We have had a lot of requests about the possibility of downloading our film-music, especially ‘Out of the Depths’ from our movie Testimony Of The Ark.

(All rights belong to us, the three first to our friends and us, please ask us before using it in any production.. thanks!)

Out Of The Depths

About the song: Out of the Depths was recorded in our little home studio. The lyrics is from the Bible and the melody composed by a friend and sung by another friend. We later did some small artistic changes in order to give it a more ‘movie’ friendly sound.
To download the song, right click ON THIS LINK and select ‘save as’ to download.


Out Of The Depths – humming

This version was created to create a calm mood. The lyrics are removed in order for the music to fit better in some of the scenes.
To download the song, right click ON THIS LINK and select ‘save as’ to download.

No name – humming.

Another song by same composer as behind ‘Out of the Depths’.  This humming version was also used in Testimony Of The Ark.
To download the song, right click ON THIS LINK and select ‘save as’ to download.



This is another instrumental used in our travel documentary about Noah’s ark and the flood (not available in English).
To download the song, right click ON THIS LINK and select ‘save as’ to download.


A New Earth Instrumental

This song was used in the travel documentary about the Garden of Eden (not available in English). It has originally a vocal, but this is the instrumental version also used in the film.
To download the song, right click ON THIS LINK and select ‘save as’ to download.


The Wedding Feast

Song was used in the travel documentary ‘ The chosen ones’ about Abraham, Jacob etc (not available in English). It was originally written as a choir song and has lyrics but this is an instrumental version as the vocals were never recorded or used in the film.
To download the song, right click ON THIS LINK and select ‘save as’ to download.