When we walk in the valley of the shadow of death:

Christ Is The Truth, The Way, The Life, The Light in the Darkness,
The Shepherd, Our Protector, Our Example and Teacher,
The Bread, The Giver of the Living Water, The Door,
He has The Key, He is Our Atonement, Our Priest,
Our Righteousness, Our Clothes, Our Brother, Our Family,
Our King, Our Only Hope.

Joh.14:6; Joh.1:4-5; John 10:27-30; Joh_6:51, John.4:10; 1.Pet.2:21, John.10:9;
Rev.1:18; Rev.3:7; Rom.5:11; Heb.3,11; 1.Cor.1:30; Rom.13:14;
Heb.2:11-12; Mark. 4:35; John.20:17; Rev.19:16; Gal.3:26-27; 1 Peter 1:3-6, Acts.4:12