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken” (Isa 8:13-15). 
Here Jehovah Himself is said to be the stumbling stone, the rock of offence, as confirmed by Peter who says the same mentioned is Jesus. (1.Pet.2:6-9)

Unfortunately, messianic movements along with other Christian groups have evolved toward harmonizing with rabbinical teachings to make Jehovah into God the Father and does not recognize Jesus. This has upheld the illusion that modern Jews are still God’s people and are still representing God’s law, worshiping God, and upholding the truth. Many Christians are now taught to aid this narrative by learning their religion from Jewish scholars. Some mix their Christian faith with rabbinical Judaism. This teaching makes no room for Yeshua, as He in the New Testament is pitched up against Himself in the Old Testament. One not leaving any room for the other, when they are, in fact, the same God.
Some even leave Christ altogether or have become convinced that we break the Ten Commandments if we worship Christ as Jehovah. They refute that Jesus is God. The consequence of these teachings is that modern Judaism is considered the teacher of the Christian faith, a contrast to the first-century Jews who started the Christian movement after being taught by Christ. The errors Christ tried to combat in His debates with the Jewish scholars of His day now held by both the messianic Jews and many Christians, are considered to be correct teachings after all. Because modern Judaism is based on the rabbinical teachings and interpretations that Jesus debated and called out as in violation of His law, it is now erroneously taught by many Christians.
The idea that the modern Jews’ house is not desolate, but they are the mediators of Jehovah’s will, has given room for the re-entry of many Zionist ideas that are part of the end-time deception concocted by God’s enemy. This is also the reason for the warning in these articles. What the Christian Israel hype is going to lead to, and already has led to.




It is essential to understand who the real Israel is because God says we are blessed if we bless them and cursed if we curse them. Israel is God’s true congregation. If the name is placed upon the wrong group, it can lead to misunderstandings, deceptions, and curses. This is naturally why Satan does it, to confuse, and to cause the real Israel to be persecuted as impostors.

Who is the God of Israel, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses? As shown in the previous chapter, it is Jesus who is Jehovah Elohim. Where does the name Israel come from?

Jacob was named Israel after wrestling with a Man all night who turned out to be the Lord. It was Jesus he wrestled with and to whom he said: “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me”.

Jacob was chosen by God because he clung to the Lord.

So Jacob asked for Jehovah Yeshua’s blessing. It was Christ he clung to and would not let go without a blessing.

And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed” (Gen 32:27-28)

Thus, the name Israel was given to Jacob because he had refused to let go of Christ.

If he had let go, he would not have been called Israel, and thus the name Israel is rewarded to a nation that holds on to Jehovah and won’t let go until He blesses them. Thus, the real Israel is not those who rejected Christ and let him go, but those who held on. The Jews who rejected Christ did the very opposite of Jacob. As we will investigate, when God gives a name it is a character trait of that person, and if that character trait has changed, or they do the opposite, their name changes.

The name Israel is an experience with God, a relationship with God rather than genetics.

The reason Jacob ended up in this situation in the first place was because his brother Esau was coming against him. Esau was Isaac’s firstborn, the one who normally would get the blessing of being a priest in the family. He had the genetic right, but because he was not faithful, God took away his genetic right and gave it to the secondborn. It was given to him because he held on to God in the right way.

Jacob and Esau were twins. Esau had the firstborn right, but it was taken from him. This caused him to fight against his younger brother. When Jacob showed no inclination to take the physical heritage, Esau let him go.

Esau had married heathen wives and lived a religion that was part truth and part error. Although he too was a child of Abraham, the priestly right to be called God’s people followed the faithful brother and not the one with the rights of the flesh.

Now, Jacob feared his brother would harm his people because he had gotten God’s blessings, in the wrong way, which is why he ended in the prayer battle that he did. In the end, he allowed Esau to keep the material inheritance of the firstborn and instead, Jacob relied on God’s promise of a future blessing in its place. He gave up what he could see for the promise.

This fits very well with what happened between the Jewish brethren in the time of Christ. They split into two groups, one remained the stronger and had the power to persecute the minority. Yet, the persecuted brethren were content with inheriting the promise through Christ and let go of trying to rule over the physical Jewish inheritance, which included the land, the mountain of God, and the temple. The land was promised to the faithful, yet the unfaithful drove the faithful from the land. They were forced to live among pagans and the trials that came with that. The same happened in the start with Jacob and Esau. At first, Jacob, because he feared for his life, was forced to escape the land of promise, even if it would rightfully once be his, and live abroad. Esau continued to live on the land with his family until he moved east of Canaan.

When Jacob feared Esau, he clung to God, as the first church did.

Because the first Christian-Jewish church remained faithful and those who rejected Christ did not, they inherited the name Israel, which always went with the faithful in the family.

But although they inherited the name, they were also given a new and more exalted name:

For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name. Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God” (Isa 62:1-3)

Zion is likewise a name that followed the faithful, as well as a name for Jerusalem.
God said the land would no longer be called “desolate” but Hephzibah which means “my delight is in her”. This naturally requires that they are faithful. Jesus might reveal the new name here prophesied and show that his followers would be called by his name, Yeshua, which means “Yehovah saves”. In Latin, this name has been translated to Iesus, from where we get the name, Jesus. The designation ‘Christians’ comes from the word Christ and implies following Christ, a name that means to follow the anointed. Christ and messiah are the same word for anointed from two different languages. And so a Christian just means to be a follower of the messiah. We see it used already in the New Testament: “Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian” (Acts.26:28)
Christ said it differently, He said they would be called by His name, gather in His name, and receive people in His name. This is consistent with the Old Testament: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and…turn from their wicked ways…I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14) Israel also contains parts of God’s name. It literally means: God perseveres or God rules. If God is denied to do both, the name does no longer represent the group, it becomes a lie unless placed upon the faithful.

The first century Christians started using the name “Christian” more and more instead of Israel for most likely two reasons. When it was first used in Antioch, the Christians were recognized as a Jewish sect. However, the Jews refused to have anything with their messianic brethren and did what they could so that Christianity would no longer be associated as a Jewish branch. It means that the first Christians would suffer harsh persecution and be misunderstood if they said they were Israel. If the majority of the Jews had remained faithful, none of this would have been a problem or confusion.

The unfaithful Jews tried to portray themselves as the faithful Israel and the followers of Christ as the apostates who lost the right to the name.

And thus Christians accepted being ostracized and felt a greater thing than being called Israel, was to be called a follower of that same God instead. This change of name was prophesied. Someone greater than Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had come, as a greater enlightenment of God’s salvation and preservation. What the name Israel prophesied, Jesus was, and His name “Jehovah Saves” was preferred. But God’s people were the same. God’s people are always called by many names, tied to their experiences.

The Jews who refused to believe and accept Jehovah’s salvation became like Esau. They had the flesh, the firstborn right to the promises, but they threw it away. They had, as Esau and Jacob, come from the same womb and dwelled together for a time. As their differences came to the surface, they parted ways and God chose the faithful younger instead of the unfaithful older, who by the flesh had the firstborn right. The leadership and priesthood were taken from the Jewish nation and given to the “younger” Jewish brethren, the fishermen, and the ordinary Jew. And they were made priests and leaders of God’s people in the place of the others. Jesus made a parable about this.
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.  …But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage” (Matt.22:2-3; 8-9)
The “elder brother” had once again been rejected, the promises were no longer theirs, and the priesthood was no longer theirs, yet they claimed their birthright nevertheless and held on to the empty shell of a name, rituals, and a piece of land that no longer was rightfully theirs.

Rather than going into combat with them, the followers of Christ, the true Israel, did as Jacob. Not fight or war with their apostate brother, but allowed them to hold on to their “empty house”.

Unfortunately, because the unfaithful kept the name and upheld the history and promise with the name, many are now confused, thinking they are the real Israel of God.

Jews ACE do not represent Jacob, but Esau

But God sees them now as Esau, Jacob’s twin. There is a certain poetry in this as well, because the last kings in Judah, who reigned when Jesus was born and crucified, were partly descendants of Esau. King Herod and his descendants were raised Jewish and in part Edomites. Literally, a descendant of Esau tried to kill Jesus so that Jesus would not take his throne from him. His descendant and son also killed John the Baptist, mocked Christ, and persecuted His followers. Of him and his meeting with Jesus it is recorded: “And Herod with his men of war set him at nought, and mocked him, and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate. And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together: for before they were at enmity between themselves” (Luk. 23:11-12)

Had Jacob let go of Jehovah when he wrestled with him, he would not have been named Israel. If Israel let go of Yeshua, they no longer had the right to the name Israel. Only those who cling to Him have the right to use the name. Just like many Christians are not entitled to use that name as they don’t follow the way of Christ.

The Jews who rejected Christ clung to a name and their genetics as their salvation and deceived themselves that they were God’s people no matter what. The reality was they were persecuting and even killing those who had continued in God’s path. Their delusion is reflected in the second temptation of Christ. Satan quoted the Bible and Psalm 91, telling Jesus to throw himself off the elevated temple and trust God would protect Him still. Jesus said this was the sin of “testing God”. You cannot go against God’s council and claim His promises at the same time. This is a deception of the devil.

