Ark of the Covenant Books


The Ark Of The Covenant, past present and future!

This book will explore many questions about the Ark’s past, present and future, and take a deeper look into the places in the Bible where the Ark is mentioned.
What is it?  What was it used for? When did it disappear? Was it destroyed? What was the purpose of it and most important of all, what role will it play in the final scenes of this Earth’s history?
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The Battle Between the Ark of The Covenant and The Mark of the Beast

This book is in five parts:
Part 1: The ark in bible history.
Part 2: Discovery of the Ark. A look into how the discovery was made.
Part 3: The deliverer. Yeshua/Jesus claimed to be the Messiah and God’s son, was it true?
Part 4: The significance. How to understand the discovery.
Part 5: The time after Jerusalems destruction and the development of Christianity. What happened to the movement along the way and was it all told of beforehand?
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From Sinai to Golgotha

In the introduction of this booklet you’ll find a chapter called ‘The Ark was never lost, we were.’
This chapter examines if it is biblically possible that the Ark ended up anywhere else than Golgatha.
This chapter inspired the whole booklet, and also the gathering of image material from some of the places the Ark visited between Mount Sinai and Golgotha.
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The Mount of the Assembly PDF