Another parable is in the actual lives of Saul and David. Saul was elected King by God, he was chosen and given the Holy Spirit for his

illustration of Saul trying to kill David (1 Samuel 19)

mission. Yet when he was unfaithful to God, God rejected him as king. He took from him the position he had been given, and his descendants were not to inherit the throne. David, who is a symbol of Christ, was elected King instead. Saul then started persecuting David and tried to kill him, just like the Jews who would not receive Christ persecuted and killed those who did. Just like in the parable, David and Jesus gathered all those considered outcasts of society who were treated badly by their King. It did not look like God would give David the kingdom, and Saul continued his reign after being rejected as a king. To many, this was a sign and a confirmation he was still chosen and favored by God. How could the rejected David be chosen when he was an outlaw living in the woods, in caves, and in pagan lands? Is it not natural to think God was with the one who was anointed in public, who had his throne in their midst? If Saul was winning over David, was this not a sign that God favored Saul? In the same way, the first followers of Christ seemed like they were rejected and that God remained with the Jewish leaders. For a while, until they met their demise, like Saul did. Against God’s council, their war against Rome caused their death, thinking God would go with them. Just like Saul went to war hoping God would go with him. He was wounded in the war and died by his own hand. Many Jews who were defeated by Rome also chose to end their own lives in the middle of their battle with Rome.
Masada is a mountain by the Dead Sea where almost one thousand Jews committed suicide while the Romans camped underneath. They persecuted Christ and His followers and kept the land and their rule until they went to war with Rome and lost, repeating the story of Saul and David.
It does not matter who rules the land today, the Bible tells us that the land will at one point be given to His faithful followers on the day of judgment. Similarly, although outcast for a while, David did take the throne and the land in the time of God’s choosing.

So the Jews that reject Christ can claim what they want, their end if they do not convert to Christ, is the same as Saul’s. The land belongs to Christ and His followers and will one day be given to them. That Jews today are temporarily in the promised land, does not change this fact. They are trespassers. 

The confusion is therefore great when people today look at the descendants of those who rejected God and whom God rejected in return is to whom the future promises of Israel are directed. They look at the name and not the meaning behind the name. They reject the true Israel that is now “called by a new name”. And they think God is speaking through and blessing those who rejected Him. 


God does not let anyone legally keep a name tied to their position once they have lost that position.

This is why Lucifer, a name meaning “light bearer”, was taken from him when he instead misrepresented God and was given the name “opponent” instead. The first name described what he used to do, and the last what he now does. We see people’s names change several times in the bible to reflect their new position. Examples are Abram changing to Abraham, Oshea to Jehoshua, and Simon given the name Peter (Rock).
Satan is the first to go from an exalted position and a name reflecting that to get a name describing his conflict with God instead. However, Satan refuses the name change, he still considers himself to be the light bearer, the one in the right, and so he has kept the name Lucifer. Those who follow him, still call him by this name. He does not call himself Satan, it is a name change made by God. Just because Lucifer kept his name given to represent him when he was faithful does not mean he is right and that he is still a light-bearer. Calling himself Lucifer does not automatically make him a Lucifer. The name cannot sanctify him or confirm his position. The name he gives himself does not change who God says he is or what he has become.
Imagine if a government here on earth gave someone the title Police Officer or Sheriff and then had to fire the person for misconduct, and they still call themselves a Sheriff or police officer to others. And portray themselves as such. It would be a terrible deception and a crime. This is because the title belongs to a position and not the person. In the bible, names and titles are often the same thing, and so names change when they change.

Israel in the flesh did the same thing as Satan. They kept the name given because of their faithfulness, but God had now given them a new name tied to their rebellion. And the faithful remnant among them was the only one to legally (by heaven) keep the place and name. Although the land now belonged to Christ’s followers, they understood that it would be hijacked by whoever took it by force until God one day restored the earth to them. They know it is not something they are to fight for, it is given to Christ to take what is His in His time (Rev.20:7-10).

The destiny of the unfaithful part of Israel was prophesied beforehand. In the Messiah prophecy in Psalms 69 it says: “They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. 
Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap. 
Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake. 
Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them. 
Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents. 
For they persecute him whom thou hast smitten; and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded. 
Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into thy righteousness. Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.” (Psalm 69:20-28) 
And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love. 
Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand. 
When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin. 
Let his days be few; and let another take his office”
(Psa 109:5-9). 

When someone takes “your office” they also take your title and job description. This is precisely what Christ says happened multiple times and in multiple ways. This is also what happened to Saul, another took his office and thereby his title as King.

This was the office of Israel: “And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel…” (Exo 19:6)

They rejected their High Priest, Christ, the heavenly sanctuary, and His teachings of the law, and thus their “office” was taken from them. So who was given it instead?
To the Jewish followers and those converting to the Judeo-Christian faith, it is now said: “And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, 

And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” (Rev 1:5-6)

As you can see, the “office” of Israel has followed the faithful and even those who were grafted in.

Now, because the office of royalty and priesthood is given to the followers of Christ, the title Israel follows them. However, it is not used as often as the name of Christ, which is a superior title to Israel. As Christ is greater than Jacob.

It is unfortunate now that many are fooled into thinking the Jewish congregation is still the priests and teachers of God, and they go to Israel and rabbis to learn how to interpret the word of God. The Bible is clear that they are not to mediate God’s law or word anymore, and can only teach the true follower of Christ an apostate version of keeping the law. It’s like a sheriff losing his job but is still going around impersonating a sheriff. He acts without authority and provokes the leaders of the land. If we go to the one impersonating the sheriff, we betray the leadership who took his job from him for a reason, and we rebel against the new sheriff appointed. We rebel against the one who is now the sheriff. Likewise, it is rebellion against Christ and the true Israel when we go and ask Jewish rabbis to be our priests and teachers, instead of the ones God has now chosen.

If these titles and tasks are taken from those who originally held this office and name, it means that although they call themselves Israel, the promised seed and priests, God calls them something else now. God always replaces a title with a new one, describing their current state.

A name tied to their opposition and betrayal.

Even I struggle to repeat the new names they have been given instead of Israel. It is sad and overwhelming.

Jesus gives them a new name: “the synagogue of Satan”. It means, translated, “an assembly of the accuser”. (Rev 3:9; Rev.2:9) God says they are blasphemers, which again means to “defame God”. Represent him falsely or use His name together with a lie. This new name is also seen in the prophecy in Psalm 109 “Let Satan stand at his right hand”. As we will unfold more in this study, we will see how they have become Satan’s helpers to deceive and scatter.




One of the arguments Christians use today that the Jews-by-flesh are still chosen is comparing how they have been scattered around in the world with the Bible and because they are scattered, the promises of the gathering are by logic assumed to be about them.

So who is the real Israel scattered and who is scattering them, according to the Bible? How does it all fit with Armageddon?

To understand the gathering of Israel, we need to first understand who Israel is and then how they were scattered. If we don’t understand who was “scattered”, we don’t understand who is to be “gathered”.

Throughout time, people have been dispersed from their lands by war and takeovers. Sometimes by natural disasters. Presently, it is the biggest movement of people seen ever in the history of mankind.

At mid-2023 as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations or events seriously disturbing public order” -numbers 110 Million displaced people worldwide. (https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/)

Although not as high numbers in history, people were constantly displaced in the past as well. Babylon on purpose displaced the citizens of the northern Israel kingdom and urged their people to settle in that area instead. It was used as a tactic to prevent resistance. The more “spread” a population is among other people, the less influence and power they have and the more likely they are to adjust to their surroundings and the majority in the land. At least that was how it was. In our time such large groups of people have moved and settled close to each other so that their culture remains intact. As we see in Chinatowns in the USA, Muslim and Jewish neighborhoods, and so on.

The point here is that the Jewish people are not alone in being dispersed to new lands. The fact that the genetic Jews were scattered on several occasions does not simultaneously mean they are still the Israel to “be gathered”. Being scattered alone is not evidence of being chosen for “gathering”.

This is why it is important to understand that not all who are scattered are people God will gather. Only those who are part of His kingdom, His citizens of the New Jerusalem, a city which will be placed upon earth in the future.

In the past, Israel had been a great nation but because of unfaithfulness, they were, as God had said in advance, to be scattered and driven from the land. Note that their first two scatterings were a judgment from God or a consequence of their unfaithfulness:

“And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste” (Lev 26:33)

“And the LORD shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen, whither the LORD shall lead you” (Deu 4:27)

“The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth,” (Deu 28:25)

“And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee. …And the LORD shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone.” (Deu 28:37 &64)

It was prophesied early on that they would not just be scattered, but become a part of the nations they went to. About Ephraim, the largest tribe forming the once Northern Israeli kingdom, it is said: “And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.” (Gen.48:19)

Jacob says he shall become a multitude of “goy” the expression used on any heathen nation in other places in the Bible. It is used on nations that are not Israel. It is clear here that what was the northern kingdom of Israel would later become many nations and forget even who they once came from.
(see Leviticus 26:33; Deuteronomy 4:23–27; 28:25, 37, 64). The first great scattering (also called the first diaspora) began when the Assyrians carried the ten tribes away into captivity (see 2 Kings 15:29; 17:6)

From this, it is fairly easy to understand that a part of Israel would never be gathered into one land, but remain these other nations. There would be no room in physical Israel to hold “a multitude of nations” (Gen.48:19)

This makes it only possible to gather a remnant in the physical country or the border would have to go over most of the Middle East, more than the land promised. This is what God said about the Babylonian captivity and the return: “For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness” (Isa 10:22)

Yet, behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth, both sons and daughters: behold, they shall come forth unto you, and ye shall see their way and their doings: and ye shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, even concerning all that I have brought upon it.” (Eze 14:22)

As it was written, so it happened. After Babylon, only a remnant returned. The rest remained scattered and became a multitude of people, just like the tribe of Ephraim.

Why didn’t God include the rest of Israel when he gathered them for a second chance in the land? Because God only gathered the then faithful. Those who did not desire to follow the Lord, who became one with Assyria, Babylon, and where else they had been driven to, were not gathered and remained in their countries. Most of those scattered the first time do not even know they were once a part of the ancient of Israel, nor do they identify with their past. They don’t practice their ancestry religion and do as everyone else in the countries they ended up in. Most modern Jews do not know who they are genetically. Their DNA is diverse and shows different genetic forefathers, indicating that even though they are of Jewish descent, both males and females in their ancestry break the lineage and come from non-Jewish descent. They are mixed with the people of what nations they have lived. They are not a pure genetic race and never were.

Some Arabs have as much Jewish ancestry as Jews because both are of mixed race. Now, the government of Israel recently passed a law against gene testing, most likely because it has been proven that modern Jews are not a clearly defined genetic race. It is a religion first and foremost. Many Jews immigrating to Israel have less than 10% Jewish genes, the rest is mixed with European, Russian, African, and other Middle Eastern genes. Those mixed “goyim” genes are sometimes related to other Jewish mixed genes and sometimes therefore called fully Jewish when they are not. They see a link because if a few families a thousand years ago married, for instance, Spanish or German husbands and wives, many of the Jews

hundreds of years later will all have those Spanish and German ancestries in common. That does not make those genes Jewish ancestry, just because many Jews have them. The same genes do not have ancestry down to Biblical times and the Biblical land. Such is the case with many Ashkenazi Jews who connect as genetic cousins on genealogy sites, yet through non-Jewish genes as much as Jewish genes. If a mixed-gen pool marries each other, they will have a common mix pool. So if someone gets 100% Ashkenazi Jews on their test results, it does not mean they are 100% a descendant of Jacob. It just means they are 100% descendants of the first mix pool that was scattered and married in Germanic lands.
Mostly, those returning to modern “Israel” do it because they have kept the traditions of their religion and not because their race is clean. It is historically known that many emigrating from Eastern Europe and Russia were socialists and atheists with Jewish culture.

However, it is not to be questioned that most of the Jews returning to modern “Israel” now were part of the second scattering.

The second scattering happened when Rome destroyed Jerusalem and Jews were forced out of the land. But are these same to be gathered in the land once again? For two thousand years, Jews did not have a state in the former Judean and Israeli lands. Did God gather them again one last time? Are they Gods scattered people because of their descent, and if so, do the “multitude of GOYIM” that are also Gods scattered people have to return to the physical land as well? If we go by the flesh, yes. But God only gathered the faithful in the past. Also if we rate by the flesh, when are you supposed to go to Israel? Is 5% genetic Jewish ancestry enough, 10%, 25%, is 50% enough, or 100%? When we can’t even prove the right amount of ‘correct’ genetic make-up, then who shall go? Because Jewish genes are diverse and “watered out” the State of Israel has decided that only those who are a Jew by religion or have Jewish practicing parents, in some instances practicing grandparents, can return. The rest of the Jews, for instance, those who come from a family converted to Christianity, can not. That means that the modern state of Israel believes that not all Jewish ancestry is to return, only those who have rejected Christ. The State of Israel gathers the ones which the New Testament says have fallen away.

As we are about to see, the Jews who reject Christ are not God’s scattered people anymore, a new group is, and the Jewish nations, shockingly enough, are actually the ones who scattered and displaced them. 

The scattering of God’s Israel

Jesus, Yehovah, is the King of God’s people. If someone rejects and disobeys the king, they are not His people but regarded as rebels. Jesus said to the Jewish leaders of his day: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters” (Matt.12:30).

In this context, they had just called the miracles of Christ to be of Beelzebub, the prince of demons.

Jesus answered them:
Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand” (v.25).

He spoke this of Satan’s kingdom, but the principle is also valid of God’s kingdom. If God’s people are against Him, the “house” will not stand, unless He only continues with those who are with Him. So Jesus said right after that those who are not with Him, scatter. The Jewish leaders who would not accept Christ as their Messiah and Lord caused the scattering of God’s people to take place. They are “the bad guys” scattering God’s true people, not the victims.

It was prophesied in Ezekiel 34:
Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? 
And they were scattered, because there is
no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered. My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them. For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out.  As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment. And as for you, O my flock, thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I judge between cattle and cattle, between the rams and the he goats.  (Eze 34:2-5; 11-16)

Christ is that good shepherd prophesied. He also said: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (Joh_10:27)

But before He spoke this, He said about the Jews that rejected Him that they are not His sheep or part of His flock:

Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.  Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me.  But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you” (Joh 10:24-26) 

Did it mean He rejected all Jews? No. It only means he rejected the part that would not follow Him. He continued with a remnant. Like Paul said: “I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin” (Rom 11:1)

He had not rejected Israel of the flesh, He had just been forced to continue with a remnant of them and let the other go. Just as he once did with the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel. He let the northern kingdom go and did not gather them.

Jesus is also clear that they need to be gathered to Him, and not alone to a land. If Christ is not king of Israel, there is no Israeli kingdom, only the illusion of one. The ancient physical land of Israel was a theocracy, with God on His throne amid them. Jesus dwelled above the Mercy Seat. Without Him, there is no real authentic land of Israel. It is a land of man’s creation, of man’s laws and man’s rules. Modern Israel does uphold laws that are similar to those given by God, but they have many that are not as well. The ancient kingdom of Hammurabi was also such a kingdom, he too upheld many of God’s laws and mixed them with his own. Babylon was good at that. Drinking of the cups of God’s temple while praising the gods of silver and gold. Taking something from the bible and adding your ways are not synonymous with honoring God, as King Saul experienced as well when the kingdom was taken from him and his descendants and given to David.

The story of Saul and David is compared to the Israel-by-the-flesh in more ways than that previously mentioned. Like Saul, they were anointed for their position as leaders of God’s people. But Saul combined disrespecting God’s authority with doing “deeds” and “rituals” to satisfy God. “And Saul said, They have brought them from the Amalekites: for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen, to sacrifice unto the LORD thy God; and the rest we have utterly destroyed” (1. Sam.15:15)
He called his disobedience a sacrifice and celebration of God, but he only fooled himself.
God could not lead through Saul, yet at the same time, it looked like Saul was faithful and honored God. The prophet Samuel called his behavior idolatry. Although there were no graven images or gods, his rebellion was considered idolatry. “And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king” (1Sa 15:22-23) 

Just because God had anointed Saul did not mean He could not reject Him and anoint another. Another took “his office”.

When Saul realized he was rejected and possibly another anointed in his place, he started persecuting David and all who followed Him. He scattered David and his followers abroad, yet after some years he came to his end on the battlefield. Saul even killed all of God’s priests when he suspected they were loyal to David.

The same thing happened to the Judean state in the time of Jesus. When they realized Christ was God’s anointed, God’s priest and king, they became jealous and hostile. They could not control Jesus, and he called them out for their hypocrisy and trust in rituals for salvation. Christ appointed new “priests” and “leaders” and gave the Holy Spirit, just like he did when God elected people for leading positions in the past. The past became a prophecy, as we see Jehovah in the past, first He chose 12 brothers and then 70 elders. Likewise, we see Christ choosing 12 apostles and 70 new elders for the new church. (Exo 24:9; Luk.10:1; Exo.24:4; Matt.19:28).
Over and over again, Christ demonstrates how He repeats doing things similarly to before.

Not only did the Jewish leaders follow in Saul’s footsteps in rejecting to obey Jesus, their Lord, while claiming to honor God by doing appointed rituals, but they also did as Saul did and tried to kill God’s anointed, the Messiah. In the end, they did kill Him. And then, they started to persecute Christ’s followers.

Like Saul displaced and scattered David away from the land, so did the Jews do to Christ’s followers.

The Jews that DID NOT receive Christ are therefore those who scattered the true Israel, and not the scattered Israel. This is important to understand because there is a prophecy that God will punish those who scattered His true Israel in the end days. 

Meaning modern Israel is in for a surprise if they think God is coming to defend them, when in fact, He comes to judge them.

When Jesus was taken at Gethsemane he quoted the Bible: “And Jesus saith unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered” (Mar.14:27)

Notice especially that Christ is quoting the Old Testament and the prophet Zechariah (Ch. 13 v.7), and the scattering of Israel, and by it, He shows that the prophecies of the scattering of Israel, the ones who are to be gathered, are His sheep, His followers. By quoting this verse as He was captured to be executed, he identified the Christians as the true Israel mentioned in Zechariah and those doing the scattering that will be judged, the Jews that did not receive Him. If a Christian today claims Zechariah and the gathering of Israel are Christians, he will be rejected by most Christians as doing what is popularly called “replacement theory”. But it is actually one of the last things Christ does as he is taken captive, to make sure we understand that it is His faithful followers who are the true Israel mentioned in Zechariah that God will finally come to defend. Not before the Jews lay hand upon Him, does He identify who the prophecies in the Old Testament are speaking of. Naturally, because until that moment, the Jewish nations were still God’s people. Now they were divided, and the prophecies followed Christ’s followers and not the others, and so Christ is letting us know.
The Old Testament is now speaking of Christ’s Israel, not the Israel that rejected Him. Likewise, the prophecies, the promises of God fighting for His Israel and gathering them are about Christ’s sheep. 

The scattering of these sheep and the ones to blame, Christ tells us straight out, is done by the Jews who rejected him. They are the ones to “smite the Shepherd” causing His followers to be scattered. 

Just as Christ said it happened. The Jewish nation systematically chased their own brethren, by the flesh, out of the land for believing in Christ. “And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles. And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him” (Acts 8:1-2)

The Jews that rejected Christ “ran them out of town” so to speak. Was it Christ who took from His own followers Jerusalem and gave it to those who rejected Him? No, it was the enemies of Christ, those who were not “for Him” who scattered them and made now an unlawful claim to the land. 

But as time shows, and we will discuss in these articles, it would get even worse, and they would drive the scattered into the arms of “the man of sin” and indirectly “cause the truth to be trodden down”. The Jews scattering Christ’s followers had a great and lengthy consequence.

The high priest who ordered Christ’s death accidentally made a prophecy as he gave the death sentence:

Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.  And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad” (Joh. 11:50-52)

Here we see that those scattered were to be gathered to Christ, not the land. The condition for the land to continue to be the capital of God’s people was their faithfulness, and they got 70 prophetic weeks to be faithful, and to receive Christ (Dan.9). Yet, when they did not, God’s people would be scattered as a result. Had they not rejected Christ, Jerusalem would have remained the center of truth throughout all ages. 

As it happened to Saul, it happened to the Jews that did not accept Christ: “But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.(1Sa 16:14).
Saul would not give up his throne, palace, or title even though God had rejected him. So did the unfaithful Jews after chasing Christ’s followers away, they sat in Jerusalem and refused to give up their titles or office.
In the end, Saul became desperate and would rather consult his forefathers than go to the one God had chosen, which was David. Saul had a woman bring what appeared to be the ghost of Samuel, a dead prophet, to receive a word from him. It ended with Saul’s death. David took the throne, but he became a king over what was first a conflicted and confused people. Similarly, the Jewish nations, upon rejecting the Spirit telling them the truth about Christ, listened to evil spirits and put their trust in their deceased forefather’s heritage to be with them and guide them onward.

The true scattered Israel, Christ’s sheep, were not scattered because of unfaithfulness, but because of the Jewish leaders’ unfaithfulness. They can be compared to Ezekiel, Daniel, and his friends. They were driven out of Jerusalem even though they were faithful, because of their people’s unfaithfulness. Both the good and the bad among Judah were scattered to Babylon and the surrounding nations because of the unfaithfulness of the leaders in Jerusalem. 
And like Saul perished, those Jews relying upon their “flesh” and their “descent” to be saved, were themselves destroyed and scattered from the land.
When Saul saw he had been defeated fighting God’s enemy, he killed himself on the battlefield.
Many of the Jewish people, who had no problem driving their Christ-following Jewish brethren away from the land, ended as Saul ended. They, too, thought they fought God’s enemy when fighting Rome, and many ended up committing suicide when they realized they had lost. Today, we can still see the Jewish settlements on the top of Mount Masada, where almost a thousand Jews committed suicide once they realized they had been defeated. Thus, they ended exactly as Saul did. First anointed, then rejected, persecuting the new anointed who took their place, and then refusing to give up their land and title, fighting God’s enemies and losing and then ending their lives rather than converting. From then on, both those who scattered Christ’s followers and the Jews who rejected Christ were scattered abroad. But one party was innocent in their scattering and the other was the cause of the scattering, and it is important to know the difference.

The faithful who were scattered are prophesied to bring a blessing to wherever they were scattered: 

And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the LORD, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men. 

And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. Thine hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off” (Mic 5:7-9)

But to the unfaithful scattered, God says:

And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste” (Lev_26:33).

I will scatter them also among the heathen, whom neither they nor their fathers have known: and I will send a sword after them, till I have consumed them” (Jer_9:16)

These are two different destinies for two different Israels’. Jews that rejected Christ were harshly treated everywhere they went, a “sword was drawn after them”. They still proclaim in their museums and books how unfairly and badly they have been treated. For almost two thousand years they have had conflicts wherever they ended up or went. And although Christians were severally persecuted as well, they sacrificed willingly to give a blessing of life to others. They became a “dew from the Lord”. Because of them, God blessed the West with prosperity, as long as His people were allowed to live in peace. The land that treated the true Israel of Christ right always prospered. In the end, this gave protestant nations the upper hand over all other countries. When they change how they treat God’s people, they will fall one by one. And so has God’s people been the “dew” in those lands. Accidents on sea and land have been prevented because of one of God’s people being a passenger. Such has it been always since God’s people were scattered. Those around take part in their blessings.

The Scattering of Truth

Because the Jewish leaders rejected Christ, David their king, and scattered Christ’s sheep, the truth was as a consequence scattered from Jerusalem as well.

Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father” (Joh 4:21)

This was not because God had rejected Jerusalem, but because Jerusalem had rejected Him. According to Daniel 9, the city would have remained forever as God’s capital of truth if the Jewish leadership and the majority of the people were faithful.

Now Paul, from the tribes of Israel by the flesh, a part of the remnant, previously a citizen of Jerusalem, understood that they were scattered from physical Jerusalem: “The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a sin offering, but the bodies are burned outside the camp. And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore. For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come” (Heb.13: 11-14)

Christ has built the New Jerusalem in heaven prepared for the earth: “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband”

It is to this city, that Christ will gather His people:

And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped” (Rev 21:2  & Rev.14:16)

Jesus is Shiloh: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” (Genesis 49:10)

He is the one who will gather people to Him. Not the United Nations, not the democratic state of Israel, but Christ. The gathering of those who scattered the real Israel is not a fulfillment of this prophecy. Any “gathering” not done by Christ’s second coming is a fraud, an imitation of the truth. Someone imitating Christ. Thus, it can be said that the state of Israel itself is a “false Christ”, or “false Messiah”. That is how serious this is.
Jesus warned: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before” ( Mat 24:24-25).

Carrying the “star of David” on their flag symbolizing the messiah and “gathering” what is claimed to be His people, the State of Israel is actually playing “Christ”, making the state a false Christ. And many have fallen into the deception, even the elect.

The gathering will happen very differently when it is real. It will not happen through an earthly state but “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matt.24:27)
When Christ comes to gather His people, they are not just situated in the country of Israel, they are still scattered all over the world (Because the real Israel has not been gathered yet):

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” (Mat 24:31) 

When this gathering is done: “And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob” (Rom.11:26)

All of Israel is here the dew spread among the nations, a remnant of physical Israel and a remnant of converted gentiles, representing one fold with one shepherd.

When Jesus speaks of false Christs’ and to not be deceived about the gathering, that it will happen when He comes in the clouds and not before, He also finishes His speech by speaking of another gathering.

“For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together” (Matt.24:28) Here we see that when Christ comes, there has been a pre-gathering of those who are to be judged, the carcasses and the eagles. The deceived and the deceivers.

The False Gathering

Any gathering before Christ’s second coming is a fake gathering by the master of this world, the dragon. Satan’s key deception has throughout time been to imitate God. Now He is imitating Christ, and as Christ prophesied, Satan does it with signs and lying wonders. One of Christ’s greatest miracles was to gather the remnant back to Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity.

To be a false Christ, to imitate Christ, Satan has to gather a people to the land, with signs and wonder too. He has gathered the unfaithful, rebellious Jews who rejected Christ, in the hope they will do his bidding as they did in the past. Confusing Christianity, and manipulating so that the true Israel is called imposters and the truth to be scattered.  Jews, too, are deceived about themselves. The sign and wonder of gathering a remnant of Jews in the physical land of Israel has the world amazed, especially the Christian world. It is considered a miracle, and a miracle is thought to have to be from God. Because it looks like something God has done before and which is prophesied to happen again. Thereby, it is the perfect deception for Satan to pretend to be the God of Israel, performing these miracles.

If God gathered Jews by the flesh to the land, then to them that is evidence that they are the real Israel and the real people of God. So the Christians have rejected themselves and look to the Jewish nations, as the recipients of God’s promises to Israel.

The Bible is prophesying that Satan would try to make such a gathering.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 
Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit” (Isa 14:12-15)

“I will sit upon the mount of the congregation”. Here the Hebrew read: “har mô‛êd”, which does not speak of just any congregation. It speaks of Jerusalem. It does not speak of just any gathering, it speaks of the gathering of Israel during the Lord’s feasts. These gatherings took place three times a year:

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts (mô‛êd).” (Lev 23:2)

Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the LORD empty” (Deu 16:16)

This place became the mountain that God had chosen. The Mount Moriah. This is where God sat in His temple, dwelled above His throne, and where Israel and Judah came on the times of gathering and gathered with him in His dwelling.

Christ no longer dwells in Jerusalem and so God’s people have to look to the tabernacle in heaven and the throne there, to the promised Jerusalem there, and gather in spirit on the feasts, just like Jesus said to the Samaritan woman.

But Satan’s dominion is here on earth. He cannot do what Christ will do, gather His people to the New Jerusalem in heaven. So he creates an imitation, an unholy gathering, here on earth, to mimic the gathering of God. For the eagles and the carcasses. He does it to take people’s attention from the truth and to God’s requirements, and to make people trust in a lie.

He wishes to sit, symbolically speaking, on the mount of assembly, to gather an unholy gathering of those who have departed from the truth but still claim God’s name and God’s promises. Presently, Old Jerusalem is a confused city, where all those Satan has deceived have gathered from the nations in the confused belief they are God’s chosen people, although they have apostatized from the truth. The Orthodox Church departed from Christ’s culture and teaching and relied on the commandments of men. The Catholic Church, which claims to be Christ’s voice on earth and man’s salvation, all lies. To the protestants who continue to uphold the errors of the Roman church and who have continued apostate and pagan culture and have not reformed back to Christ and His kingdom. To the Muslims who declared Christ to be only a prophet and not Jehovah or the Son of God and have instituted their man-made culture, following their leaders before God. And to the Jews, who rejected their Messiah and their Lord, yet still claim to be His chosen people in front of the entire earth. The truth is still “run out of town” and the courts of the Lord are still trampled upon by gentiles, those who have rejected His authority.

Satan has made his unholy gathering and continues to do so. You can go to physical Jerusalem and have your pick among the unholy gatherings, whoever succeeds in deceiving you. However, his attempts will come to an end. As Revelation 16 prophecy, while Satan is busy with his unholy gathering, having a false people gathered for every main deception he ever conducted to wound Christ’s assembly, Christ “will come as a thief” and defeat them. (Rev.16:15)

The land belongs to Christ’s faithful followers, but He has asked them not to take it from either Muslims, Jews, or apostate Christians, but to wait for His intervention. This war will be fought by Jehovah and not His people.

The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem” (Zec 12:1-2)

Remember, it’s the next chapter Christ quotes when He says His followers are Judah and Israel, the ones to be saved against this madness Satan will create. Throughout time, many have come against Jerusalem, besieged it, and taken it. Rome, Byzantine people, different Islamic groups, crusaders, Ottomans, Brits, and lastly the modern state of Israel, claiming to be the same Jews to whom was promised this land. None of these kingdoms did or will stand and remain. The new Jerusalem is in heaven to be placed on earth. The Jerusalem that is now is not the Jerusalem of the promise. Like Paul said: “But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.  For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.  But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all” (Gal 4:23-26)

Physical Jerusalem was said to be in bondage when it was under Jewish control, a leadership that rejected Christ, as declared by Paul himself, an Israelite, while the Jews still had the land. Then the same people taking control again, still represents bondage. They have no atonement for their sin without Christ and remain bound to their sins and delusions. 

Christ said the mountain in Jerusalem would for a time not be used for gathering to Him anymore when the Samaritan woman wondered where to go and worship. We know from the book of Daniel that this was a direct result of the Jewish nation rejecting Him.

When Satan has made it a place for gathering for those who listen to him but deceive in God’s name, we know it is not God’s gathering. It is not Christ’s gathering, but that which was prophesied as the gathering of the dragon, the false prophet, and the beast. The carcasses and the eagles.

As modern “Israel” has taken control over this area, the two powers that Satan used to kill Jesus and scatter God’s true Israel away from Jerusalem, the Roman pontiff and the Jewish leadership, are again working against the truth. And the “real Israel” is claimed to be impostors and hated by Jews and Christians alike. For where there is a counterfeit, the original is despised.

The book of Revelation portrays what we have looked at here. We see a woman, representing God’s people, clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet. The moon represents what has been. The moon does not have light on its own, it just reflects the light from the sun. Because God’s days begin at night, the moon is seen before the sun. In the same way, the sanctuary system given to Israel was a symbol of Christ and pointed to Him. The woman having the moon under her feet and clothed in the sun reveals that she represents faithful Israel before and after Christ. Having the symbol of Christ under her feet, while clothed in the truth of whom the symbols pointed to.
She brought the world Christ, the Jewish nation was still God’s people until he was rejected. Then we see the woman is scattered but preserved: “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God” (Rev.12:6) 

Here Christ reveals that the woman, His people, are now translated into His followers.

We then see Satan going after her: “And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child”

Because Christ’s followers are a continuation of Israel, they are said to have brought forth the child. To leave us no room for doubt, Christ again specified:

“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev.12:17) The remnant of Israel (woman with child) that gave us Christ, are the followers of Christ (remnant of her seed).



One Fold – One Israel


Exploring Romans 11: Will Jews convert and be God’s Israel once again?

Misunderstanding Paul’s wording in Romans 11 has bound many Christians into the belief that Jews who rejected Christ are still God’s people and will return to God one day. The establishment of the state of Israel is by many considered the beginning of Paul’s prophecy.

For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. 
And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: 
For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins” (Rom 11:25-27)

Perhaps changing the word “until” to the Greek meaning of the same word “while” would have avoided all this misunderstanding, but is the choice of the translators. Is Paul here speaking of the secret of the Jewish conversion in some distant future, or has Paul’s meaning been twisted by false teachers and how the translation is?

Paul’s meaning is clear throughout the 11th chapter and the rest of the chapter has to explain this one verse, further revelations in scripture must match this one.

Do we interpret it to mean that Jews who rejected Christ are predestined to convert, or is there a misunderstanding here? Christ never forces anyone to follow Him, never has.

If Paul says the mystery is that God will reject the Jewish people but save a remnant in the end, it means that God has not shown mercy upon the many Jews living in the time between then and now. This is nonsensical because God cares for all men, Jews, and pagans alike. He would not prevent the conversion of the Jewish people before the end because that suits His plan to only win them then. God tries to save every individual He can at any day of age.

This leaves us with two options;

1- God foresees that many Jews will convert in the end, despite generational rejection. This is indeed wonderful and possible. As said to the prophet Daniel about the time of the end: “Knowledge shall increase and many shall travel here and fro”. (Dan.12:4) An increase in knowledge means more converted, it is a natural sequence but hardly a mystery. Paul describes the Jews as “natural branches” cut off God’s tree because of unfaithfulness and, if grafted again, grafted to their tree naturally (Rom.11:24). What is a greater mystery, a branch grafted to its own tree, or a “were grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree”? Paul is clear that a Jewish conversion is not a greater mystery or achievement than a pagan conversion. A Jewish conversion therefore cannot be both a mystery and natural at the same time.

If Romans 11:25-27 is meant to speak of Jews converting in the future, it still does not prophecy the State of Israel. Because God does not need a “State of Israel” to save Jews. The two are not synonymous. Before, Jews lived among Christians and had to converse and deal with them daily all over the world. This led to many converted Jews, which is why the Jewish leaders in each place encouraged Jews to create locked communities wherever they lived. Avoiding as much contact with Christians as possible. The state of Israel took the Jews who were spread among the Christians and secluded them in a land where they only learned from each other daily. The result was a stronger identity in the rejection of Christ for many, and others no longer in small groups abroad, became atheists. A study quoted in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz shows that only 30% of Israelis say they are religious. (https://www.haaretz.com/2015-04-14/ty-article/israel-china-among-least-religious-nations/0000017f-e103-d804-ad7f-f1fb55ca0000 )

This indicates that after the birth of the State of Israel, there are fewer spiritual Jews, not more.
Paul is not prophesying the State of Israel in Romans 11, as that is not synonymous with a “state of conversion”. Those Jews who returned to the land after the Babylonian captivity had to convert before returning. It was God’s condition to return them that their conversion happened wherever they had been scattered to. Thus, the belief that God gathered modern Jews to the state of Israel to convert them contradicts God’s order and law. Returning to the land was a reward for their conversion, not the means to produce one.

“And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee, And shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee” (Deu.30:1-3)

Those who claim they are to return before they convert, speak neither truth nor light:
“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isa.8:20)

Solomon understood this sequence and prayed according to it, a prayer God said He would hear.

“If they sin against thee, (for there is no man that sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them to the enemy, so that they carry them away captives unto the land of the enemy, far or near; Yet if they shall bethink themselves in the land whither they were carried captives, and repent, and make supplication unto thee in the land of them that carried them captives, saying, We have sinned, and have done perversely, we have committed wickedness; 
And so return unto thee with all their heart, and with all their soul, in the land of their enemies, which led them away captive, and pray unto thee toward their land, which thou gavest unto their fathers, the city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name: Then hear thou their prayer and their supplication in heaven thy dwelling place, and maintain their cause” (1. King.8:46-49)

Christ was clear, the only accepted repentance was acknowledging Him as their Lord (Mat 23:39). Jews need atonement to receive God’s approval and a return, an atonement only given through Christ. Thus, the modern Jews who have returned to the state of Israel, by not accepting Christ, and by not inviting the Christian converts to come as well, do not fulfill the requirements to return. Worse; they defy Christ’s word and conditions for returning.

If Paul is prophesying the return of many spiritually blinded Jews, he is prophesying their conversion to Christ, not to a land.
It is a natural consequence of the world being more enlightened and people less isolated because of the internet, many Jews will convert to Christ in the end time – However, this cannot, in my opinion, be what Paul is here speaking of. For then “the whole of Israel saved” is rejecting the fact that Jews for 2000 years have been lost, and only a remnant at the end will be saved and this is the “whole of Israel”. Which makes little sense. The mystery Paul is speaking of has to be something else than some speculate.

2. – The second option to understand this verse is if a word in there should have been translated to English a little differently. If we are to compare with the rest of the New Testament, the secret of the gospel at that time when it was written, was that the invitation extended to the heathens as well as Jews. It took a while for the apostles to understand, and they even needed a push, to preach to the heathens (Mat 15:23; Joh 4:9; Acts.10:45; Gal.2:12). They wondered greatly when Christ preached to non-Jews. They debated it after Christ left when Peter had seen pagans receive the Holy Spirit (Acts.11). This was the great “secret” that pagans were to become part of Christ’s Israel and be equal to Jewish converts.

This is the secret: “the fullness of the Gentiles” has to come “in” so that “all Israel shall be saved”. This understanding fits with Christ’s own message: “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. … And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd” (Joh.10:11,16)

Here Christ speaks of Israel, and that people of another “fold” have to be brought in to create “one fold”. If this is what Paul meant, it is echoing Christ’s words and not a new doctrine by Paul.

Earlier in chapter 11, Paul explains how he is part of the remnant of Israel, those who received Christ. He is part of that remnant in his day. He then explains that Israel is like a tree with branches, and the gentiles are “grafted in” to this tree that is Israel. While those who reject Christ of “the natural branches” are cut off, meaning they are no longer part of Israel.

The modern state of Israel is a “cut off branch” from the real Israel, but no longer God’s Israel. As Paul states, if individual Jews convert they are put back upon the tree, and so it has been throughout time.
The word Jews is in the Bible not just used on a people, but also of a state of mind: “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God”. ” (Rom 2:28-29) In Revelation this notion is repeated when Christ says someone claims to be Jews but are not.

The stem of God’s tree is not a Jewish state or the state of Israel, it is Jehovah and His law and prophets.

The letter of Romans was written by Paul while he was in Corinth. He wrote chapter 11 while there, and this is also when he was treated badly by Jewish brethren and this happened: “But when they opposed Paul and became abusive, he shook out his clothes in protest and said to them, “Your blood be on your own heads! I am innocent of it. From now on I will go to the Gentiles.” (Acts 18:6)

Paul understood that for Christ to return “the other fold” had to come in, and this is why he focused upon them rather than the “spiritually blinded” part of the Jews.

The sequence of events is explained by Christ. He said to the disciples: “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:  But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat 10:5-7)

The first to be reached was the genetic Israel. When this was done, they were sent to all the world with the gospel: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Mat 24:14) 

Notice that the message is the same to Israel as to “all nations”: “the kingdom of heaven” and “this gospel of the kingdom”. It is Christ’s kingdom. Christ’s state.

This is repeated in Revelation where an angel carries a message to worship God, their creator, that is to go not just to Jews but to: “to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people …Fear God, and give glory to him” (Rev.14:6-7)
So the plot is explained fairly well here and in other places. God planned to first reach Judah and then as many of physical Israel wherever they are scattered, and then the offer is to be given to the whole world. Once those who receive salvation “come in” the fullness of all who are called are come in, then Christ will have “one fold”, “the whole of Israel”. The “whole” is not everyone, if it was, then all Jews and all Gentiles would be saved. This is not “the whole” meant in Paul’s letter. He means that those of the Jews that convert to Christ and those coming in from the Gentiles will together form “a whole”. A new whole. Meaning a complete “fold” as Christ said. This was the secret to many, that the long-awaited Messiah of the tribe of Judah would not save His people and start His kingdom until “the fullness of the pagans came in”. This was the whole plan from the very beginning, from when Israel was called out of Egypt to be a kingdom of priests. To bring the truth about God and His law and atonement to the world. But instead of doing this, they copied the pagans, and they kept their knowledge and practice to themselves and would not share it or win others to it. Instead of seeing themselves as God’s diplomats, they felt superior to others and did not evangelize their God. God’s plan did not change, and instead, He commissioned the apostles, the seventy chosen and the first Christians to do the job Judah had not wanted to do: to reach the rest of the world.
The secret was therefore not that Jews would convert, they were the natural “branches”, but that pagans would be “grafted in” before Christ’s kingdom could start. Christ is not waiting for blinded Jews to convert, but for those who had not had the chance to hear the gospel, to hear it. Then, as Christ said, “Then shall the end come”.

There is no additional time, or a return to a Jewish state and another attempt there. Everyone has to convert first, wherever they are, then Christ will come and gather His people when He comes. The Bible teaches it was first the Jews, then Israel, then the pagans, and then “the end” comes.

The invitation and call to the pagans were prophesied several times in the Old Testament.
Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.  … He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law” (Isa.42:1.4)

While Jews hoped Messiah came to deliver them and rule over the world and over the Gentiles with “an iron rod”, they failed to see that the Messiah wanted to save the Gentiles and invite them to become part of Israel. (Rev.19:15; Rom 2:10-11) The “iron rod”, spoke of the final judgment on all mankind. This idea was resisted.
“Do not let the son of the foreigner Who has joined himself to the Lord Speak, saying,
“The Lord has utterly separated me from His people”
From Isaiah we see that God also in the Old Testament invited the stranger to come and worship and be one with His people if he wished: “ Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, …Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer…mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. ..The Lord GOD which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather others to him, beside those that are gathered unto him.” (Isa.56:3-8)

The truth comes from the Jews

So why does Paul say: “For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: 

Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen” (Rom 9:3-5)

This is a valuable and powerful statement that can save someone from deception if understood correctly. If the wrong meaning is taken out, then it only serves to confuse. Paul, sometimes, explains things in a more complicated way than many “uneducated” can comprehend, as Peter said about Paul’s writings (2.Pet.3:15-16). Most likely Paul wrote as academics would write in his time because unlike the fishermen Peter and John and others with more common professions, Paul had been educated at rabbi schools and was a pharisee (Php.3:5, Act 22:3). This might explain why the letters of Peter, John, and James are straightforward and easy to understand even when translated, while Paul often argues back and forth before giving his conclusion. A very different approach, easily misunderstood, especially when he gives attention to what people say and then his response to it, appearing as both is his opinion to the modern reader. It was, in fact, common among the ancient Greek style of writing (Aristotelian Argument) to first introduce an issue, then present the case, then address the opposition, provide proof, and then present a conclusion. While Paul does communicate as a learned man of his day to some degree, it causes great confusion if everything he says is Paul’s conclusion. A lot of Paul’s style of writing is lost to modern readers and some in his day who were classified as uneducated. One such example is when Paul discusses God’s law when it appears as if he dismisses it but then concludes that the law is good and not abolished (Rom.3:31; 1. Tim.8:1) Many Christian doctrines are solely built upon the same ideas that Paul argues, rather than the conclusions he gives to the same questions.

So, is Paul saying in Romans 9 that God’s people are the genetic Israeli people, regardless of what they do or believe because they were once given “the covenant” and “the promise”?
In the next verse, Paul says: “Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed” (Rom 9:6-8)

Paul, here, explains that just like not all of Abraham’s children of the flesh inherited the promise given to Abraham, not all Israel by flesh are inherits of the promise either.

What many think Paul is saying is that everything belongs to those of the flesh, despite that he is himself explaining his meaning is the opposite.

Jesus explained the same in a straightforward way in His address to the Samaritan woman: “The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.  Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews” But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him” (Joh 4:19-23) 

Why did Jesus not say salvation came from Him? Why say it came from the Jews, the same Jews that He knew were about to end His life?`And this is the point of the matter also explained by Paul.

Jews needed to receive Christ as their King and Savior. The Jew had to understand that the law and the prophets spoke of Him.

But when Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman, He made it a point for her to understand that Messiah’s mission was explained in the Jewish system, and not theirs or other pagan.

The truth, the promises, the culture, and the law, had been entrusted to the Jews and the gospel was to be built upon those truths given to them and not a different religious understanding. For her, it was important that she understood that the foundation of Christ’s mission was the truth given to the Jews.

This is also Paul’s point. Not to say that Jews who rejected Christ are still Israel of the promise and continue to have claim on God’s promises, but that the pagans who had “been grafted in” on the tree, need to understand that this is the tree they are grafted upon. They are taking part in the blessing given to physical Israel and the Jews, and the gospel belongs in this setting and not in a pagan or another religious setting.

Basically, Paul was teaching the pagans not to change the foundation of the gospel and create a separate religion. This is very fitting advice, considering how the Roman church ended up doing just that, rejecting the Jewish roots and adding pagan roots in its place. Both Christ and Paul are warning against such a move. Separating Judaism and Christianity caused division of what was supposed to be united, and it was against God’s will. The Jews who rejected Christ did their part as well in creating this division. The Roman Church and the Jews-by-Flesh together succeeded in destroying the witness of the gospel by separating the law and the prophets from the gospel. The Jews claimed to keep the law and the Roman church claimed to keep the gospel. Both are now in ignorance of their own impending doom. They worked together in pulling the two witnesses apart, with equal guilt. 

The truth Paul explains in his letter is the same truth given to the Samaritan woman, which is that the gospel and Christ are only understood correctly by uniting it with “the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;  Whose are the fathers…”

Yet although given the key to unlock the mystery of redemption, only by accepting Christ, would they truly be God’s “Israel”.

Paul explaining the “grafting in” of the pagans is again to prevent the idea that gentiles are to transform their religion and call it by Christ’s name. And to, despite facing resistance by many Jews, not hate them or reject them. Instead, to feel blessed by them and their history and experience with God. And to hope, pray, and expect many to turn back to God and be “re-branched”.

The first headquarters of the gospel messengers was Jerusalem, and the first preachers were Jews. However the Roman church transferred this headquarters to Rome and changed the fundament to which people understand the gospel.

Thus, the letter to the Romans stands the test of time and exposes their folly.
However, this move could not have happened if the Jewish leaders had not scattered the true Israel from the land.

Jesus started preaching to His Jewish brethren to reach them first with the gospel. He also preached to the Samaritans, who had in part the truth but were deceived on several matters. He clarified to them that the Jews were on the right side of the argument when it came to their long-standing differences. He then sent out His apostles to preach to the “lost” from the tribes of Israel. The reason they received the truth first was because they were closer to the truth and were better equipped to preach to the pagans all over the world. They were commissioned to enlighten the world on His identity and purpose. So as God designed it, it happened. The Bible which speaks to billions worldwide every day is written by Jews. Christians are being educated through scripture, again educated by Jews. Faithful Jews. Learning from Israel’s history, learning from the covenants given to them, their relationship with God, their failures, and their prophets. And lastly, from the lion of Judah, Christ, who was born a Jew. The whole Bible is a Jewish book. Every page, in the New Testament, is a gift from God through the Jews. They were entrusted with the truth, they have the history, that is to form the foundation of the Christian believer.

All of this is the fulfillment of the promises given to physical Israel, and God kept His word. The fulfillment is not, however, placed upon the Jews who rejected their own Lord. They are no longer grafted in. They are no longer part of God’s Israel, even if they call themselves Israel. They lost the opportunity to educate the world. The meaning of Paul is the importance of seeing how everything was fulfilled through the Jewish people, and this is not to be placed on the disobedient Jews of today.

Paul also calls for respect for what the Jewish people have given, and any persecution against Jews throughout time by Christians is not God’s design.  Christians have not been called to persecute anyone, let alone their own blinded brothers. You cannot cure the hardness of the heart with more hardness. Only love can give birth to love. So any Christian should pray for and love those who are spiritually blinded, not hate them.

But loving them is not giving them a false idea that they are the “real Israel” in their spiritually blinded state. Only by converting can they be grafted back into the “real Israel”. The fold that was the remnant of Israel by flesh who has preached and saved those willing and receiving the gospel from the Gentiles, this is the real Israel. The “spiritually blinded Jews” have to join this group, this tree.

Replacement theory

God’s Israel was never taken from the Jewish people and given to the Christian people. God’s Israel followed the line of the Jewish people through Christ, His disciples, the seventy chosen, and the tribes of Israel, through a Jewish book, the New Testament, and then also with the “grafted in gentiles”. Israel was not taken from one and given to another. Israel continued with the faithful remnant, and they became the teachers and the forefathers through whom gentiles were reached and added. Thus, God’s Israel is not a replacement theory, it is a continuation with a remnant and the “adopted” into the family. And those Jews who rejected being part of Christ’s leadership and kingdom, were, as they wished, removed from “the tree”.

Replacement theory is not saying that Gentiles are now part of Israel. The Bible says they are.
Rather, replacement theory is both the lie of the Roman church and that of the Jewish church;

1. The Roman church preaches replacement theory, by removing the gospel of Christ from the Jewish God-given culture and then replacing the foundation of God with the foundation of man. By removing the base of the gospel, Christianity has become a replacement theory, and a separate religion altogether. God continued with a remnant who were faithful, and not the Roman church.

2. Replacement theory is also taking the promises given to the remnant faithful of God, they who received Christ and preached to the whole world the offer of salvation, and giving those promises to the Jews that rejected God instead. Stealing from the faithful Jews, from Moses and the prophets, from the true meaning of the law and the culture, and claiming the real Israel is those who misunderstood and disobediently persecuted Christ and His followers in words and actions, is another form of “replacement theory”. We take from those God has said are the faithful Israel and claim God’s promises are for the unfaithful broken-off branches instead. Peter, John, James, and everyone they reached is then rejected for the sake of the descendants of the Pharisees that scattered them, which is an insult to God. It is also contrary to Israel’s history as recorded in the law and the bible. God never chose the disobedient remnant over the obedient remnant.

Understanding who the real Israel is, we will understand that it is blessing them that will give a returned blessing, not giving money to the modern state of Israel and their warfare.

Part 5: The Modern state of Israel is not chosen to represent God.



A Jew can provide many insights into their history, their language, and their prophets.

However, the meaning of a word can change over time, how it is used and understood. Ever so often, the closer you are to something or someone, the less you can discern and see things objectively.
David’s older brother said to him: “I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart; for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle” (1. Sam.17:28) This is the same time when God said that David was a man after His heart.  What was a brave heart, the older brother found to be a wicked heart. What David uttered in concern, his older brother thought was thrill-seeking. The brothers’ understanding of David was clouded by jealousy and contempt, and he was not the best witness of the brother whom he grew up with. Because our hearts are subjected to sin, we sometimes do not see the obvious, or we see what we wish to see rather than how it really is. This is how Lucifer, who was closer to God than all the angels, saw God in a negative light. The beholder’s heart determines what they see, not how close they physically are to someone or how long they have been in their acquaintance. This is also how Christ could come to His own, and they received Him not (Joh.1:11). 
The Jewish people have for many centuries listened to rabbis and interpretations of scriptures that are a false representation of God’s law. The same teachings that Christ criticized for misunderstanding His purpose. A lot of their understanding was and is very faulty.

The New Testament is clear that the scriptures “is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness“, yet the Jewish people as a nation no longer speak on God’s behalf. (2Ti 3:16)

This is documented in scripture as well as in the actual history of the Jews after they rejected Christ.

God took from them the sanctuary, the priesthood, and the sacrifices, and without them, they could not atone for their sins as a nation. Without them, they are not kings, priests, or mediators. They have no atonement to mediate or offer to others. Whenever in the biblical history of Israel, they had not their sin atoned, God did not fight with them. This is why atonement or sacrifices often were made before wars.

Some might be tempted to think that this following prophecy is about the Jewish nation and the fulfillment is now that they are again gathered in the land:

For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: 
Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days” (Hos 3:4-5) 

Prophecy is clear that Christ is David, their king. And according to the books of Hebrews, He has the ephod, He is the prince. So many think this is a prophecy of Israel coming back to the land and then accepting Christ as the Messiah.

Hosea was a prophet to the northern kingdom, the same people that would turn into a multitude of GOY (Nations). The same tribes that were scattered by the Assyrians but never returned to the land. “The lost tribes” as some call them. The Jewish nation, along with a remnant of Israel, returned to the land and rebuilt a temple, and even had princes and kings. They also had a high priest, as we see with Joshua in the book of Zachariah. Being a prophet to the tribes in the northern kingdom who went scattered not to return, this message is not about the Judean kingdom or the Jewish people. It is about the others. They did not get a temple or have one, they did not have a king or a prince. When Judea sacrificed in their temple, the lost tribes had no temple to sacrifice in.

The quote clearly states that this condition going on for a long time would end with them getting Christ as priest and King. Meaning they would become followers of Christ, and through this, although scattered, they would again have a sacrifice, a king, and a high priest. This is, in other words, not about the return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel in 1948.

For they did not get “David, their king”, nor did they get the high-priestly service back or the sacrifices who were only accepted when brought to the sanctuary. Modern Israel never even got to build a temple or take that piece of land. They are still without all those things in this prophecy; thus it is not fulfilled upon them as it is now.

But did the northern displaced Israel receive Christ? We know the gospel was specially sent to them: “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:  But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat 10:5-7)

Some might think he meant only the remnant in Judea, but Jacob, the brother of Jesus, understood the assignment and worked for the salvation of those scattered: “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.” (Jas 1:1)

The letter shows that the gospel has already reached many of them, hence is why he writes them to encourage them to be faithful to the faith given to them.

This is the only fitting fulfillment of the message given to Hosea about the tribes of the Northern Kingdom who remained scattered. No matter where they ended up, they became under Christ’s leadership, saved by His priestly work, and will be gathered on the day Christ returns, and He will gather them from one end of the earth to the other.

The book written for the Hebrews, meaning the Jews, contains the revelation that the priesthood would continue with Christ as High Priest in a temple in heaven:

  • Jesus replaced the angels in giving God’s law and testimony. Heb 1
  • Jesus, Who is a Son, replaced Moses, who was a servant. Heb 3
  • Jesus’ House replaced the House of Moses. Heb 3
  • Jesus’ rest replaced the rest Joshua gave the people. Heb 4
  • Jesus replaced the Levitical Priesthood with the order of Melchizedek. Heb 5-7
  • The Heavenly Temple replaced the Earthly Temple. Heb 8
  • The New Covenant replaced the Old Covenant. Heb 8
  • Jesus replaced the letter of the law with the Spirit of the law, and the law written in stone with the law written in the heart. Heb 8
  • The Sacrifice of Christ replaced the sacrifices of animals. Heb 9
  • The Heavenly country has replaced the Earthly country. Heb 11
  • The Heavenly City of Zion has replaced the Earthly City of Zion. Jerusalem above replaced the Jerusalem below. Heb 12
    (The list is from an article by B.Brown)

There is nothing to mistake here. Paul also says that the promise given to Israel that God would place the law in their hearts, was fulfilled upon Christ’s followers, making them the Israel spoken of in Ezekiel (Ezek.11:19-20). In fact, many of the prophecies in the Old Testament regarding future Israel were fulfilled upon Christ’s followers identifying them again, as God’s true Israel of whom He speaks.

What is called Israel today does not have a tabernacle or a functional high priest, nor do they have the place of the temple to set it up. In the Old days, the uncircumcised and gentiles were not allowed into the temple, rendered unclean and unholy, and were forced to worship God from the outer courts.

Today, God has placed the Jewish people who have rejected him right where they once placed the Gentiles, on the outer courts. Their worship at the Western Wall is witness to how they have been cast away from being Kings and priests for God and expelled to the position once held by the Gentiles.

The Judaism that Jews practice today is Rabbinical Judaism, which came from what the Pharisees practiced, which is full of corruptions of doctrine and practice. When they lost the temple. Rabbinical Judaism took the place of tabernacle-Judaism. The Talmud was a rabbinical work, written after they had rejected Christ and then became the new Jewish mindset and direction. Leaders had replaced God. The Spirit of God was replaced with the spirit of confusion and rebellion. Their resistance against Christ made their religion “the sin of witchcraft” and “iniquity and idolatry” (1. Sam.15:23)

Before the temple was destroyed, God let them keep it for a long enough time to show them and demonstrate to them, how their temple now was without their God. Their writings, the Talmud, expose the bad omens they experienced before Rome destroyed their temple. These omens, to them, showed God was not accepting their sacrifices anymore.

– The scapegoat released on Yom Kippur would return to them, with the color placed upon it representing their sins, showing. This was according to them, not how it happened before.
– The priests, on Yom Kippur, used to get the lot for Azazel, always in the right hand, a sign from them of God’s forgiveness. In the last forty years before the temple was destroyed, it never systematically came to his right hand again.
– For the last 40 years, the seven-branched candlestick in the Holy Place would spontaneously put itself out. This lamp, according to the law, was always supposed to be burning “before the Lord”. Not being able to control it was considered a bad omen.
– In the last 40 years, the door of the temple would randomly open on its own. Laying open what was supposed to remain hidden.
(Talmud: Yoma 39a:15)

All these signs show that they were left to chance, there was no divine being watching over the temple. Meanwhile, the New Testament shows us how God pours out the Spirit on the Jewish feast of Pentecost upon Christ’s followers. The blessing of the Jewish feast did not bless the Jews who rejected Christ. The High Priest and the temple service in heaven now concentrated upon Christ’s followers.
The Jews practicing the feasts and laws outside of Christ did it without God’s blessing. God had warned them about this in Isaiah 1 where He said that their prayers, their feasts, would be without Him and were in vain if their hands were covered in blood.
“When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts? Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.” And “When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children” (Isaiah 1:12-15, Matt.27:24-25).

Religious Jews refuse to celebrate the Lord’s feasts and Sabbath with Christians. They claim they are not “clean” to partake because of their faith in Christ, yet the Bible teaches us that it is them who are not clean and fit to partake. God does not accept it when His holy times are paired with rebellion.

The Bible also shows how the temple service ended with the most Holy Place being laid bare by the curtain being “rent in twain” when Christ died: “And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent” (Mat 27:51)

God let them know and understand they no longer could seek atonement and redemption through their priestly service and their animal sacrifices, before taking it away from them for good. Yom Kippur was a special witness of all the bad omens for them because this was the day God had designed to forgive them for their transgressions as a people and as a nation. When the signs showed this was not happening, it meant their sin, as a nation, remained. And still do until this day, unless they turn to “David, their King”, Shiloh, and Messiah.

The Jewish nation did not just scatter the faithful Israel and reject Christ. Their persecution and ridicule of Christians continued until the fourth century when Christians got power in Rome and started turning the tables. From then on, unfaithful Christians started persecuting Jews and rejecting any biblical Jewish culture. These Christians had themselves elected a “father”, a leader who led them away from Christ as their king. The two powers, one claiming to still serve the God of the Old Testament and the other still claiming to serve Christ of the New Testament, fought each other. The two groups who had gone astray fought about which one of them was God’s people. The apostate Christians won influence and Jews had little in comparison. However, winning the influence game made the Roman church no closer to being in the right, than losing it proved the Jews right. 

Being a victim did not make Jews “good” or “right” in their views. Victims often feel that others’ evil somehow makes them good. But those who do wrong become victims as well as those who do right. Their victimhood was not evidence that they were God’s people. Nor was the apostate Christians’ victory a sign that God was with them. If we are to use this logic, then every dictator coming to power is good. Or any group, who lost, are martyrs for the truth because they got killed. This is a childish way to measure truth. There are persecuted people from all religions right now, and there are different religions and irreligious persecuting them. Jews being bullied by the Roman church did not prove that they were still God’s people. It just proved that the Roman church was not practicing the principles of Christ.

Nor is victory in conflicts a sign today of “modern Israel” being God’s people. Winning battles is not evidence of God being with them as many claim, as little as losing them is. Conflict will always exist. Wars and rumors of wars are part of this sinful world.

The Jewish people have been treated badly by apostate Christianity in the past. They do not atone for their sins towards the first church, the Father, and Christ unless they repent of it and give their sins to Christ to atone for them. Being treated badly by a Roman pontiff does not acquit them of murdering Stephen or anyone else. That is not how atonement works.

Many believe there will be a third temple. The Bible never speaks of a third temple, only the temple of Ezekiel. This temple plan was given to Ezekiel while in Babylonian captivity, and before they returned to the land to rebuild the temple. This temple description includes animal sacrifices and proves it had to speak of a time before Christ would die as the “lamb of God” as sacrifices after this time would not be necessary. As we saw in Isaiah chapter 1, neither does God want sacrifices if they defy Him. So if they reject Christ, He does not want their sacrifices, and likewise, if they receive Christ they don’t need to sacrifice. Thus, the blessed temple mentioned in Ezekiel is not about a Jewish third temple, and cannot be.
This temple would have been the glory of Israel if they had been faithful when they returned to the land.

The temple described is also a description of Christ’s death on the cross. The measurements, if used, would make the buildings appear as a cross. The blood and water from the altar running down to the valley in front of it would go from what would have been its side. Just like Christ’s blood poured down from his side when he hung upon the cross. The river the blood went into, which continued to give life to the wilderness, illustrates how Christ’s blood gave life to the receiver. As Paul explained: “Your body will always be dead because of sin. But if Christ is in you, then the Spirit gives you life because Christ made you right with God. God raised Jesus from the dead, and if God’s Spirit is living in you, he will also give life to your bodies that die.” (Romans 8:10-11)

They had a blueprint for a temple through Ezekiel, if they built it after the directions or not, we will not know for sure as “There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” (Matt.24:2) There are little remains from the second temple.

According to Daniel 9, they had one chance, one time period, to make this happen. After the 70 prophetic weeks, sacrifices and oblations would cease, and the sacrifices ordered for the temple in Ezekiel could not take place.  “Then said he unto me, This is the place where the priests shall boil the trespass offering and the sin offering, where they shall bake the meat offering; that they bear them not out into the outer court, to sanctify the people”  (Eze 46:20)
In Daniel: “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease”  (Dan 9:27)

Thus, it has been ordained by God, messaged through the angel Gabriel, that after Christ died, there would be no more God-instituted sacrifices. This is also confirmed by Paul in Hebrews chapter 10. 

Ezekiel’s temple will not be built in Jerusalem in the future. There is a temple in heaven where Christ ministers. Any temple on earth, any sacrifice, any High Priest, would be a full and complete rejection of the true tabernacle and the true High Priest, and the only sacrifice. Such a temple cannot bring “bring life”.